Insee Première · August 2023 · n° 1964
Insee PremièreIn 2022, a contrasting increase in construction activity depending on the region

Isabelle Delhomme, Jonathan Kurzmann, Nicolas Sigler (Insee)

In 2022, in the construction sector, the turnover of French companies was up by 14.8%, in nominal terms , compared to its pre-crisis level, despite high inflation. Activity increased throughout the territory, but with varying degrees depending on the region. In the aftermath of the health crisis linked to Covid-19 and more specifically the first lock-down in 2020, the economic activity of construction companies tightened sharply in all French regions. In 2022, most regions were above their pre-crisis trend, such as Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, Normandie and Centre-Val de Loire. However, the turnover increase was lower than before the health crisis in Occitanie and Île-de-France. Between 2015 and 2019, the increases in these regions were among the highest.

Insee Première
No 1964
Paru le :Paru le24/08/2023