Insee Première · January 2024 · n° 1978
Insee PremièreDemographic report 2023 In 2023, fertility fell, life expectancy recovered

Sylvain Papon (Insee)

On 1st  January 2024, the population of France was 68.4 million. In 2023, the population increased by 0.3%.

In 2023, 678,000 babies were born in France. That's 6.6% fewer than in 2022 and almost 20% less than in 2010, the year of the last peak in births. The total fertility rate was 1.68 children per woman in 2023, after 1.79 in 2022. Since the Second World War, this indicator had never been so low except in 1993 and 1994.

In 2023, 631,000 people died in France. That’s 6.5% fewer than in 2022. This fall followed three years of high mortality due, in particular, to the covid epidemic. Life expectancy at birth was 85.7 years for women and 80.0 years for men. It thus exceeded 2019 levels.

Natural balance stood at 47,000 in 2023, still lower than in 2022 and 2021.

In 2023, with 242,000 celebrations, the number of weddings remained high. In 2022, 210,000 Civil Solidarity Pact (Pacs) were concluded, stable compared to 2021.

Insee Première
No 1978
Paru le :Paru le16/01/2024