Informations Rapides · 14 April 2023 · n° 94
Informations rapidesThe Housing Rent Reference Index in Q1 2023 Rent Reference Index - first quarter 2023

In Q1 2023, the annual change of Housing Rent Reference Index may not exceed 3.5%. It therefore stood at 138.61.

By way of derogation, the annual change of the Housing Rent Reference Index may not exceed 2.5% in the collectivities governed by article 73 of the Constitution (overseas regions and departments) and 2.0% in Corsica. Therefore, it stood at 137.27 in the collectivities governed by article 73 of the Constitution and at 136.60 in Corsica.

Informations rapides
No 94
Paru le :Paru le14/04/2023
Warning : the annual change of the Housing Rent Reference Index is capped

Article 12 of the 2022-1158 Act on Emergency Measures for the Protection of Purchasing Power of 16 August 2022 provides that the annual change of the housing rent reference index may not exceed 3.5% between the third quarter of 2022 and the second quarter of 2023.

By way of derogation, it may not exceed 2.5% in the collectivities governed by article 73 of the Constitution (overseas regions and departments) and it may not exceed 2.0% in Corsica, in accordance with prefectorial order R20-2022-10-11-00012.

From the third quarter 2022, Insee publishes four new series: on one side, the housing rent reference index in the collectivities governed by article 73 of the Constitution (010760509) and the related annual percentage change (010760510), and on the other side, the housing rent reference index in Corsica (010760507) and the related annual percentage change (010760508). The values of the two other series (001515333 and 001515334) are still applicable on the rest of the national territory.

In Q1 2023, the annual change of Housing Rent Reference Index may not exceed 3.5%. It therefore stood at 138.61.

By way of derogation, the annual change of the Housing Rent Reference Index may not exceed 2.5% in the collectivities governed by article 73 of the Constitution (overseas regions and departments) and 2.0% in Corsica. Therefore, it stood at 137.27 in the collectivities governed by article 73 of the Constitution and at 136.60 in Corsica.

Housing rent reference index

Q4 1998 = 100
Housing rent reference index (Q4 1998 = 100) - Considering that the Housing Rent Index is rounded at two decimals and that its annual change is capped at 3.5%, its value for the first quarter of 2023 stood at 138.61, resulting a variation of 3.49% over a year.
Values Percentage change over a one-year period. (Q/Q-4)
Q1 2021 130.69 0.09
Q2 2021 131.12 0.42
Q3 2021 131.67 0.83
Q4 2021 132.62 1.61
Q1 2022 133.93 2.48
Q2 2022 135.84 3.60
Q3 2022 136.27 3.49
Q4 2022 137.26 3.50
Q1 2023 138.61 3.49
  • Note: from the third quarter of 2022, two specifics Housing rent reference index are released for the collectivities governed by article 73 of the Constitution (overseas regions and departments) and for Corsica. These particular territories are not concerned by this present index.
  • Considering that the Housing Rent Index is rounded at two decimals and that its annual change is capped at 3.5%, its value for the first quarter of 2023 stood at 138.61, resulting a variation of 3.49% over a year.
  • Source: INSEE

Housing rent reference index in the collectivities governed by article 73 of the Constitution (overseas regions and departments)

Q4 1998 = 100
Housing rent reference index in the collectivities governed by article 73 of the Constitution (overseas regions and departments) (Q4 1998 = 100)
Values Percentage change over a one-year period. (Q/Q-4)
Q1 2021 130.69 0.09
Q2 2021 131.12 0.42
Q3 2021 131.67 0.83
Q4 2021 132.62 1.61
Q1 2022 133.93 2.48
Q2 2022 135.84 3.60
Q3 2022 134.96 2.50
Q4 2022 135.93 2.50
Q1 2023 137.27 2.49
  • Considering that the Housing Rent Index is rounded at two decimals and that its annual change is capped at 2.5% in overseas regions and departments, its value for the first quarter of 2023 stood at 137.27, resulting a variation of 2.49% over a year.
  • Source: INSEE

Housing rent reference index in Corsica

Q4 1998 = 100
Housing rent reference index in Corsica (Q4 1998 = 100)
Values Percentage change over a one-year period. (Q/Q-4)
Q1 2021 130.69 0.09
Q2 2021 131.12 0.42
Q3 2021 131.67 0.83
Q4 2021 132.62 1.61
Q1 2022 133.93 2.48
Q2 2022 135.84 3.60
Q3 2022 134.30 2.00
Q4 2022 135.27 2.00
Q1 2023 136.60 1.99
  • Considering that the Housing Rent Index is rounded at two decimals and that its annual change is capped at 2.0% in Corsica, its value for the first quarter of 2023 stood at 136.60, resulting a variation of 1.99% over a year.
  • Source: INSEE

RRI without capping measures

Without these capping measures, the Housing Rent Reference Index would have stood at 142.32 in Q1 2023, corresponding to a 6.26% rise over a year. This non-capped index is provided for information and should not under any circumstances be used for the escalation of housing rents.

For more information

Article 9 of Act n° 2008-111 of 8 February 2008 on purchasing power modified the Housing Rent Reference Index (RRI) created by Article 35 of Act n° 2005-841 of 26 July 2005. It is an over-the-year chain-linked index. It is constructed by multiplying the value of the index of the same quarter of the previous year by the change between these two periods in the average over twelve consecutive months of the consumer price index – excluding the prices of tobacco and housing rents. This index is on a reference 100 in Q4 1998.

The calculation is done using the non-rounded up values of the consumer price index.

The housing rent reference index and its annual percentage change are rounded up to two decimals.

Article 12 of Act n° 2022-1158 on Emergency Measures for the Protection of Purchasing Power of 16 August 2022 provides that the annual change of the housing rent reference index may not exceed 3.5% between the third quarter of 2022 and the second quarter of 2023.

By way of derogation, it may not exceed 2.5% in the collectivities governed by article 73 of the Constitution (overseas regions and departments) and it may not exceed 2.0% in Corsica, in accordance with prefectoral order R20-2022-10-11-00012.

Next issue: 13 July 2023 at 8.45 a.m.


Pour en savoir plus
