Informations Rapides · 29 April 2022 · n° 112
Informations rapidesHousehold consumption of goods decreased clearly in March (–1.3%) Household consumption expenditure on goods - March 2022

In March 2022, household consumption of goods in volume* decreased clearly (–1.3% after +0.9% in February – revised data). This decrease is mainly driven by the decline of the consumption of food products (–2.5%) and, in a lesser extent, by the decrease in energy consumption (–1.6%). Manufactured goods consumption decreased very slightly (–0.1%).

Over the whole first quarter of 2022, household consumption of goods decreased by 1.7%.

Informations rapides
No 112
Paru le :Paru le29/04/2022
Prochaine parution le : 30/04/2025 at 07:30 - March 2025

In March 2022, household consumption of goods in volume* decreased clearly (–1.3% after +0.9% in February – revised data). This decrease is mainly driven by the decline of the consumption of food products (–2.5%) and, in a lesser extent, by the decrease in energy consumption (–1.6%). Manufactured goods consumption decreased very slightly (–0.1%).

Over the whole first quarter of 2022, household consumption of goods decreased by 1.7%.

Total consumption of goods

Total consumption of goods
Monthly data
2022-03 46.239
2022-02 46.843
2022-01 46.431
2021-12 47.408
2021-11 47.434
2021-10 47.073
2021-09 47.352
2021-08 47.274
2021-07 47.155
2021-06 48.048
2021-05 47.804
2021-04 43.38
2021-03 47.4
2021-02 47.955
2021-01 47.809
2020-12 50.103
2020-11 41.385
2020-10 49.927
2020-09 48.355
2020-08 50.05
2020-07 49.256
2020-06 49.081
2020-05 44.51
2020-04 32.962
2020-03 40.682
2020-02 47.466
2020-01 47.532
2019-12 48.111
2019-11 48.078
2019-10 47.817
2019-09 47.746
2019-08 47.792
2019-07 47.871
2019-06 47.442
2019-05 47.869
2019-04 47.695
2019-03 47.505
2019-02 47.92
2019-01 47.799
2018-12 46.925
2018-11 47.664
2018-10 47.615
2018-09 47.228
2018-08 47.849
2018-07 47.522
2018-06 47.62
2018-05 47.756
2018-04 47.375
2018-03 48.325
2018-02 48.677
2018-01 47.0
2017-12 47.919
2017-11 48.35
2017-10 47.105
2017-09 48.26
2017-08 47.701
2017-07 47.803
2017-06 47.788
2017-05 47.852
2017-04 47.282
2017-03 47.26
2017-02 47.376
2017-01 47.697
2016-12 47.445
2016-11 47.33
2016-10 47.401
2016-09 46.989
2016-08 46.767
2016-07 46.502
2016-06 46.99
2016-05 46.973
2016-04 47.217
2016-03 47.072
2016-02 46.655
2016-01 46.961
2015-12 46.636
2015-11 45.54
2015-10 46.537
2015-09 46.574
2015-08 46.25
2015-07 46.472
2015-06 46.375
2015-05 45.926
2015-04 46.008
2015-03 45.774
2015-02 46.188
2015-01 46.206
2014-12 45.934
2014-11 45.393
2014-10 45.296
2014-09 45.398
2014-08 45.708
2014-07 45.377
2014-06 45.312
2014-05 45.344
2014-04 45.038
2014-03 45.065
2014-02 45.033
2014-01 45.099
2013-12 45.915
2013-11 46.037
2013-10 45.354
2013-09 45.306
2013-08 45.313
2013-07 45.423
2013-06 45.231
2013-05 45.664
2013-04 45.416
2013-03 45.744
2013-02 45.521
2013-01 45.112
2012-12 45.326
2012-11 45.399
2012-10 45.473
2012-09 45.428
2012-08 45.471
2012-07 45.512
2012-06 45.802
2012-05 45.434
2012-04 45.549
2012-03 45.494
2012-02 46.206
2012-01 45.572
2011-12 45.524
2011-11 45.649
2011-10 45.721
2011-09 45.841
2011-08 45.965
2011-07 45.729
2011-06 45.707
2011-05 45.514
2011-04 45.573
2011-03 46.475
2011-02 47.015
2011-01 46.677
2010-12 46.74
2010-11 46.522
2010-10 45.926
2010-09 46.023
2010-08 45.585
2010-07 45.963
2010-06 45.276
2010-05 45.639
2010-04 45.464
2010-03 45.737
2010-02 45.468
2010-01 45.676
2009-12 45.991
2009-11 45.353
2009-10 45.471
2009-09 45.327
2009-08 44.687
2009-07 45.063
2009-06 45.504
2009-05 45.363
2009-04 44.928
2009-03 44.344
2009-02 44.611
2009-01 45.337

Total consumption of goods

  • Source: INSEE

Food products: sharp decrease

In March, food consumption decreased further (–2.5% after –0.1%), because of a sharp decrease in the consumption of agricultural and food products. Tobacco consumption increased.

