Insee Première · September 2022 · n° 1921
Insee PremièreSalaries in the hospital civil service In 2020, the average net salary increased by 5.9% in constant euros

Romain Bour (Insee), Christophe Dixte (Drees)

In 2020, a hospital civil service (HCS) employee earned on average 2,463 euros net per month full-time equivalent. This average included all employees of public hospitals and medico-social institutions, whether they are civil servants, contract workers or medical staff. This average net salary increased by 5.9% in real terms over one year, 2020 having been marked by an exceptional "Covid-19" bonus and by the implementation of measures implemented in the « Ségur de la santé » agreement.

The average net salary of HCS civil servants increased by 6.6% in real terms. It increased by 8.5% for Non-civil servants staff and by 2.6% for medical staff.

In 2020, wage disparities in the HCS decreased slightly, with a smaller increase for the highest wages. Women’s net wages were on average 19.1% lower than men’s. The gap for a comparable profile was 3.4%.

For employees present all year round in 2019 and 2020 with the same employer and with the same work ratio, i.e. almost two out of three HCS employees, the average net wage increased by 7.1% in real terms.

Insee Première
No 1921
Paru le :Paru le14/09/2022