Informations Rapides · 24 March 2023 · n° 74
Informations rapidesIn Q4 2022, house prices slowed down significantly House price index - fourth quarter 2022

In Q4 2022, the house prices of metropolitan France slowed down significantly: +0.1% compared to the previous quarter data (provisional seasonally adjusted results), after +1.6% in Q3 and Q2 2022. The prices went down for new dwellings (-0.2% after +2.0% in Q3 and +3.1% in Q2). They slowed significantly for second-hand dwellings (+0.2% after +1.5% in Q3 and +1.3% in Q2).

Year on year, house prices decelerated but remained dynamic (+4.9% after +6.4% in Q3). Prices of new dwellings (+5.3%) increased at a slightly higher rate than those of second-hand dwellings (+4.8%).

Informations rapides
No 74
Paru le :Paru le24/03/2023

House prices were almost stable in Q4 2022

In Q4 2022, the house prices of metropolitan France slowed down significantly: +0.1% compared to the previous quarter data (provisional seasonally adjusted results), after +1.6% in Q3 and Q2 2022. The prices went down for new dwellings (-0.2% after +2.0% in Q3 and +3.1% in Q2). They slowed significantly for second-hand dwellings (+0.2% after +1.5% in Q3 and +1.3% in Q2).

Year on year, house prices decelerated but remained dynamic (+4.9% after +6.4% in Q3). Prices of new dwellings (+5.3%) increased at a slightly higher rate than those of second-hand dwellings (+4.8%).

House price index (Base 100: 2015)

House price index (Base 100: 2015)
Weights 2022 (%) Index 2022 Q4 (s.a.) (p) Percentage change compared with the previous quarter (p) (s.a.) Percentage change compared with the same quarter of the previous year (p)
All dwellings 100.0 133.6 0.1 4.9
- new dwellings 12.3 130.1 -0.2 5.3
- second-hand dwellings 87.7 134.2 0.2 4.8
  • (p) provisional data, (s.a.) seasonnally adjusted
  • Scope: metropolitan France.
  • Sources: INSEE, SDES, French notaries – ADSN Group, Grand Paris notaries – PNS

New and second-hand dwellings price index in metropolitan France

New and second-hand dwellings price index in metropolitan France
New and second-hand dwellings New dwellings
2022-Q4 133.6 130.1
2022-Q3 133.5 130.4
2022-Q2 131.4 127.8
2022-Q1 129.3 123.9
2021-Q4 127.5 123.8
2021-Q3 125.2 122.1
2021-Q2 122.9 120.2
2021-Q1 120.8 118.8
2020-Q4 119.3 117.1
2020-Q3 116.8 116.6
2020-Q2 115.9 114.5
2020-Q1 114.5 115.1
2019-Q4 112.7 114.1
2019-Q3 111.4 112.8
2019-Q2 110.2 111.9
2019-Q1 109.1 110.3
2018-Q4 108.6 109.4
2018-Q3 107.7 108.3
2018-Q2 106.8 108.0
2018-Q1 106.1 107.4
2017-Q4 105.3 106.9
2017-Q3 104.6 105.9
2017-Q2 103.9 105.4
2017-Q1 103.1 104.7
2016-Q4 101.9 103.1
2016-Q3 101.3 102.8
2016-Q2 100.6 101.1
2016-Q1 100.3 100.4
2015-Q4 100.2 100.3
2015-Q3 99.9 100.4
2015-Q2 99.9 100.0
2015-Q1 100.0 99.2
2014-Q4 100.3 98.8
2014-Q3 101.3 98.5
2014-Q2 101.8 97.7
2014-Q1 102.1 98.4
2013-Q4 102.5 98.6
2013-Q3 102.6 98.6
2013-Q2 103.0 97.7
2013-Q1 103.6 97.8
2012-Q4 104.0 97.5
2012-Q3 104.6 98.1
2012-Q2 105.2 99.1
2012-Q1 105.7 99.4
2011-Q4 106.2 100.0
2011-Q3 106.2 99.8
2011-Q2 105.4 98.8
2011-Q1 104.0 98.0
2010-Q4 102.3 96.5
2010-Q3 100.3 94.8
2010-Q2 98.9 94.0
2010-Q1 97.5 93.1
2009-Q4 95.8 93.0
2009-Q3 94.7 92.2
2009-Q2 94.5 91.6
2009-Q1 96.3 91.3
2008-Q4 99.1 91.1
2008-Q3 101.5 92.0
2008-Q2 102.7 92.8
2008-Q1 102.8 91.8
2007-Q4 102.5 91.3
2007-Q3 100.9 91.5
2007-Q2 100.0 89.8
2007-Q1 98.8 89.2
2006-Q4 97.3 88.1
2006-Q3 95.5 86.6
2006-Q2 93.7 85.4
2006-Q1 91.4 83.6
2005-Q4 88.9 82.3
2005-Q3 86.2 80.1
2005-Q2 83.3 77.8
2005-Q1 80.4 75.7
2004-Q4 77.6 73.1
2004-Q3 74.8 71.3
2004-Q2 72.2 69.5
2004-Q1 69.9 67.8
2003-Q4 67.3 66.2
2003-Q3 65.2 64.9
2003-Q2 63.3 63.4
2003-Q1 61.5 62.2
2002-Q4 59.9 60.8
2002-Q3 58.5 59.6
2002-Q2 56.9 58.8
2002-Q1 55.6 57.7
2001-Q4 54.6 56.8
2001-Q3 53.6 55.1
2001-Q2 52.8 54.6
2001-Q1 51.8 53.9
2000-Q4 50.7 53.6
2000-Q3 50.1 53.2
2000-Q2 49.1 52.4
2000-Q1 48.3 51.8

New and second-hand dwellings price index in metropolitan France

  • Scope: metropolitan France.
  • Source: Insee, SDES, Notaires de France – Groupe ADSN, Notaires du Grand Paris – PNS.


The quarterly variation in new dwellings prices in Q3 2022 has been revised upwards by 0.1 points, at +2.0% instead of +1.9%. The rate for second-hand dwellings has also been revised upwards by 0.1 points, at 1.5% instead of 1.4%. All in all, the quarter-on-quarter variation of housing prices in Q3 2022 has been slightly revised upwards by 0.1 points, at +1.6% instead of +1.5%.

For further information

Price index of second-hand dwellings published here is the Notaires-Insee index.

Information about methodology is available in the Documentation tab of this publication.

A link to the historical data is available at the bottom of this publication.

Next issue: 23 June 2023, 12:00pm.


Methodology (pdf,31 Ko)

Pour en savoir plus

Price index of second-hand dwellings published here is the Notaires-Insee index.

Information about methodology is available in the Documentation tab of this publication.

A link to the historical data is available at the bottom of this publication.

Next issue: 23 June 2023, 12:00pm.