Compared to march 2021, food consumption fell very sharply (–6.9%). This result is partly explained by the high level of food consumption a year ago, due to the effects of the health crisis which led to the replacement of catering services by food consumption.

Over the whole first quarter of 2022, food consumption decreased by 1.7%.

Food products, engineered goods and energy

Food products, engineered goods and energy
Food products Energy Engineered goods
2022-03 16.451 8.009 21.885
2022-02 16.866 8.143 21.907
2022-01 16.88 8.159 21.427
2021-12 17.202 8.249 22.007
2021-11 16.952 8.349 22.214
2021-10 16.894 8.396 21.847
2021-09 16.814 8.317 22.319
2021-08 17.04 8.342 21.952
2021-07 16.616 8.311 22.342
2021-06 17.085 8.256 22.814
2021-05 17.536 8.244 22.053
2021-04 17.538 8.0 17.609
2021-03 17.673 8.11 21.611
2021-02 17.433 7.913 22.683
2021-01 17.886 8.126 21.785
2020-12 17.546 7.831 24.894
2020-11 17.092 6.953 17.144
2020-10 18.132 8.423 23.4
2020-09 17.144 8.004 23.296
2020-08 17.756 8.006 24.41
2020-07 17.581 8.106 23.653
2020-06 17.624 7.838 23.717
2020-05 18.122 7.166 19.073
2020-04 17.908 5.81 8.592
2020-03 19.026 7.458 13.695
2020-02 17.142 8.146 22.2
2020-01 17.159 8.035 22.375
2019-12 17.094 8.185 22.882
2019-11 17.168 8.239 22.709
2019-10 17.228 8.085 22.541
2019-09 17.209 8.23 22.33
2019-08 17.017 8.204 22.611
2019-07 17.192 8.301 22.4
2019-06 17.158 8.319 21.971
2019-05 17.247 8.351 22.285
2019-04 17.191 8.332 22.186
2019-03 17.11 8.06 22.37
2019-02 17.223 8.294 22.426
2019-01 17.18 8.4 22.231
2018-12 17.335 8.091 21.494
2018-11 17.291 8.296 22.083
2018-10 17.299 8.291 22.031
2018-09 17.206 8.181 21.845
2018-08 17.355 8.262 22.239
2018-07 17.418 8.166 21.939
2018-06 17.368 8.215 22.041
2018-05 17.332 8.263 22.168
2018-04 17.012 8.126 22.251
2018-03 17.553 8.72 22.056
2018-02 17.626 8.952 22.103
2018-01 17.385 7.84 21.771
2017-12 17.428 8.613 21.892
2017-11 17.624 8.424 22.303
2017-10 17.452 7.986 21.651
2017-09 17.568 8.561 22.139
2017-08 17.478 8.346 21.876
2017-07 17.556 8.321 21.923
2017-06 17.612 8.311 21.86
2017-05 17.57 8.364 21.917
2017-04 17.548 8.2 21.526
2017-03 17.545 7.892 21.8
2017-02 17.46 8.121 21.785
2017-01 17.494 8.765 21.457
2016-12 17.4 8.442 21.608
2016-11 17.464 8.542 21.331
2016-10 17.538 8.645 21.227
2016-09 17.551 8.307 21.13
2016-08 17.503 8.357 20.908
2016-07 17.401 8.278 20.823
2016-06 17.365 8.144 21.478
2016-05 17.347 8.565 21.07
