Insee Focus · March 2023 · n° 294
Insee FocusIn 2021, one in ten children did not go on holiday for financial reasons

François Gleizes, Anne Pla (Insee)

In 2021, one in ten children aged between 1 and 15 did not go on holiday for financial reasons. More generally, one in three children experienced at least one deprivation from a list of fifteen necessary everyday life items. Ten of these items were specific to children, five were common to the whole household. 10.6% of children were deprived of at least three items and were thus in a situation of 'child-specific material deprivation'. However, within the same household, children suffered less from deprivations than their parents. For example, among households in which parents reported that they could not afford to go on holiday at least one week per annum, only one in two reported that children could not go on holiday either. Since 2009, the proportion of children experiencing child-specific material deprivation has fallen, but children's living conditions remained more difficult for those living in single-parent families (one in four children were at risk of child-specific material deprivation in 2021) or large families (one in six). In 2021, 6.1% of children under 16 were both at risk of income poverty and at risk of child-specific material deprivation.

Insee Focus
No 294
Paru le :Paru le23/03/2023