Insee Focus ·
June 2023 · n° 300For digital equipment buyers, price is more important than energy efficiency
The use of smartphones, tablets and computers has become widespread in France, but other connected objects are much less common. In 2022, only three out of ten people aged 15 or over have used at least once a home automation device, such as a virtual assistant, alarm system or connected refrigerator, and almost four out of ten say they have no need for one. As for personal objects, such as connected watches or bracelets, only 20% of people have ever used one.
When buying digital equipment, ecological considerations were less important than the price or technical features of the device: only 20% of Internet users considered the device's energy efficiency and 14% its eco-design as important criteria when buying a smartphone or computer. These ecological considerations were slightly more present among young people, but remained in the minority compared to price. Selling, donating or recycling equipment no longer in use was the reflex of only a third of users. Most people kept their used appliances at home.