2016-04 17.262 8.576 21.389
2016-03 17.402 8.514 21.163
2016-02 17.464 8.309 20.882
2016-01 17.509 8.095 21.351
2015-12 17.532 7.92 21.184
2015-11 17.358 7.922 20.26
2015-10 17.285 8.527 20.726
2015-09 17.271 8.335 20.968
2015-08 17.392 8.236 20.622
2015-07 17.324 8.354 20.794
2015-06 17.425 8.2 20.75
2015-05 17.298 8.12 20.508
2015-04 17.341 8.118 20.549
2015-03 17.22 8.15 20.404
2015-02 17.225 8.469 20.494
2015-01 17.275 8.295 20.635
2014-12 17.258 8.274 20.402
2014-11 17.237 7.889 20.266
2014-10 17.242 7.876 20.177
2014-09 17.263 8.176 19.96
2014-08 17.193 8.245 20.27
2014-07 17.006 8.178 20.193
2014-06 17.152 8.183 19.977
2014-05 17.175 8.158 20.012
2014-04 17.078 7.946 20.013
2014-03 17.12 7.974 19.97
2014-02 16.979 8.054 20.0
2014-01 17.072 8.042 19.985
2013-12 17.142 8.382 20.384
2013-11 17.269 8.684 20.086
2013-10 17.209 8.149 19.994
2013-09 17.067 8.397 19.841
2013-08 17.0 8.44 19.871
2013-07 17.098 8.516 19.811
2013-06 16.977 8.556 19.7
2013-05 17.087 8.864 19.719
2013-04 16.721 8.971 19.725
2013-03 17.383 8.864 19.51
2013-02 17.123 8.788 19.617
2013-01 16.932 8.577 19.606
2012-12 16.908 8.37 20.035
2012-11 16.836 8.748 19.819
2012-10 16.936 8.566 19.968
2012-09 17.026 8.532 19.87
2012-08 17.118 8.52 19.836
2012-07 17.093 8.542 19.878
2012-06 17.092 8.683 20.029
2012-05 16.875 8.559 19.994
2012-04 16.956 8.838 19.766
2012-03 16.921 8.217 20.33
2012-02 17.011 9.293 19.924
2012-01 16.979 8.512 20.074
2011-12 16.709 8.284 20.484
2011-11 16.969 8.38 20.278
2011-10 16.97 8.499 20.244
2011-09 17.022 8.581 20.239
2011-08 16.946 8.744 20.289
2011-07 16.952 8.551 20.225
2011-06 16.904 8.523 20.271
2011-05 16.998 8.349 20.148
2011-04 17.025 8.152 20.347
2011-03 16.974 8.564 20.898
2011-02 17.046 8.678 21.245
2011-01 17.011 8.842 20.82
2010-12 17.048 9.161 20.577
2010-11 16.969 8.892 20.657
2010-10 16.978 8.927 20.069
2010-09 16.9 8.823 20.312
2010-08 16.871 8.734 20.003
2010-07 16.9 8.762 20.305
2010-06 16.866 8.722 19.73
2010-05 16.806 8.86 20.012
2010-04 16.699 8.85 19.956
2010-03 16.703 8.846 20.209
2010-02 16.631 9.113 19.815
2010-01 16.601 9.025 20.105
2009-12 16.682 8.907 20.423
2009-11 16.487 8.584 20.277
2009-10 16.662 8.694 20.135
2009-09 16.635 8.744 19.982
2009-08 16.667 8.657 19.427
2009-07 16.507 8.879 19.735
2009-06 16.533 8.901 20.107
2009-05 16.495 8.926 19.987
2009-04 16.47 8.998 19.54
2009-03 16.12 8.907 19.387
2009-02 16.312 9.09 19.307
2009-01 16.461 9.276 19.694

