Trajectories and Origins 2 Survey From conception to realization

Willy Thao Khamsing (Insee, Cellule Statistiques et études sur l'immigration), Olivier Guin (Insee, Divison Sondages), Thomas Merly-Alpa (Ined, Service des enquêtes et sondages), Nicolas Paliod (Insee, Divison Sondages)

Documents de travail
No 2022/02
Paru le :Paru le21/07/2022
Willy Thao Khamsing (Insee, Cellule Statistiques et études sur l'immigration), Olivier Guin (Insee, Divison Sondages), Thomas Merly-Alpa (Ined, Service des enquêtes et sondages), Nicolas Paliod (Insee, Divison Sondages)
Documents de travail No 2022/02- July 2022

The results initially published in this Document de travail were updated on February 23th, 2023, following a correction of the survey weights of the Trajectoires et Origines 2 survey. The nature of these corrections, which are related to the treatment of differences in migration status and origins between the sampling variables and the variables obtained from the survey questionnaire, is explained on page 63.
These corrections concern all the weighting and sample adjustment steps of the survey, including the results from the marginal calibration step and the Annex 10.

The Trajectoires et Origines 2 (TeO2) survey is coproduced by Insee, the French National Statistical Institute and Ined, the French Institute for Demographic Studies. This survey aims at studying the diversity of populations in France and the situation of immigrant populations. This document describes in detail the development and methodology for carrying out the 2nd edition of this survey, which follows on from the 1st edition of the survey which took place in 2008-2009.

This document is structured in 4 parts. The first part presents the context and the implementation of this survey. The 2nd part presents in detail the sampling method and the sampling design. The progress and outcome of the survey are described in part 3. The adjustments of this survey is the subject of the 4th part. Finally, appendices complete this document.