Business and establishment set-ups in 2022 Arrondissement of Dinan (221)

Detailed figures

Paru le :27/06/2024

The Information System for Enterprise Demographics (SIDE) is mainly powered by data from the Sirene directory, enriched with elements from the Sirus statistical register. It replaces the former Register of enterprises and establishments (REE), from which it differs by a broader scope and a revised methodology. Datas from SIDE are not comparable to datas from REE. For more information, refer to the source sheet SIDE.

The stocks from SIDE cover legal units and establishments, both commercial and productive, that had effective economic activity during the year, as defined by the "active enterprise" in the regulation on European business statistics (Regulation (EU) 2019/2152 and Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/1197).

Therefore, the stocks produced by SIDE are more restricted than those from the former REE system or those that could be produced from the Sirene database, because a significant number of legal units or establishments do not have real or observable economic activity, even though their cessation has not been declared in the Sirene register. The conventions adopted to determine the "economically active" nature of legal units and establishments are detailed in the Documentation tab of the main results for France.

DEN T1 - Business set-ups by sector of activity in 2022

DEN T1 - Business set-ups by sector of activity in 2022
Company set-ups Of which sole proprietorships
Number % Number %
Altogether 1 251 100,0 864 69,1
Industry 123 9,8 103 83,7
Construction 118 9,4 64 54,2
Wholesale and retail trade/transports/accommodations and food service activities 270 21,6 182 67,4
Information/communication 33 2,6 27 81,8
Finance and insurance activities 56 4,5 6 10,7
Real estate activities 61 4,9 23 37,7
Professional/scientific/technical activites/administrative and support service activities 272 21,7 178 65,4
Public administration/education/healthcare/social work 110 8,8 99 90,0
Other service activities 208 16,6 182 87,5
  • Scope: market activities outside agriculture.
  • Source: Insee, Directory of companies and establishments (Sirene) in geography at 01/01/2024.

DEN G1 - Business set-ups

DEN G1 - Business set-ups
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Altogether 704 709 746 704 701 793 869 888 1 154 1 251
Sole proprietorship 536 538 540 496 509 583 637 640 846 864
  • Scope: market activities outside agriculture.
  • Source: Insee, Directory of companies and establishments (Sirene) in geography as of 01/01/2024.

DEN G1 - Business set-ups

  • Scope: market activities outside agriculture.
  • Source: Insee, Directory of companies and establishments (Sirene) in geography as of 01/01/2024.

DEN T3 - Number of economically active legal units by economic sector in 2021

DEN T3 - Number of economically active legal units by economic sector in 2021
Number %
Altogether 7 492 100,0
Industry 550 7,3
Construction 945 12,6
Wholesale and retail trade/transports/accommodations and food service activities 1 898 25,3
Information/communication 150 2,0
Finance and insurance activities 462 6,2
Real estate activities 531 7,1
Professional/scientific/technical activites/administrative and support service activities 1 060 14,1
Public administration/education/human health/social work 1 065 14,2
Other service activities 831 11,1
  • Scope: market activities outside agriculture.
  • Source: Insee, Directory of companies and establishments (Sirene) in geography as of 01/01/2024.

DEN T4 - Business set-ups by economic sectors in 2022

DEN T4 - Business set-ups by economic sectors in 2022
Altogether %
Altogether 1 392 100,0
Industry 138 9,9
Construction 125 9,0
Wholesale and retail trade/transports/accommodations and food service activities 309 22,2
Information/communication 34 2,4
Finance and insurance activities 60 4,3
Real estate activities 76 5,5
Professional/scientific/technical activites/administrative and support service activities 304 21,8
Public administration/education/healthcare/social work 127 9,1
Other service activities by the number of business creations including free lancers 219 15,7
  • Scope: market activities outside agriculture.
  • Source: Insee, Directory of companies and establishments (Sirene) in geography as of 01/01/2024.

DEN G3 - Establishment set-ups

DEN G3 - Establishment set-ups
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Establishment set-ups 750 750 773 786 716 844 943 972 1 275 1 392
  • Scope: market activities outside agriculture.
  • Source: Insee, Directory of companies and establishments (Sirene) in geography as of 01/01/2024.

DEN G3 - Establishment set-ups

  • Scope: market activities outside agriculture.
  • Source: Insee, Directory of companies and establishments (Sirene) in geography as of 01/01/2024.

DEN T5 - Number of economically active legal units by economic sector in 2021

DEN T5 - Number of economically active legal units by economic sector in 2021
Number %
Altogether 8 292 100,0
Industry 613 7,4
Construction 982 11,8
Wholesale and retail trade/transports/accommodations and food service activities 2 125 25,6
Information/communication 169 2,0
Finance and insurance activities 514 6,2
Real estate activities 564 6,8
Professional/scientific/technical activites/administrative and support service activities 1 278 15,4
Public administration/education/human health/social work 1 169 14,1
Other service activities 878 10,6
  • Scope: market activities outside agriculture.
  • Source: Insee, Directory of companies and establishments (Sirene) in geography as of 01/01/2024.


SIDE (Système d'Information de la Démographie des Entreprises) is the information system for producing and disseminating business demography statistics.

This information system produces short-term statistics (monthly statistics on business births), as well as structural statistics on business demography.

This register is itself supplied with data from SIRENE and enriched with elements from the SIRUS statistical register.


Market Activity: the activity of an enterprise is qualified as market if its operating expenses are normally covered for more than 50% by the sale of its production.

The activity of an establishment is market if this establishment contributes essentially to the production of a good or a service considered to be market, either by nature or because its selling price exceeds 50% of its production costs.