Food products, engineered goods and energy

  • Source: INSEE

Energy: clear decrease

Energy consumption continues to decline in March (–1.6% after –0.2%). Fuel consumption fell back (–1,8% after –2,7%) while gas and electricity consumption continued to decline (–1.5% after –2.4%).

Over the whole first quarter of 2022, energy consumption decreased by 2.7%.

Breakdown of energy

Breakdown of energy
Refined Products Energy, water, waste
2022-03 3.822 4.22
2022-02 3.893 4.284
2022-01 3.792 4.391
2021-12 3.875 4.406
2021-11 3.947 4.438
2021-10 4.002 4.435
2021-09 3.983 4.377
2021-08 3.965 4.415
2021-07 3.933 4.413
2021-06 3.909 4.383
2021-05 3.556 4.673
2021-04 3.281 4.679
2021-03 3.68 4.442
2021-02 3.577 4.345
2021-01 3.671 4.464
2020-12 3.529 4.301
2020-11 2.92 4.025
2020-10 3.672 4.746
2020-09 3.671 4.334
2020-08 3.675 4.332
2020-07 3.78 4.329
2020-06 3.51 4.327
2020-05 2.926 4.229
2020-04 1.887 3.899
2020-03 3.08 4.368
2020-02 3.918 4.235
2020-01 3.919 4.124
2019-12 3.927 4.263
2019-11 3.868 4.375
2019-10 3.839 4.25
2019-09 3.859 4.375
2019-08 3.84 4.367
2019-07 3.897 4.408
2019-06 3.885 4.437
2019-05 3.813 4.541
2019-04 3.891 4.445
2019-03 3.831 4.234
2019-02 3.94 4.359
2019-01 3.944 4.46
2018-12 3.806 4.284
2018-11 4.006 4.3
2018-10 3.999 4.302
2018-09 3.885 4.3
2018-08 3.966 4.303
2018-07 3.876 4.293
2018-06 3.955 4.269
2018-05 4.012 4.264
2018-04 3.983 4.159
2018-03 4.015 4.695
2018-02 3.999 4.931
2018-01 3.858 3.999
2017-12 4.082 4.532
2017-11 3.943 4.474
2017-10 3.766 4.218
2017-09 4.11 4.462
2017-08 3.994 4.361
2017-07 3.994 4.337
2017-06 3.984 4.336
2017-05 4.006 4.367
2017-04 3.932 4.277
2017-03 3.894 4.025
2017-02 3.919 4.215
2017-01 3.983 4.754
2016-12 4.013 4.431
2016-11 4.032 4.508
2016-10 3.975 4.656
2016-09 3.968 4.343
2016-08 3.983 4.377
2016-07 3.907 4.369
2016-06 3.692 4.431
2016-05 4.193 4.389
2016-04 3.936 4.624
2016-03 3.989 4.52
2016-02 3.945 4.366
2016-01 3.897 4.206
2015-12 4.037 3.883
2015-11 3.791 4.132
2015-10 3.871 4.655
2015-09 3.91 4.425
2015-08 3.9 4.336
2015-07 4.008 4.345
2015-06 3.885 4.315
2015-05 3.854 4.265
2015-04 3.901 4.217
2015-03 3.827 4.323
2015-02 3.857 4.612
2015-01 3.878 4.417
2014-12 3.975 4.294
2014-11 3.755 4.133
2014-10 3.852 4.015
2014-09 3.87 4.307
2014-08 3.894 4.353
2014-07 3.832 4.35
2014-06 3.865 4.32
2014-05 3.772 4.394
2014-04 3.809 4.134
2014-03 3.819 4.152
2014-02 3.8 4.256
2014-01 3.815 4.227
2013-12 3.896 4.486
2013-11 3.883 4.826
2013-10 3.863 4.274
2013-09 3.828 4.582
2013-08 3.884 4.563
2013-07 3.914 4.609
2013-06 3.877 4.695
2013-05 4.079 4.792
2013-04 4.036 4.957
2013-03 3.976 4.911
2013-02 3.958 4.851
2013-01 3.903 4.688
2012-12 3.873 4.5
2012-11 4.037 4.716
2012-10 3.976 4.591
2012-09 3.941 4.596
2012-08 3.954 4.567
2012-07 3.99 4.549
2012-06 4.113 4.558
2012-05 4.042 4.508
2012-04 3.943 4.919
2012-03 3.994 4.198
2012-02 4.036 5.298
2012-01 4.032 4.47
2011-12 3.855 4.421
2011-11 3.962 4.407
2011-10 4.018 4.47
2011-09 4.056 4.513
2011-08 4.165 4.566
2011-07 4.004 4.539
2011-06 4.016 4.497
2011-05 3.864 4.48
2011-04 4.015 4.117
2011-03 4.084 4.468
2011-02 4.182 4.481
2011-01 4.218 4.61
2010-12 4.1 5.043
2010-11 4.152 4.731
2010-10 4.164 4.752
2010-09 4.175 4.641
2010-08 4.117 4.61
2010-07 4.172 4.584
2010-06 4.113 4.602
2010-05 4.151 4.7
2010-04 4.265 4.583
2010-03 4.15 4.688
2010-02 4.315 4.791
2010-01 4.07 4.938
2009-12 4.301 4.599
2009-11 4.19 4.378
2009-10 4.144 4.554
2009-09 4.174 4.573
2009-08 4.072 4.6
2009-07 4.283 4.589
2009-06 4.327 4.56
2009-05 4.345 4.567
2009-04 4.378 4.606
2009-03 4.321 4.575
2009-02 4.336 4.757
2009-01 4.368 4.922

