Insee Focus · December 2022 · n° 281
Insee FocusIn 2020, 12% of French jobs in the market sector were under foreign control

Olivier Satger (Insee)

In 2020, 16,900 foreign-controlled enterprises in France employed 2.1 million people. This represented 12% of the workforce in the mainly non-agricultural and non-financial market sectors. Foreign-controlled enterprises had a strong presence in industry, business services (including temporary employment) and wholesale and retail trade. Average wage costs per person were higher than in French multinational companies. Foreign-controlled enterprises achieved 17% of the added value of the market sector. They earmarked a less significant part of their added value to tangible investments than enterprises under French control, in part because they operated in sectors where the investment rate is relatively low.

Insee Focus
No 281
Paru le :Paru le08/12/2022