Insee Première · February 2024 · n° 1982
Insee PremièreMicro-enterprises have more often a profile on social networks than a website

Clément Lefebvre (Insee)

In 2022, 82% of micro-enterprises established in France had access to the Internet for professionnal use, enabling 67% of their employees to use it. Their connection speed was relatively lower than that of larger companies.

Micro-enterprises using the Internet have more frequently used a social media (44%) than a website (37%). In particular, 42% of micro-enterprises had a profile, account or user licence on at least one social network. 66% of micro-enterprises in accommodation and food services activities used social media, compared to 22% of those in transportation and storage. The presence of micro-enterprises on these platforms was accentuated by the 2020 health crisis: more than a third declared that they developed or intensified their use of social media temporarily or permanently as a result of the pandemic.

Three quarters of connected micro-enterprises had at least a remote access to one of the three professional tools (e-mail, documents, software). They didn’t provided many guidelines on the security of remote access and had less security protection than larger companies.

Insee Première
No 1982
Paru le :Paru le01/02/2024