Labor force, employment and unemployment within the sense of the census in 2019 Municipality of Danjoutin (90032)

Detailed figures

Paru le :12/09/2022

EMP T1 - Population aged 15 to 64 by economic activity status

EMP T1 - Population aged 15 to 64 by economic activity status
2008 2013 2019
Altogether 2 222 2 314 2 283
Labor force in % 75,8 76,3 76,4
 including people in work in % 63,7 62,9 65,0
 including unemployed workers in % 12,1 13,4 11,4
Economically inactive people in % 24,2 23,7 23,6
 including pupils, students or interns in % 8,4 8,5 9,6
 including retirees in % 7,7 6,9 6,2
 including other economically inactive people in % 8,1 8,4 7,8
  • Sources: Insee, RP2008, RP2013 and RP2019, main operations, geography as of 01/01/2022.

EMP T2 - Economic activity and employment of the population aged 15 to 64 by sex and by age in 2019

EMP T2 - Economic activity and employment of the population aged 15 to 64 by sex and by age in 2019
Population Labor force Activity rate in % People in work Employment rate in %
Altogether 2 283 1 745 76,4 1 484 65,0
 15 to 24 years old 433 206 47,5 152 35,1
 25 to 54 years old 1 403 1 284 91,5 1 110 79,1
 55 to 64 years old 447 255 57,1 222 49,7
Male 1 150 911 79,2 785 68,3
 15 to 24 years old 229 108 47,3 79 34,5
 25 to 54 years old 703 677 96,3 599 85,2
 55 to 64 years old 218 126 57,7 107 49,3
Female 1 133 834 73,6 699 61,7
 15 to 24 years old 204 97 47,8 73 35,8
 25 to 54 years old 700 607 86,7 512 73,1
 55 to 64 years old 229 130 56,6 114 50,0
  • Source: Insee, RP2019 main operation, geography as of 01/01/2022.

EMP G1 - Population aged 15 to 64 by economic activity status in 2019

EMP G1 - Population aged 15 to 64 by economic activity status in 2019
Population (%)
People in work 65,0
Unemployed workers 11,4
Retirees 6,2
Pupils, students or interns 9,6
Other economically inactive people 7,8
  • Source: Insee, RP2019 main operation, geography as of 01/01/2022.

EMP G1 - Population aged 15 to 64 by economic activity status in 2019

  • Source: Insee, RP2019 main operation, geography as of 01/01/2022.

EMP T3 - Labor force aged 15 to 64 by socioprofessional classification

EMP T3 - Labor force aged 15 to 64 by socioprofessional classification
2008 including people in work 2013 including people in work 2019 including people in work
Altogether 1 724 1 455 1 696 1 470 1 677 1 418
 Farmer operators 0 0 0 0 0 0
 Handicrafters, traders and business leaders 89 89 88 79 51 46
 Managers and higher intellectual professions 187 175 246 246 263 243
 Middle-level occupations 459 439 452 428 355 334
 Services employee 504 390 506 442 507 420
 Blue-collar workers 459 362 364 275 496 375
  • Sources: Insee, RP2008, RP2013 and RP2019, additional operations, geography as of 01/01/2022.

EMP T4 - Unemployment of the 15-64 aged population

EMP T4 - Unemployment of the 15-64 aged population
2008 2013 2019
Number of unemployed workers 268 310 260
Unemployment rate in % 15,9 17,5 14,9
Unemployment of the 15-24 aged 35,1 32,2 26,1
Unemployment of the 25-54 aged 14,0 16,6 13,5
Unemployment of the 55-64 aged 12,2 10,7 13,1
  • Sources: Insee, RP2008, RP2013 and RP2019, main operations, geography as of 01/01/2022.

EMP G2 - Unemployment rate (within the sense of the census) of the 15-64 aged population by level of education in 2019

EMP G2 - Unemployment rate (within the sense of the census) of the 15-64 aged population by level of education in 2019
Unemployment rate in %
No diploma or primary education certificate 31,9
BEPC brevet des collèges or DNB 28,6
CAP, BEP or equivalent 18,2
Baccalauréat, brevet professionnel or equivalent 14,9
2 years at university 9,4
3 to 4 years at university 4,9
5 years and over at university 4,1
  • Source: Insee, RP2019 main operation, geography as of 01/01/2022.

