Labor force, employment and unemployment within the sense of the census in 2020 Municipality of Faches-Thumesnil (59220)

Detailed figures

Paru le :27/06/2023

EMP T1 - Population aged 15 to 64 by economic activity status

EMP T1 - Population aged 15 to 64 by economic activity status
2009 2014 2020
Altogether 10 328 10 626 11 066
Labor force in % 72,5 73,3 76,8
 including people in work in % 65,3 62,2 67,0
 including unemployed workers in % 7,1 11,0 9,8
Economically inactive people in % 27,5 26,7 23,2
 including pupils, students or interns in % 11,2 12,0 11,7
 including retirees in % 8,5 7,0 4,5
 including other economically inactive people in % 7,8 7,7 7,0
  • Sources: Insee, RP2009, RP2014 and RP2020, main operations, geography as of 01/01/2023.

EMP T2 - Economic activity and employment of the population aged 15 to 64 by sex and by age in 2019

EMP T2 - Economic activity and employment of the population aged 15 to 64 by sex and by age in 2019
Population Labor force Activity rate in % People in work Employment rate in %
Altogether 11 066 8 500 76,8 7 415 67,0
 15 to 24 years old 2 107 770 36,5 514 24,4
 25 to 54 years old 7 122 6 605 92,8 5 868 82,4
 55 to 64 years old 1 837 1 125 61,2 1 033 56,2
Male 5 304 4 242 80,0 3 664 69,1
 15 to 24 years old 1 097 447 40,8 276 25,1
 25 to 54 years old 3 345 3 226 96,5 2 868 85,7
 55 to 64 years old 862 569 66,0 521 60,4
Female 5 763 4 258 73,9 3 751 65,1
 15 to 24 years old 1 010 322 31,9 239 23,6
 25 to 54 years old 3 777 3 379 89,5 3 001 79,4
 55 to 64 years old 975 556 57,0 512 52,5
  • Source: Insee, RP2020 main operation, geography as of 01/01/2023.

EMP G1 - Population aged 15 to 64 by economic activity status in 2019

EMP G1 - Population aged 15 to 64 by economic activity status in 2019
Population (%)
People in work 67,0
Unemployed workers 9,8
Retirees 4,5
Pupils, students or interns 11,7
Other economically inactive people 7,0
  • Source: Insee, RP2020 main operation, geography as of 01/01/2023.

EMP G1 - Population aged 15 to 64 by economic activity status in 2019

  • Source: Insee, RP2020 main operation, geography as of 01/01/2023.

EMP T3 - Labor force aged 15 to 64 by socioprofessional classification

EMP T3 - Labor force aged 15 to 64 by socioprofessional classification
2009 including people in work 2014 including people in work 2020 including people in work
Altogether 7 477 6 743 7 781 6 606 8 489 7 411
 Farmer operators 0 0 3 3 4 4
 Handicrafters, traders and business leaders 287 271 336 289 352 325
 Managers and higher intellectual professions 1 307 1 290 1 281 1 249 1 709 1 661
 Middle-level occupations 2 017 1 891 2 301 2 102 2 622 2 406
 Services employee 2 373 2 162 2 361 1 980 2 311 1 979
 Blue-collar workers 1 367 1 129 1 300 984 1 343 1 037
  • Sources: Insee, RP2009, RP2014 and RP2020, additional operations, geography as of 01/01/2023.

EMP T4 - Unemployment of the 15-64 aged population

EMP T4 - Unemployment of the 15-64 aged population
2009 2014 2020
Number of unemployed workers 736 1 174 1 085
Unemployment rate in % 9,8 15,1 12,8
Unemployment of the 15-24 aged 30,1 38,4 33,2
Unemployment of the 25-54 aged 7,6 12,2 11,2
Unemployment of the 55-64 aged 5,4 12,6 8,2
  • Sources: Insee, RP2009, RP2014 and RP2020, main operations, geography as of 01/01/2023.

EMP G2 - Unemployment rate (within the sense of the census) of the 15-64 aged population by level of education in 2019

EMP G2 - Unemployment rate (within the sense of the census) of the 15-64 aged population by level of education in 2019
Unemployment rate in %
No diploma or primary education certificate 25,6
BEPC brevet des collèges or DNB 23,4
CAP, BEP or equivalent 17,7
Baccalauréat, brevet professionnel or equivalent 15,5
2 years at university 10,8
3 to 4 years at university 5,4
5 years and over at university 4,6
  • Source: Insee, RP2020 main operation, geography as of 01/01/2023.

