Salaries and earned income in 2021 Municipality of Savigny-sur-Orge (91589)

Detailed figures

Paru le :25/07/2023

The 2021 vintage follows on from the previous vintages. As a reminder, the 2017 vintage was the first vintage mainly mobilizing Social Nominative Declarations (DSN) in the private sector. This new data source replaced most social declarations, and in particular the annual social data declarations (DADS). In this context of gradual change in information sources, INSEE has revised its statistical processing from the 2016 vintage. Thus, the data are not directly comparable with those of previous vintages. For more information, refer to the methodological box of the Insee Première n°1798.

SAL G1 - Net average hourly wage (in euros) by socio-economic category in 2021

SAL G1 - Net average hourly wage (in euros) by socio-economic category in 2021
Altogether Female Male
Altogether 18,0 17,0 18,7
Managerial staff* * 27,1 24,9 28,6
Intermediate professions* 17,3 16,6 17,9
Employees* 12,6 12,6 12,7
Workers* 12,6 10,9 12,9
  • * Managerial staff, higher intellectual professions and salaried business leaders
  • of the main position occupied by the employee during the year.
  • Scope: Private sector and public enterprises excluding agriculture, classification of socioprofessional categories
  • Source: Insee, All employees database, file of employees at place of residence in geography as of 01/01/2023.

SAL G1 - Net average hourly wage (in euros) by socio-economic category in 2021

  • * Managerial staff, higher intellectual professions and salaried business leaders
  • of the main position occupied by the employee during the year.
  • Scope: Private sector and public enterprises excluding agriculture, classification of socioprofessional categories
  • Source: Insee, All employees database, file of employees at place of residence in geography as of 01/01/2023.

SAL G3 - Net average hourly wage (in euros) difference between male and female by socio-economic category in 2021

SAL G3 - Net average hourly wage (in euros) difference between male and female by socio-economic category in 2021
Difference (in%)
Altogether –9,3
Managerial staff* * –13,0
Intermediate professions* –7,4
Employees* –1,4
Workers* –15,1
  • * Managerial staff, higher intellectual professions and salaried business leaders
  • of the main position occupied by the employee during the year.
  • Scope: Private sector and public enterprises excluding agriculture, classification of socioprofessional categories
  • Source: Insee, All employees database, file of employees at place of residence in geography as of 01/01/2023.

SAL G3 - Net average hourly wage (in euros) difference between male and female by socio-economic category in 2021

  • * Managerial staff, higher intellectual professions and salaried business leaders
  • of the main position occupied by the employee during the year.
  • Scope: Private sector and public enterprises excluding agriculture, classification of socioprofessional categories
  • Source: Insee, All employees database, file of employees at place of residence in geography as of 01/01/2023.

SAL T1 - Net average hourly wage (in euros) by age in 2021

SAL T1 - Net average hourly wage (in euros) by age in 2021
Altogether Female Male
15 to 25 years old 11,4 11,2 11,6
26 to 50 years old 17,3 16,6 17,7
50 years old or above 21,8 19,6 23,3
  • Scope: Private sector and public enterprises excluding agriculture.
  • Source: Insee, All employees database, file of employees at place of residence in geography as of 01/01/2023.

SAL G4 - Net average hourly wage (in euros) difference between male and female by age in 2021

SAL G4 - Net average hourly wage (in euros) difference between male and female by age in 2021
Gender pay gap (in%)
15 to 25 years old –4,0
26 to 50 years old –6,2
50 years old or above –15,7
  • Scope: Private sector and public enterprises excluding agriculture.
  • Source: Insee, All employees database, file of employees at place of residence in geography as of 01/01/2023.

SAL G4 - Net average hourly wage (in euros) difference between male and female by age in 2021

  • Scope: Private sector and public enterprises excluding agriculture.
  • Source: Insee, All employees database, file of employees at place of residence in geography as of 01/01/2023.


A general presentation of the source All employees databaseis accessible in the section "Definitions, Methods and quality" of the site.


Average hourly net salary:Result of the quotient of the mass of net wages compared to the number of salaried hours calculated on all the positions carried out by the employee during the year (excluding unemployment benefits). The number of paid hours takes into account paid overtime and all the periods during which the employee remains linked to an establishment due to the employment contract (leave, period of sickness and work accident), at the exception of periods of unpaid leave.

Wages and salaries :

Wages and salaries are the payment for work agreed between an employee and his or her employer under the contract of employment in the private sector and for contractual agents in the public service, or employment for civil servants.

It includes the basic salary (or index-linked salary in the civil service) but also bonuses and allowances, compensation for overtime hours worked, employee savings (mandatory or optional profit-sharing, additional matching contributions), other indemnities and related compensations (residence allowance, family allowance, etc.) and payments in kind.

The salary is a kind of "price". Reduced to a unit of volume of work, which can be an hour (hourly wage) or a full-time equivalent (FTE wage), it enables jobs or work stations of different duration and working time to be compared.

Remarque :

The annual analysis of wages enlists several sources constructed from social declarations or administrative data. Information about the private sector comes from the nominative social declarations (DSN), which follow the annual declarations of social data (DADS). Since 2009, information about the civil service has come from the information system on public service employees (Siasp), fed mainly by the State's monthly pay files for civil servants in the State civil service (SCS) and by the DADS, then by the DSN, for those in the local civil service (LCS), in the hospital civil service (HCS) and in some public establishments falling under the SCS.

These administrative sources are supplemented by two statistical surveys : the INSEE survey on labour costs and structure of earnings (Ecmoss) and the DARES survey on labour activity and employment conditions (Acemo).

Post of work :

In employment and wage statistics, a job (or position) corresponds to the relationship of an employee and an establishment during a given period of time. Thus, an employee who works in two establishments (on a given date or over a certain period of time, such as a year) occupies two positions. Conversely, several employment contracts between the employee and the same establishment (on a given date or successively over a certain period of time) constitute a single position.

The concept of main position allows for only one position per employee. An employee's main position is the most remunerative position. The concept of an "additional" position makes it possible to exclude from certain statistics positions with a low volume of work and a low level of associated remuneration.

In the general case, a position is considered to be "non-additional" if the remuneration is higher than 3 monthly minimum wage rates or if the duration of employment exceeds 30 days and 120 hours and the number of hours/duration ratio is higher than 1.5.

Remarque :

The job is the basic statistical unit for the results from the "All-employee" files, DADS (annual declaration of social data), Siasp (System for information on civil servants), Clap (local knowledge of the productive system) and Flores (pay and salaried employment localized file), which succeeds Clap from 2017.


The statistics are compiled from information collected on private sector companies and public companies located in France. Statistics on socio-professional categories relate to the main position occupied by the employee during the year, excluding agriculture and undefined socio-professional category. People whose age is not indicated and minors are also excluded from the statistical field.


The statistics for 2021 are available in the municipal geography in force on 01/01/2023.

Data are not available for Mayotte.

Statistical confidentiality and release "threshold"

Data from the All Employees databases are subject to statistical confidentiality. No statistics are released for areas less than 2 000 residents. In addition, each box in the table must contain at least 5 employees and no employee must represent more than 80 % of the payroll of the box. These constraints lead to the exclusion from dissemination of the results of certain areas of more than 2 000 residents.