Informations Rapides · 12 January 2024 · n° 7
Informations rapidesOn average in 2023, slight slowdown in consumer prices Price Index – Annual average rates of change - year 2023

Informations rapides
No 7
Paru le :Paru le12/01/2024

This document presents the annual average rates of change in the Consumer Prices Index (CPI) in 2023. The monthly and year-on-year rates of change in the CPI in December 2023 have been also published in another “Informations Rapides”.

The annual average and the year-on-year rate of change are two different concepts: the annual average rate of change refers to the whole set of prices observed in one year compared with all those observed in the previous year. The year-on-year change refers to the prices observed in a particular month compared with those observed in the same month of the previous year.

On average over the year, consumer prices decreased slightly in 2023. The average annual inflation was up by 4.9% after +5.2% in 2022, +1.6% in 2021 and +0.5% in 2020. Excluded tobacco, consumer prices were also less dynamic than in 2022: +4.8% in 2023, after +5.3% in 2022. The decrease in inflation was driven by the sharp slowdown in energy prices (+5.6% after +23.1%). Conversely, the prices accelerated sharply for food (+11.8% after +6.8%) and more moderately for manufactured products (+3.5% after +3.0%). The rise in service prices was stable (+3.0% after +3.0%).

Core inflation was higher in 2023, reaching +5.1%, after +3.9% in 2022.

Annual average changes in consumer price index

Annual average changes in consumer price index (2015:100)
Items Weight 2023 Annual averages Annual average rates of change
2021 2022 2023 From 2021 to 2022 (%) From 2022 to 2023 (%)
a) All households – France
Overall 10000 106,45 112,01 117,47 5.2 4,9
Food 1624 108,79 116,16 129,90 6.8 11,8
Fresh food 238 128,51 138,36 151,57 7.7 9,5
Other food 1386 105,72 112,72 126,51 6.6 12,2
Tobacco 185 155,69 155,78 168,30 0.1 8,0
Manufactured products 2322 98,22 101,19 104,70 3.0 3,5
Clothing and footwear 341 99,49 102,14 104,73 2.7 2,5
Medical products 384 87,28 86,24 85,62 -1.2 -0,7
Other manufactured products 1597 100,66 104,75 109,66 4.1 4,7
Energy 857 119,73 147,44 155,67 23.1 5,6
Petroleum products 432 120,53 155,48 152,76 29.0 -1,7
Services 5012 106,44 109,63 112,90 3.0 3,0
Actual rentals and services for dwellings 744 103,01 105,06 107,99 2.0 2,8
Health services 639 102,21 102,12 101,89 -0.1 -0,2
Transport 301 104,12 114,94 122,14 10.4 6,3
Communication 208 100,22 100,81 97,16 0.6 -3,6
Autres services 3120 108,99 113,06 117,50 3.7 3,9
Total except rents and tobacco 9219 105,86 111,88 117,47 5.7 5,0
Total except tobacco 9815 105,60 111,24 116,61 5.3 4,8
b) Urban working-class households or households of employees
All products excluding tobacco 9718 105,24 110,66 115,87 5,2 4,7
c) Households that belong to the lowest equivalized disposable income quintile - France
All products excluding tobacco 9700 105,15 111,00 116,60 5,6 5,0
  • Geographical coverage: France excluding Mayotte until 2022, France since 2023
  • Source: INSEE – Consumer Price indices

Strong slowdown in prices of energy and transport services

In 2023, the prices of energy slowed down sharply (+5.6% on average, after +23.1% in 2022) notably due to the partial downturn in petroleum product prices (‑1.7% after +29.0%). The prices of gas also slowed down (+14.3% after +40.9%), conversely those of electricity accelerated again (+12.9% after +7.4%).

The prices of transport services increased less on average than in 2022 (+6.3% after +10.4%).

Sharp acceleration in food prices

In 2023, food prices accelerated compared with 2022: +11.8% on average after +6.8%. Prices excluding fresh produces (+12.2% on average after +6.6%) accelerated more markedly than those of fresh food (+9.5% on average after +7.7%).

Acceleration in the prices of services for dwellings and “other services”

In 2023, the prices of services for dwellings (actual rentals, supply of water and refuse collection fees, sewage collection and heat energy) accentuated: +2.8% on average, after +2.0% in 2022.

On average, the prices of “other services” increased in 2023 at a rate close to 2022 (+3.9% after +3.7%).

Increase in manufactured product prices

In 2023, the prices of manufactured products rose by 3.5% on average after +3.0% in 2022. The prices of “other manufactured products” accelerated for the fourth consecutive year (+4.7% on average after +4.1%); conversely those of clothing and footwear slowed down slightly (+2.5% on average after +2.7%).

Decrease in prices of health services and communication

Health service prices kept decreasing slightly in 2023 (‑0.2% on average after ‑0.1%).

The prices of communication services turned down (‑3.6% on average after +0.6%) notably due to the accentuated decrease in prices of wireless telephone services (‑9.0% after ‑2.5%) and the slight downturn of those of bundled telecommunication services (‑0.1% after +3.8%).

A more or less pronounced increase of prices according to households

According to their consumption structure, households were subject to a global inflation more or less pronounced. In 2023, the increase in prices was on average the sharpest for households with a reference person between 60 and 74 years old (+5.1% after +5.8% in 2022) and the weakest for households with a reference person under 30 years old (+4.4% after +4.2%).

Furthermore, compared with average annual inflation for all households, inflation was 0.3 points above the average for owners and 0.2 points below for renter households. Households in the first decile of standard of living experienced inflation 0.2 points above average, households in the second decile 0.3 points above average.

Annual average changes in consumer price index by type of household

Annual average changes in consumer price index by type of household (2015:100)
Type of household Annual averages Annual average rates of change
2021 2022 2023 From 2021 to 2022 (%) From 2022 to 2023 (%)
a) By age range of the reference fiscal person
Under 30 years 105.35 109.76 114.60 4.2 4.4
Between 30 and 44 years 106.27 111.50 116.81 4.9 4.8
Between 45 and 59 years 106.75 112.47 118.14 5.4 5.0
Between 60 and 74 years 106.84 113.00 118.72 5.8 5.1
75 years and more 106.78 113.28 119.17 6.1 5.2
b) By tenure
Owner 107.07 113.50 119.38 6.0 5.2
First-time buyer 106.53 112.17 117.62 5.3 4.9
Renter 105.82 110.51 115.65 4.4 4.7
c) By disposable income distribution
1st decile 106.37 112.19 117.88 5.5 5.1
2nd decile 106.57 112.26 118.09 5.3 5.2
3th decile 106.62 112.19 117.77 5.2 5.0
4th decile 106.33 111.68 117.17 5.0 4.9
5th decile 106.74 112.42 118.00 5.3 5.0
6th decile 106.56 112.41 117.93 5.5 4.9
7th decile 106.58 112.10 117.43 5.2 4.7
8th decile 106.26 111.58 116.91 5.0 4.8
9th decile 106.69 112.51 118.18 5.5 5.0
10th decile 106.36 111.88 117.25 5.2 4.8
All households – France 106.45 112.01 117.47 5.2 4.9
  • Geographical coverage: France excluding Mayotte until 2022, France since 2023
  • Source: INSEE – Consumer Price indices

For further information

Next publication of annual average results: January 2025.

Pour en savoir plus

Next publication of annual average results: January 2025.