Enterprise :

An enterprise is the smallest combination of legal units that is an organisational unit producing goods and services, enjoying a certain decision-making autonomy, especially for the allocation of its current resources.

Sole proprietorship :

A Sole proprietorship is an enterprise owned exclusively by one natural person and in which there is no legal distinction between the owner and the business entity.

The entrepreneur exercises his activity without having created a distinct legal person.

The different forms of sole propietorships are : storekeeper, craftsman, the professions, farmer.

Every sole propietorship (like every company) is listed in the Sirene business register.

Establishment :

A local unit is a production unit that is geographically individual but legally dependent on a legal unit.An establishment produces goods or services: it can be a factory, a bakery, a clothing store, one of the hotels of a hotel chain, the "shop" of a repairer of computer hardware ...

The establishment or production unit is the most suitable level for a geographical approach to the economy.

Remarque :

The population of establishments is relatively stable over time and is less affected by corporate and financial restructuring than that of companies.

Enterprise birth :

Enterprise birth corresponds to the creation of a new combination of production factors with the restriction that no other enterprise is involved in the event.

Enterprise births are legal units creations. But we use the term "Enterprise" in reason of the specificity of the situation when a new legal unit is created. Indeed, at the moment of the registration, it is impossible to determine if a legal unit is independant or a part of a group. Thus, the birth of a legal unit is considered as a birth of enterprise.

Monthly statistics concerning enterprises births are compiled using the information system SIDE, which is supplied with data from SIRENE and enriched with elements from the SIRUS statistical register.

Enterprise birth correspond to legal units registered in Sirene that become active due to the following reasons :

  • new registration of a legal unit with the creation of a new combination of production factors ;
  • case where the entrepreneur restart an activity after an interruption of more than one year (there is no new registration but use of the former Siren number, generally for a sole proprietorship) ;
  • case where the entrepreneur restart an activity after an interruption of less than one year but with a change of activity ;
  • take over by a legal unit newly registered of all or part of another legal units activities and production factors where there is no economic continuity between the two units.

It is considered that there is no economic continuity of the legal unit if out of the three following components concerning the company's head office, at least two are modified during the takeover: the legal unit controlling the company, the economic activity, and the location.

Since data relative to January 2009, following the enforcement of "auto-entrepreneur" status (renamed "micro-entrepreneur" since December 19, 2014), enterprises births statistics include the registrations registered in Sirene under this status.This counting does not include the entrepreneurs already active before January 1st, 2009 who requested, in exceptional title by March 31st, 2009, at the latest, to benefit from the micro-social system and from the fiscal payment in full discharge for 2009.

The business creation statistics cover all market activities other than agriculture.

Remarque :

The statistics of enterprise birth covers all the trade activities except agriculture.

Creations of establishments :

Since 1 January 2007, the notion of creations of establishments corresponds to the implementation of new means of production, in keeping with the notion of enterprise birth which is based on a harmonised concept at the European level to facilitate comparisons.

Enterprise birth correspond to establishments registered in Sirene that become active due to the following reasons :

1) new registration of an establishment with the creation of a new combination of production factors ;

2) case where the establishment restart an activity after an interruption of more than one year (there is no new registration in Sirene but use of the former Siret number, generally for a sole proprietorship) ;

3) case where the establishment restart an activity after an interruption of less than one year but with a change of activity ;

4) takeover by an establishment newly registered of all or part of another establishment's activities and production factors where there is no economic continuity between the two establishments.

It is considered that there is no economic continuity of the establishment if out of the three following components, at least two are modified during the takeover: the legal unit controlling the establishment, the economic activity, and the location.

Remarque :

Since 1 January 2007, the notion of creations of establishments, in keeping with the notion of enterprise birth, is based on a harmonised concept at the European level to facilitate comparisons.

Legal unit :

A legal unit is a legal entity of public or private law. This legal entity can be:

  • A legal entity, whose existence is recognized by the law independently of the persons or institutions which possess it or are members;
  • A natural person, who, as independent, can exercise an economic activity.

It must be declared to the competent administrative bodies (commercial court registries, social security, tax office, etc.) in order to exist. The existence of this sort of unit depends on the choice of the owners (for organisational, legal or fiscal reasons). The legal unit is the principal unit registered in Sirene.

Remarque :

This definition of the legal unit must not be confused with that of the enterprise, which is considered a being a statistical unit.


The scope covered by SIDE is made up of legal units that are :

  • productive, i.e. producing goods or services ;
  • and belong to the market sector, or that sell goods or services at an economically significant price.

Units whose operations are not mainly financed by a market activity (administrations, local authorities, social organizations, non-market associations, etc.) are therefore excluded.

The scope covered by SIDE is broader than that of the old REE device. In particular, it includes companies considered as "non-operating", i.e. providing means of production to another productive unit, which were excluded from the former REE.

The indicators relate to the stocks of economically active legal units and establishments in 2021, and to the creation of companies and establishments, of all non-agricultural market activities, from 2013 to 2022. This field includes financial activities.

The indicators relate to the creation of companies and establishments, of all non-agricultural market activities, from 2013 to 2022. This field includes financial activities.

The breakdown by sector of activity is made according to level A10 of the aggregate classification (NA) . SIDE includes Industry, construction, trade and services, i.e. sections B to S (except section O) of the NACE classification.

When an enterprise has several establishments, it is located at its head office.


Statistics for all years are available in the municipal geography in force on 01/01/2024.

Territorial modifications are available in the “Definitions, Methods and Quality” section of the site.