Couples – Family – Households in 2019 Municipality of Attignat (01024)

Detailed figures

Paru le :12/09/2022

FAM T1 - Households by composition

FAM T1 - Households by composition
Number of households Household population
2008 % 2013 % 2019 % 2008 2013 2019
Altogether 1 016 100,0 1 233 100,0 1 356 100,0 2 659 3 258 3 286
One-person households (male and female) 224 22,0 260 21,1 373 27,5 224 260 373
 Single Male 91 9,0 101 8,2 170 12,6 91 101 170
 Single Female 133 13,1 159 12,9 203 15,0 133 159 203
Other households without families 8 0,8 8 0,7 26 1,9 29 34 58
Family households: 784 77,2 964 78,2 956 70,5 2 406 2 964 2 856
 Couple with no children 315 31,0 394 32,0 427 31,5 631 826 892
 Couple with children 419 41,2 486 39,5 447 33,0 1 634 1 920 1 739
 Single parent 50 4,9 84 6,8 82 6,1 141 218 224
  • Sources: Insee, RP2008, RP2013 and RP2019, additional operations, geography as of 01/01/2022.

FAM G1 - Households’ size since 1968

FAM G1 - Households’ size since 1968
1968(*) 1975(*) 1982 1990 1999 2008 2013 2019
Average number of occupants per main residence 3,19 3,13 3,03 2,89 2,68 2,62 2,64 2,41
  • (*) 1967 and 1974 for the overseas departments (DOM)
  • The data proposed is established for the same geographical scope
  • in the geography in force on 01/01/2022.
  • Sources: Insee, RP1967 to 1999 counts RP2008 to RP2019 main holdings

FAM G1 - Households’ size since 1968

  • (*) 1967 and 1974 for the overseas departments (DOM)
  • The data proposed is established for the same geographical scope
  • in the geography in force on 01/01/2022.
  • Sources: Insee, RP1967 to 1999 counts RP2008 to RP2019 main holdings

FAM G2 - Share of people aged 15 years and over living alone, by age – household population

FAM G2 - Share of people aged 15 years and over living alone, by age – household population
en % 2008 2013 2019
15 to 19 years old 0,7 0,6 0,5
20 to 24 years old 3,8 5,3 10,3
25 to 39 years old 8,6 6,7 10,9
40 to 54 years old 8,5 7,3 11,4
55 to 64 years old 8,7 12,2 15,8
65 to 79 years old 22,6 19,9 20,4
80 and over 48,3 51,1 47,4
  • Sources: Insee, RP2008, RP2013 and RP2019, main operations, geography as of 01/01/2022.

FAM G2 - Share of people aged 15 years and over living alone, by age – household population

  • Sources: Insee, RP2008, RP2013 and RP2019, main operations, geography as of 01/01/2022.

FAM G3 - Share of people aged 15 years and over living as a couple, by age

FAM G3 - Share of people aged 15 years and over living as a couple, by age
en % 2008 2013 2019
15 to 19 years old 0,0 0,6 2,0
20 to 24 years old 22,6 31,6 33,7
25 to 39 years old 81,8 82,3 79,4
40 to 54 years old 82,8 83,7 78,3
55 to 64 years old 84,8 84,3 80,2
65 to 79 years old 73,8 78,8 77,1
80 and over 46,7 46,7 51,1
  • Sources: Insee, RP2008, RP2013 and RP2019, main operations, geography as of 01/01/2022.

FAM G3 - Share of people aged 15 years and over living as a couple, by age

  • Sources: Insee, RP2008, RP2013 and RP2019, main operations, geography as of 01/01/2022.

FAM G4 - Marital status of the population aged 15 years and over in 2019

FAM G4 - Marital status of the population aged 15 years and over in 2019
Married 50,1
Civil partnership 6,3
In cohabitation 12,8
Widowed 4,8
Divorced 5,3
Single 20,7
  • Source: Insee, RP2019 main operation, geography as of 01/01/2022.

FAM G4 - Marital status of the population aged 15 years and over in 2019

  • Source: Insee, RP2019 main operation, geography as of 01/01/2022.

FAM T2 - Households by socioprofessional classification of the reference person in 2019

FAM T2 - Households by socioprofessional classification of the reference person in 2019
Number of households % Household population %
Altogether 1 356 100,0 3 286 100,0
Farmer operators 5 0,4 15 0,5
Craftsmen, traders, business leaders 60 4,5 196 6,0
Managers and higher intellectual professions 144 10,7 377 11,5
Middle-level occupations 267 19,7 733 22,3
Services employee 247 18,2 671 20,4
Blue-collar workers 205 15,1 574 17,5
Retirees 401 29,6 667 20,3
Other people with no professional activity 26 2,0 52 1,6
  • Sources: Insee, RP2019 additional operation, geography as of 01/01/2022.

FAM G5 - Households by socioprofessional classification of the reference person in 2019

FAM G5 - Households by socioprofessional classification of the reference person in 2019
Farmer operators 0,4
Handicrafters, traders, business leaders 4,5
Managers and higher intellectual professions 10,7
Middle-level occupations 19,7
Services employee 18,2
Blue-collar workers 15,1
Retirees 29,6
Unemployed persons 2,0
  • Sources: Insee, RP2019 additional operation, geography as of 01/01/2022.

FAM G5 - Households by socioprofessional classification of the reference person in 2019

  • Sources: Insee, RP2019 additional operation, geography as of 01/01/2022.

FAM T3 - Families by composition

FAM T3 - Families by composition
2008 % 2013 % 2019 %
Altogether 784 100,0 973 100,0 971 100,0
Couple with children 419 53,4 486 50,0 447 46,1
Single parent 50 6,3 88 9,1 97 10,0
Male single parent 4 0,5 17 1,7 35 3,7
Female single parent 46 5,8 71 7,3 61 6,3
Couple with no children 315 40,2 398 40,9 427 43,9
  • Sources: Insee, RP2008, RP2013 and RP2019, additional operations, geography as of 01/01/2022.

FAM T4 - Families by number of children under 25 years old

FAM T4 - Families by number of children under 25 years old
2008 % 2013 % 2019 %
Altogether 784 100,0 973 100,0 971 100,0
No children 357 45,5 444 45,7 457 47,1
1 child 141 18,0 168 17,2 199 20,5
2 children 195 24,9 252 25,9 216 22,3
3 children 71 9,0 96 9,9 80 8,3
4 children and over 21 2,6 13 1,3 18 1,8
  • Sources: Insee, RP2008, RP2013 and RP2019, additional operations, geography as of 01/01/2022.