Insee Focus · January 2023 · n° 283
Insee FocusLabour costs in France in 2020: 38.7 euros per hour worked

Aurélie Delaporte (Insee)

In 2020, the average labour cost in France was 38.7 euros per hour worked, in the particular context of the health crisis, marked by massive recourse to short-time working and various support measures for companies, which affected the sectors of activity very differently.

Gross wages and salaries constituted two-thirds of labour costs, while the remaining third mainly corresponded to social contributions payable by employers, minus any subsidies received by the latter.

Hourly labour costs vary significantly depending on the sector of activity, geographical location or the size of the company: they were highest in the financial and insurance activities sector (60.3 euros), in large companies (42.5 euros) and in the Île-de-France region (48.3 euros).

France was the fifth country of European Union with the highest hourly labour costs.

Insee Focus
No 283
Paru le :Paru le04/01/2023