Insee Première · July 2022 · n° 1915
Insee PremièreWages in the local public service  In 2020, the average net wage increased by 0.8% in real terms

Romain Bour (Insee), Déborah Massis (DGCL)

In 2020, an employee in the local public service received on average 2,019 euros net per month per full-time equivalent; this average includes all employees of local authorities, all jobs and categories combined, whether or not they were civil servants. This average net wage rose by 1.3% in one year in nominal terms. Adjusted for inflation, it increased by 0.8%, after +0.4% in 2019.

The average net wage of civil servants in the local public service increased by 0.7% in real terms. The average net wage of non-civil servants increased more significantly (+1.6%).

The average net wage in full-time equivalent was 1,909 euros per month in the municipalities and 2,216 euros in the French departments. Women earned on average 8.5% less than men. With identical characteristics, the gap was 5.1%.

For employees working all year round in 2019 and 2020 for the same employer and with the same work quota, i.e. almost two out of three employees in the local public service, the average net wage increased by 1.5% in real terms.

Insee Première
No 1915
Paru le :Paru le12/07/2022