Insee Première · December 2022 · n° 1933
Insee PremièreEnergy bill increased by 46% in industry in 2021

Tony Vuillemin (Insee)

In 2021, gross energy consumption in industry increased by 7% in volume (after a 9% decrease in 2020). It remained below its 2019 level, before the health crisis in 2020. Gross energy consumption was 34.6 million tonnes of oil equivalent, about one fifth of national consumption.

The energy bill increased sharply compared to 2020 (+46% in current euros). It was 17.1 billion euros. A tonne of oil equivalent cost industrial establishments an average of 504 euros, 38% more than in 2020 and 28% more than in 2019. All energy prices increased in 2021, in particular steam (+71%), gas (+66%), oil products (+50%) and electricity (+21%).

The increase of energy consumption was close to the increase of activity recorded in industry in 2021 (+7% and +6% respectively). While activity recovered in all sectors in 2021, activity and consumption remained below the 2019 level in chemical and metallurgy sectors, which were the most affected by the health crisis.

Insee Première
No 1933
Paru le :Paru le13/12/2022