Insee Première · February 2023 · n° 1938
Insee PremièreWages in the private sector in 2021 : Changes still impacted by the health crisis

Joan Sanchez Gonzalez, Ndeye Penda Sokhna (Insee)

In 2021, an employee in the private sector earned an average of 2,524 euros net per month in full-time equivalent. As backlash of the strong deceptive increase in 2020 (+3.2% in constant euros) and in a context of rising inflation (+1.6% in 2021), the average net salary in full-time equivalent decreased by 1.3% over one year in constant euros. Since 2019, the last year before the health crisis, it thus increased by 1.9% in constant euros. This increase was largely the result of changes in the composition of employment attributable to the health crisis and, to a lesser extent, of individual salary increases.

If measured not in full-time equivalents but according to the contractual duration of employments, the wages received by employees for their activity decreased by 0.6% between 2019 and 2021 in constant euros. However, this decrease was offset by the compensations paid for short-time working, so that employees' professional incomes increased overall by 1.1% in two years.

Women earned on average 14.8% less than men on a full-time equivalent basis. This gap narrowed by 0.4 points compared to 2020, bringing the decrease since 2008 to 6.1 points.

Insee Première
No 1938
Paru le :Paru le16/02/2023