Insee Première · April 2024 · n° 1991
Insee PremièreMigration flows The number of people entering France was rising in 2022, in the context of health standardisation and war in Ukraine

Pierre Tanneau (Insee)

Between January, 1st, 2020 and January, 1st, 2021, the population residing in France increased by 289,000 people, of which 66,000 were due to the natural balance and 223,000 to the migration balance.

In 2020, in a context of health crisis, the number of people born in France or born French abroad entering the country was higher than the number leaving: unlike in previous years, their migration balance was positive (+63 000). The migration balance of immigrants was +160 000 in 2020, the lowest level since 2011.

In 2022, the number of immigrants entering France for at least a year increased by 21% compared with 2018-2019. In connection with the outbreak of war in Ukraine, the increase was particularly pronounced for people from European countries other than those of the European Union, notably Ukraine and Russia.

Half of the immigrants who entered France in 2022 were aged between 18 and 38 when they arrived, and half of those aged 25 and over had a higher education degree by the beginning of 2023.

Insee Première
No 1991
Paru le :Paru le04/04/2024