Breakdown of energy

  • Source: INSEE

Engineered goods: slight decrease

The consumption of engineered goods decreased very slightly in March (–0.1% after +2.2% in February). This decrease is explained by the clear fall back of consumption of durable goods (–1.2% after +1.6%) and the further decrease of consumption of "other engineered goods" (–0.3% after –0.4%). Conversely, consumption in clothing and textiles increased further (+3.1% after +8.7%).

Over the whole first quarter of 2022, consumption of engineered goods decreased by 1.3%.


Consumption of durable goods fell back (–1.2% after +1.6%). This decrease mainly resulted from the decline in consumption of transport equipment (–2.8% after +1.4%), in particular by the decrease in sales of cars. Consumption of housing equipment went up slightly (+1.3% after –0.8%) and other durables went down, in particular with a fall back of glasses sales.

Textile-clothing: further increase

Consumption of clothing and textiles increased strongly further in March (+3.1% after +8.7%). This increase is mainly due to the rebound in purchases of shoes.

Other engineered goods: slight decline

Consumption of "other manufactured goods" continued to decrease (–0.3% after –0.4%). This decrease is explained, like the previous month, by the drop in purchases of Covid-19 self-tests.

Breakdown of engineered goods

Breakdown of engineered goods
Transport equipment Textile-clothing Other engineered goods Household durables
2022-03 5.353 4.274 6.7 4.256
2022-02 5.508 4.146 6.723 4.203
2022-01 5.432 3.815 6.752 4.236
2021-12 5.437 4.422 6.756 4.132
2021-11 5.457 4.228 6.75 4.501
2021-10 5.36 4.209 6.704 4.281
2021-09 5.572 4.299 6.745 4.411
2021-08 5.443 4.146 6.768 4.334
2021-07 5.3 4.271 6.826 4.685
2021-06 5.515 4.596 6.859 4.543
2021-05 5.526 4.298 6.635 4.509
2021-04 5.374 1.781 5.749 3.74
2021-03 5.642 3.672 6.634 4.458
2021-02 5.66 4.434 6.527 4.809
2021-01 5.882 3.526 6.655 4.447
2020-12 5.839 4.766 7.063 6.036
2020-11 5.022 2.158 5.797 3.263
2020-10 6.189 4.099 7.015 4.703
2020-09 6.215 4.296 6.83 4.53
2020-08 6.399 4.962 6.938 4.678
2020-07 6.862 4.037 6.85 4.5
2020-06 6.467 4.07 7.01 4.84
2020-05 4.398 3.426 6.472 4.013
2020-04 1.291 1.007 4.327 1.842
2020-03 2.622 2.153 5.383 2.829
2020-02 6.064 4.061 6.75 3.967
2020-01 5.929 4.409 6.69 4.051
2019-12 6.433 4.304 6.64 4.154
2019-11 6.267 4.271 6.749 4.062
2019-10 6.176 4.332 6.685 4.009
2019-09 5.991 4.37 6.672 3.968
2019-08 6.274 4.345 6.673 3.948
2019-07 6.075 4.28 6.678 4.027
2019-06 5.908 4.27 6.645 3.822
2019-05 5.998 4.299 6.655 3.992
2019-04 5.961 4.222 6.631 4.041
2019-03 6.15 4.262 6.669 3.938
2019-02 6.075 4.407 6.679 3.936
2019-01 6.008 4.336 6.654 3.891
2018-12 5.563 4.173 6.634 3.809
2018-11 5.993 4.282 6.611 3.871
2018-10 5.981 4.225 6.647 3.843
2018-09 5.941 4.104 6.655 3.821
2018-08 6.188 4.268 6.641 3.812
2018-07 5.942 4.259 6.629 3.785
