Insee Première · July 2023 · n° 1963
Insee PremièreAlmost half of the micro-entrepreneurs who started their business in 2018 were still operating three years later

Sylvain Juliachs (Insee)

Three years after registering in the first half of 2018, 46% of the micro-entrepreneurs who started their business were still in operation. This sustainability depends heavily on the business sector. It is the strongest in the human health sector (60%) and in industry (59%) and the weakest in the sector of transportation and storage (24%). The businesses are more likely to last if the micro-entrepreneur does not have another professional activity at the same time and if she is a woman.

The health crisis of 2020 has adversely affected the business of two thirds of the micro-entrepreneurs. They mainly encountered financial difficulties and a lack of outlets or orders. Just over half of them benefited from support schemes that helped them to maintain at least partially their business. After two quarters of decline, the average turnover of the micro-entrepreneurs who were able to return to business after the health crisis rose again in the second half of 2020.

Insee Première
No 1963
Paru le :Paru le24/07/2023