EMP G2 - Unemployment rate (within the sense of the census) of the 15-64 aged population by level of education in 2019

  • Source: Insee, RP2019 main operation, geography as of 01/01/2022.

EMP T5 - Employment and activity

EMP T5 - Employment and activity
2008 2013 2019
Number of jobs in the area 1 190 1 152 1 140
People in work living in the area 1 430 1 471 1 501
Employment concentration indicator 83,2 78,3 75,9
Activity rate of 15 years old and over in % 59,5 60,3 58,9
  • The employment concentration indicator is equal to the number of jobs in the area per 100 people in work living in the area.
  • Sources: Insee, RP2008, RP2013 and RP2019, main holdings, place of residence and place of work, geography as of 01/01/2022.

EMP T6 - Employment by working status

EMP T6 - Employment by working status
2008 % 2013 % 2019 %
Altogether 1 190 100,0 1 152 100,0 1 140 100,0
Employee 1 083 91,0 1 026 89,1 1 020 89,5
 including women 500 42,0 444 38,5 510 44,7
 including part-time workers 200 16,8 165 14,3 182 16,0
Non-employee 107 9,0 126 10,9 120 10,5
 including women 37 3,2 46 4,0 47 4,2
 including part-time workers 9 0,8 19 1,6 9 0,8
  • Sources: Insee, RP2008, RP2013 and RP2019, main workplaces, geography as of 01/01/2022.

EMP T7 - Employment by socioprofessional activity in 2019

EMP T7 - Employment by socioprofessional activity in 2019
Number %
Altogether 1 190 100,0
Farmer operators 0 0,0
Handicrafters, traders, business leaders 67 5,6
Managers and higher intellectual professions 133 11,2
Middle-level occupations 276 23,2
Services employee 361 30,3
Blue-collar workers 353 29,7
  • Source: Insee, RP2019 additional operation at the workplace, geography as of 01/01/2022.

EMP G3 - Employment by socioprofessional activity

EMP G3 - Employment by socioprofessional activity
2008 2013 2019
Farmer operators 0,0 0,3 0,0
Handicrafters, traders, business leaders 7,0 7,5 5,6
Managers and higher intellectual professions 6,4 12,0 11,2
Middle-level occupations 22,6 24,8 23,2
Services employee 32,8 24,9 30,3
Blue-collar workers 31,2 30,5 29,7
  • Sources: Insee, RP2008, RP2013 and RP2019, additional work place of work, geography as of 01/01/2022.

EMP G3 - Employment by socioprofessional activity

  • Sources: Insee, RP2008, RP2013 and RP2019, additional work place of work, geography as of 01/01/2022.

EMP T8 - Employment by economic sectors

EMP T8 - Employment by economic sectors
2008 2013 2019
Number % Number % Number % including women in % including employees %
Altogether 1 164 100,0 1 188 100,0 1 190 100,0 48,5 93,1
Agriculture 0 0,0 0 0,0 0 0,0
Industry 128 11,0 109 9,2 105 8,8 29,4 82,9
Construction 81 6,9 126 10,6 57 4,8 8,8 91,3
Wholesale and retail trade/transports/accommodations and food service activities 653 56,1 744 62,7 728 61,2 49,6 93,2
Public administration/education/healthcare/social work 302 25,9 209 17,6 300 25,2 59,8 96,5
  • Sources: Insee, RP2008, RP2013 and RP2019, additional work place of work, geography as of 01/01/2022.

EMP G4 - Feminisation rate of employment by status and economic sectors in 2019

EMP G4 - Feminisation rate of employment by status and economic sectors in 2019
Employees Non-employees
Industry 29,7 28,0
Construction 9,6 0,0
Wholesale and retail trade, transports, accommodations and food service activities 50,5 36,9
Public administration, education, healthcare, social work 58,4 100,0
  • Source: Insee, RP2019 additional operation at the workplace, geography as of 01/01/2022.

EMP G4 - Feminisation rate of employment by status and economic sectors in 2019

  • Source: Insee, RP2019 additional operation at the workplace, geography as of 01/01/2022.