Insee Focus · November 2022 · n° 280
Insee FocusSummer tourist numbers in 2022: campsites above their pre-crisis level

Odile Dangerfield (Insee)

In France, from April to September 2022, collective tourist accommodation recorded 322 million overnight stays, i.e. 2.4% more than during the 2019 summer season. Attendance was driven by resident customers (+5.3%), while the gradual return of international customers only occurred at the end of the season (-4.2% over the whole period).

The recovery was strong in campsites, slightly less so in hotels and other collective tourist accommodation. The number of overnight stays rose sharply in the top-of-the-range establishments.

Tourist numbers have increased in most of the metropolitan regions. Only the Île-de-France and the Grand Est have not returned to their pre-sanitary crisis levels. The coastline was the main beneficiary of the recovery in visitor numbers, particularly the northern and Normandy coasts.

Insee Focus
No 280
Paru le :Paru le30/11/2022