EMP G2 - Unemployment rate (within the sense of the census) of the 15-64 aged population by level of education in 2019

  • Source: Insee, RP2020 main operation, geography as of 01/01/2023.

EMP T5 - Employment and activity

EMP T5 - Employment and activity
2009 2014 2020
Number of jobs in the area 4 132 4 063 3 945
People in work living in the area 6 800 6 688 7 510
Employment concentration indicator 60,8 60,7 52,5
Activity rate of 15 years old and over in % 55,8 56,7 60,1
  • The employment concentration indicator is equal to the number of jobs in the area per 100 people in work living in the area.
  • Sources: Insee, RP2009, RP2014 and RP2020, main holdings, place of residence and place of work, geography as of 01/01/2023.

EMP T6 - Employment by working status

EMP T6 - Employment by working status
2009 % 2014 % 2020 %
Altogether 4 132 100,0 4 063 100,0 3 945 100,0
Employee 3 768 91,2 3 697 91,0 3 545 89,8
 including women 1 957 47,4 1 976 48,6 2 028 51,4
 including part-time workers 957 23,2 923 22,7 826 20,9
Non-employee 364 8,8 366 9,0 401 10,2
 including women 126 3,0 118 2,9 165 4,2
 including part-time workers 48 1,2 54 1,3 52 1,3
  • Sources: Insee, RP2009, RP2014 and RP2020, main workplaces, geography as of 01/01/2023.

EMP T7 - Employment by socioprofessional activity in 2020

EMP T7 - Employment by socioprofessional activity in 2020
Number %
Altogether 3 901 100,0
Farmer operators 4 0,1
Handicrafters, traders, business leaders 217 5,6
Managers and higher intellectual professions 547 14,0
Middle-level occupations 959 24,6
Services employee 1 455 37,3
Blue-collar workers 719 18,4
  • Source: Insee, RP2020 additional operation at the workplace, geography as of 01/01/2023.

EMP G3 - Employment by socioprofessional activity

EMP G3 - Employment by socioprofessional activity
2009 2014 2020
Farmer operators 0,1 0,3 0,1
Handicrafters, traders, business leaders 5,3 5,9 5,6
Managers and higher intellectual professions 10,5 9,8 14,0
Middle-level occupations 22,8 22,3 24,6
Services employee 40,5 44,2 37,3
Blue-collar workers 20,9 17,5 18,4
  • Sources: Insee, RP2009, RP2014 and RP2020, additional work place of work, geography as of 01/01/2023.

EMP G3 - Employment by socioprofessional activity

  • Sources: Insee, RP2009, RP2014 and RP2020, additional work place of work, geography as of 01/01/2023.

EMP T8 - Employment by economic sectors

EMP T8 - Employment by economic sectors
2009 2014 2020
Number % Number % Number % including women in % including employees %
Altogether 4 260 100,0 4 060 100,0 3 901 100,0 56,5 90,6
Agriculture 6 0,1 10 0,2 7 0,2 100,0 46,9
Industry 250 5,9 154 3,8 132 3,4 24,1 84,5
Construction 278 6,5 266 6,5 117 3,0 11,8 75,4
Wholesale and retail trade/transports/accommodations and food service activities 2 466 57,9 2 499 61,6 2 452 62,9 51,1 90,0
Public administration/education/healthcare/social work 1 260 29,6 1 132 27,9 1 194 30,6 75,3 94,3
  • Sources: Insee, RP2009, RP2014 and RP2020, additional work place of work, geography as of 01/01/2023.

EMP G4 - Feminisation rate of employment by status and economic sectors in 2020

EMP G4 - Feminisation rate of employment by status and economic sectors in 2020
Employees Non-employees
Agriculture 100,0 100,0
Industry 25,4 17,1
Construction 15,7 0,0
Wholesale and retail trade, transports, accommodations and food service activities 53,0 33,8
Public administration, education, healthcare, social work 77,3 41,0
  • Source: Insee, RP2020 additional operation at the workplace, geography as of 01/01/2023.

EMP G4 - Feminisation rate of employment by status and economic sectors in 2020

  • Source: Insee, RP2020 additional operation at the workplace, geography as of 01/01/2023.