Informations Rapides · 16 December 2022 · n° 338
Informations rapidesIn 2021, employment increased by 0.4% in the French civil service Civil Service employment - year 2021

Informations rapides
No 338
Paru le :Paru le16/12/2022

At the end of 2021, the French civil service employed 5.7 million persons (including subsidised contracts), that is 20,900 more than a year earlier (+0.4%), continuing the upward trend that began in 2019. In 2021, in contrast with the previous years, subsidised contracts increased in all three branches of the French civil service: +7,100 in total (+19.9%). They were 42,500 at the end of 2021, mainly in the local civil service. Excluding subsidised contracts, workforce increased at a slower pace than in 2020 (+13,900, or +0.2%, after +0.9%).

In the state civil service, workforce was almost stable in 2021 (-2,200, -0.1%) after a sharp rise in 2020 (+0.8%). As in 2020, workforce decreased in Ministries (-6,800, -0.3%): in particular, workforce dropped sharply in Ministries in charge of economy and finance, social Ministries and in the Ministry of Environment, whereas employment rose in Ministries of Interior and Justice. In public establishments, the rise was once more due to public law contract workers (+5,900), mainly in universities.

In the local civil service, workforce including subsidised contracts increased (+16,700, +0.8%) after a decrease in 2020 (-0.4%). The rise is mainly due to communal sector (+0.9%). In regions and departments, workforce increased more slowly (+0.6%). Excluding subsidised contracts, workforce rose (+0.5%) after a decrease in 2020 (-0.2%).

In the hospital civil service, the workforce continued to increase but more slightly than in 2020: +6,500 (+0.5% after +1.8%). Workforce grew in hospitals (+0.7%) and decreased in medico-social establishments (-0.3%).

Civil Service employment

Civil Service employment
Workforce as at December 31 (1) Level in thousands Change (in %)
2021 (p) 2019-2020 2020-2021 (p)
State Civil Service Total, incl. subsidised contracts 2,522.3 0.8 -0.1
excl. subsidised contracts 2,518.8 1.3 -0.1
Local Civil Service Total, incl. subsidised contracts 1,977.0 -0.4 0.8
excl. subsidised contracts 1,942.3 -0.2 0.5
Hospital Civil Service Total, incl. subsidised contracts 1,217.3 1.8 0.5
excl. subsidised contracts 1,212.9 1.9 0.5
Civil Service Total, incl. subsidised contracts 5,716.6 0.6 0.4
excl. subsidised contracts 5,674.0 0.9 0.2
  • (p): provisional
  • (1) main jobs as at December 31
  • (2) all active jobs in the year
  • Scope: France
  • Sources: INSEE, SIASP

Civil Service employment per employer

Civil Service employment per employer
Workforce as at December 31 In thousands Year-on-year change (in %) (p)
2021 (p) incl. subsidised contacts excl. subsidised contacts
incl. subsidised contacts
State Civil Service
Ministries 1,959.6 -0.3 -0.3
Public administrative establishments 562.7 0.8 0.8
Local Civil Service
Régions and départements 448.1 0.6 0.5
Communal sector 1,528.9 0.9 0.6
Hospital Civil Service
Hospitals 1,062.8 0.7 0.7
Médico-social establishments 154.5 -0.3 -0.6
  • (p): provisional
  • Scope: main jobs as at December 31, France
  • Sources: INSEE, SIASP

For further information

The Information System on Civil Servants (Siasp), produced by Insee since 2009, provides information on employment and payments of the agents of the three branches of the civil service. It is sourced by the monthly pay files of the State for the majority of the State civil servants (FPE) and sourced by the Annual Declaration of Social Data (DADS) for local and hospital civil servants (FPT and FPH) and the rest of the State civil servants. Since 2017, a small part of the data comes from the Nominative Social Declaration (DSN).

Siasp describes for every agent the nature of employment, the start and finish date for the pay period, the number of salaried hours, the working conditions (full-time, part-time), the amount of the paid remunerations… It integrates characteristic concepts and variables of the civil service, linked in particular to the status of the agent or to his/her mode of payment (rank, level, index…). It aims at insuring the coherence of concepts regarding conditions of work and regarding payments through the three spheres of the civil service, and the field of private sector employees. Based on individual data, it allows us in particular to deal with multiple activities and to provide information for a panel including all types of employees.

The agents of the medical and social establishments connected with a hospital center are counted in the staff of hospitals.

The definition of civil service refers to legal persons and agencies subject to administrative law in which recruitment will be made on the basis of public law. The definition of each sphere (FPE, FPT, FPH) is borne out of the legal category of the employer. All information on definitions is specified in the entry Siasp of de “Sources et Méthodes” on (


The final main position on 31 December of an employee is the active and non-annexed position which s/he occupies on this date (or the highest paid job if the agent has several positions). A job is considered active if it generates a remuneration, and non-annexed if the labour force and the corresponding level of pay are ‘sufficient’.

A subsidised contract is a special type of employment contract, for which the employer benefits from aid, which may take the form of recruitment subsidies, exemptions from certain social contributions, or training assistance. The general principle is to reduce, via direct or indirect aid, hiring and/or training costs for the employer. These subsidised jobs are, in general, accessible mainly for "target publics", such as persons "in difficulty on the labour market" or young people (

Pour en savoir plus

The Information System on Civil Servants (Siasp), produced by Insee since 2009, provides information on employment and payments of the agents of the three branches of the civil service. It is sourced by the monthly pay files of the State for the majority of the State civil servants (FPE) and sourced by the Annual Declaration of Social Data (DADS) for local and hospital civil servants (FPT and FPH) and the rest of the State civil servants. Since 2017, a small part of the data comes from the Nominative Social Declaration (DSN).

Siasp describes for every agent the nature of employment, the start and finish date for the pay period, the number of salaried hours, the working conditions (full-time, part-time), the amount of the paid remunerations… It integrates characteristic concepts and variables of the civil service, linked in particular to the status of the agent or to his/her mode of payment (rank, level, index…). It aims at insuring the coherence of concepts regarding conditions of work and regarding payments through the three spheres of the civil service, and the field of private sector employees. Based on individual data, it allows us in particular to deal with multiple activities and to provide information for a panel including all types of employees.

The agents of the medical and social establishments connected with a hospital center are counted in the staff of hospitals.

The definition of civil service refers to legal persons and agencies subject to administrative law in which recruitment will be made on the basis of public law. The definition of each sphere (FPE, FPT, FPH) is borne out of the legal category of the employer. All information on definitions is specified in the entry Siasp of de “Sources et Méthodes” on (


The final main position on 31 December of an employee is the active and non-annexed position which s/he occupies on this date (or the highest paid job if the agent has several positions). A job is considered active if it generates a remuneration, and non-annexed if the labour force and the corresponding level of pay are ‘sufficient’.

A subsidised contract is a special type of employment contract, for which the employer benefits from aid, which may take the form of recruitment subsidies, exemptions from certain social contributions, or training assistance. The general principle is to reduce, via direct or indirect aid, hiring and/or training costs for the employer. These subsidised jobs are, in general, accessible mainly for "target publics", such as persons "in difficulty on the labour market" or young people (
