Growth and structure of the population in 2020 Department of Haute-Corse (2B)

Detailed figures

Paru le :27/06/2023

POP T0 - Population estimates by age range

POP T0 - Population estimates by age range
2009 % 2014 % 2020 %
Altogether 164 344 100,0 172 560 100,0 182 887 100,0
0 to 14 years old 24 760 15,1 26 688 15,5 27 507 15,0
15 to 29 years old 28 668 17,4 28 432 16,5 28 964 15,8
30 to 44 years old 33 386 20,3 33 623 19,5 34 134 18,7
45 to 59 years old 34 342 20,9 35 619 20,6 37 631 20,6
60 to 74 years old 27 057 16,5 30 078 17,4 34 294 18,8
75 and over 16 131 9,8 18 120 10,5 20 357 11,1
  • Sources: Insee, RP2009, RP2014 and RP2020, main operations, geography as of 01/01/2023.

POP G2 - Population estimates by age range

POP G2 - Population estimates by age range
2009 2014 2020
0 to 14 years old 15,1 15,5 15,0
15 to 29 years old 17,4 16,5 15,8
30 to 44 years old 20,3 19,5 18,7
45 to 59 years old 20,9 20,6 20,6
60 to 74 years old 16,5 17,4 18,8
75 and over 9,8 10,5 11,1
  • Sources: Insee, RP2009, RP2014 and RP2020, main operations, geography as of 01/01/2023.

POP G2 - Population estimates by age range

  • Sources: Insee, RP2009, RP2014 and RP2020, main operations, geography as of 01/01/2023.

POP T1 - Population since 1968: population and average density (residents per square kilometre)

POP T1 - Population since 1968: population and average density (residents per square kilometre)
1968(*) 1975(*) 1982 1990 1999 2009 2014 2020
Population 115 702 125 284 131 574 131 563 141 603 164 344 172 560 182 887
Average density (inhab / km²) 24,8 26,9 28,2 28,2 30,4 35,2 37,0 39,2
  • (*) 1967 and 1974 for overseas departments (DOM)
  • The data proposed is established for the same geographical scope, in the geography in force on 01/01/2023.
  • Sources: Insee, RP1967 to 1999 counts, RP2009 to RP2020 main holdings.

POP T2M - Demographic indicators since 1968

POP T2M - Demographic indicators since 1968
1968 to 1975 1975 to 1982 1982 to 1990 1990 to 1999 1999 to 2009 2009 to 2014 2014 to 2020
Average annual change in population in % 1,1 0,7 –0,0 0,8 1,5 1,0 1,0
due to the natural balance in % 0,1 0,0 0,1 0,0 0,0 0,0 –0,1
due to the apparent balance of inflows and outflows in % 1,0 0,7 –0,1 0,8 1,5 1,0 1,0
Natality rate (‰) 12,6 10,8 11,4 10,8 9,7 9,6 8,7
Mortality rate (‰) 11,1 10,8 10,9 10,5 9,6 9,3 9,3
  • The data proposed is established for the same geographical scope, in the geography in force on 01/01/2023
  • Sources: Insee, RP1968 to 1999 counts, RP2009 to RP2020 main holdings - Civil status

POP T3 - Population by age and sex in 2020

POP T3 - Population by age and sex in 2020
Male % Female %
Altogether 89 299 100,0 93 588 100,0
0 to 14 years old 14 148 15,8 13 358 14,3
15 to 29 years old 14 838 16,6 14 126 15,1
30 to 44 years old 16 657 18,7 17 477 18,7
45 to 59 years old 18 411 20,6 19 220 20,5
60 to 74 years old 16 671 18,7 17 624 18,8
75 to 89 years old 7 860 8,8 10 043 10,7
90 years and over 714 0,8 1 740 1,9
0 to 19 years old 19 256 21,6 17 917 19,1
20 to 64 years old 50 531 56,6 52 322 55,9
65 and over 19 512 21,8 23 349 24,9
  • Source: Insee, RP2020 main operation, geography as of 01/01/2023.

POP T4 - Home address 1 year before the study

POP T4 - Home address 1 year before the study
2014 % 2020 %
People one year old and over, previously living: 170 907 100,0 181 359 100,0
In the same house 149 861 87,7 161 618 89,1
In another house in the same town 8 493 5,0 8 238 4,5
In another town 12 553 7,3 11 503 6,3
  • Source: Insee, RP2020 main operation, geography as of 01/01/2023.

POP G3 - Home address 1 year before for people living in another house, by age in %

POP G3 - Home address 1 year before for people living in another house, by age in %
In another house in the same town In another town
1 to 14 years old 45,7 54,3
15 to 24 years old 35,5 64,5
25 to 54 years old 45,9 54,1
55 years old and over 32,0 68,0
  • Source: Insee, RP2020 main operation, geography as of 01/01/2023.

POP G3 - Home address 1 year before for people living in another house, by age in %

  • Source: Insee, RP2020 main operation, geography as of 01/01/2023.

POP T5 - Population aged 15 years and over by socioprofessional classification

POP T5 - Population aged 15 years and over by socioprofessional classification
2009 % 2014 % 2020 %
Altogether 139 569 100,0 145 869 100,0 155 378 100,0
Farmer operators 1 803 1,3 1 697 1,2 1 728 1,1
Craftsmen, traders, business leaders 7 252 5,2 8 063 5,5 8 857 5,7
Managers and higher intellectual professions 6 853 4,9 7 623 5,2 7 896 5,1
Middle-level occupations 14 693 10,5 15 698 10,8 17 510 11,3
Services employee 24 459 17,5 26 483 18,2 28 198 18,1
Blue-collar workers 15 232 10,9 15 645 10,7 15 887 10,2
Retirees 36 085 25,9 39 386 27,0 41 076 26,4
Other people with no professional activity 33 191 23,8 31 274 21,4 34 226 22,0
  • Sources: Insee, RP2009, RP2014 and RP2020, additional operations, geography as of 01/01/2023.

POP T6 - Population aged 15 years and over by sex, age and socioprofessional classification in 2020

POP T6 - Population aged 15 years and over by sex, age and socioprofessional classification in 2020
Male Female Share in % of the population aged
15 to 24 years old 25 to 54 years old 55 years and over
Altogether 75 151 80 228 100,0 100,0 100,0
Farmer operators 1 271 458 0,3 1,5 0,9
Craftsmen, traders, business leaders 6 171 2 686 1,1 9,1 3,5
Managers and higher intellectual professions 4 304 3 592 0,7 7,9 3,4
Middle-level occupations 8 234 9 276 5,8 19,2 4,6
Services employee 9 028 19 170 16,6 29,6 6,7
Blue-collar workers 13 960 1 927 10,8 16,5 3,6
Retirees 21 002 20 074 0,0 0,5 60,9
Other people without professional activity 11 181 23 045 64,6 15,7 16,5
  • Source: Insee, RP2020 additional operation, geography as of 01/01/2023.