2018-06 6.05 4.172 6.647 3.852
2018-05 6.163 4.266 6.641 3.764
2018-04 6.135 4.423 6.634 3.72
2018-03 6.028 4.238 6.659 3.798
2018-02 5.991 4.423 6.597 3.767
2018-01 5.81 4.273 6.608 3.749
2017-12 5.918 4.274 6.62 3.758
2017-11 5.837 4.678 6.615 3.852
2017-10 5.862 4.136 6.588 3.746
2017-09 5.868 4.537 6.621 3.806
2017-08 5.824 4.374 6.6 3.763
2017-07 5.786 4.409 6.605 3.818
2017-06 5.89 4.375 6.565 3.72
2017-05 5.91 4.435 6.549 3.706
2017-04 5.748 4.197 6.551 3.721
2017-03 5.796 4.477 6.55 3.67
2017-02 5.746 4.5 6.531 3.696
2017-01 5.685 4.361 6.525 3.588
2016-12 5.821 4.34 6.54 3.594
2016-11 5.715 4.256 6.505 3.545
2016-10 5.472 4.347 6.493 3.607
2016-09 5.615 4.182 6.47 3.559
2016-08 5.421 4.208 6.47 3.527
2016-07 5.306 4.277 6.469 3.478
2016-06 5.399 4.522 6.484 3.764
2016-05 5.432 4.244 6.461 3.615
2016-04 5.498 4.205 6.485 3.913
2016-03 5.45 4.213 6.453 3.731
2016-02 5.323 4.189 6.455 3.606
2016-01 5.383 4.575 6.462 3.596
2015-12 5.257 4.31 6.444 3.828
2015-11 5.106 4.144 6.377 3.332
2015-10 5.209 4.316 6.435 3.461
2015-09 5.265 4.408 6.456 3.503
2015-08 5.083 4.375 6.387 3.461
2015-07 5.226 4.355 6.422 3.451
2015-06 5.213 4.427 6.418 3.357
2015-05 5.075 4.274 6.439 3.366
2015-04 5.07 4.385 6.407 3.354
2015-03 4.988 4.324 6.376 3.373
2015-02 5.0 4.353 6.409 3.388
2015-01 5.04 4.457 6.401 3.399
2014-12 4.949 4.372 6.33 3.418
2014-11 4.98 4.303 6.324 3.329
2014-10 5.003 4.224 6.29 3.33
2014-09 4.952 4.075 6.28 3.33
2014-08 5.023 4.288 6.302 3.34
2014-07 4.93 4.368 6.259 3.313
2014-06 4.922 4.346 6.217 3.193
2014-05 4.897 4.258 6.272 3.277
2014-04 5.088 4.243 6.228 3.145
2014-03 4.945 4.335 6.249 3.143
2014-02 5.062 4.292 6.21 3.125
2014-01 4.844 4.395 6.225 3.189
2013-12 5.462 4.264 6.172 3.198
2013-11 5.11 4.328 6.224 3.131
2013-10 5.096 4.256 6.184 3.157
2013-09 5.021 4.261 6.153 3.121
2013-08 5.112 4.195 6.173 3.101
2013-07 5.021 4.29 6.164 3.051
2013-06 4.954 4.209 6.149 3.088
2013-05 5.05 4.13 6.167 3.075
2013-04 4.951 4.228 6.153 3.093
2013-03 4.84 4.146 6.126 3.085
2013-02 5.017 4.213 6.103 3.006
2013-01 4.906 4.27 6.124 3.021
2012-12 5.343 4.234 6.13 3.048
2012-11 5.107 4.248 6.107 3.059
2012-10 5.189 4.337 6.123 3.025
2012-09 5.135 4.316 6.117 3.014
2012-08 5.25 4.203 6.113 2.983
2012-07 5.218 4.221 6.102 3.041
2012-06 5.319 4.098 6.219 3.053
2012-05 5.391 4.28 6.051 3.007
2012-04 5.324 3.992 6.056 3.068
2012-03 5.49 4.443 6.162 2.956
2012-02 5.294 4.23 6.106 3.017
2012-01 5.379 4.393 6.086 2.934
2011-12 5.663 4.285 6.12 3.072
2011-11 5.794 4.273 6.127 2.834
2011-10 5.588 4.326 6.122 2.911
2011-09 5.624 4.262 6.115 2.92
2011-08 5.622 4.289 6.113 2.942
2011-07 5.538 4.308 6.097 2.956
2011-06 5.476 4.436 6.111 2.931
2011-05 5.547 4.359 6.08 2.867
2011-04 5.606 4.474 6.099 2.886
2011-03 6.124 4.434 6.069 3.001
2011-02 6.349 4.532 6.066 3.025
2011-01 6.161 4.389 6.065 2.934
2010-12 6.097 4.468 6.02 2.775
2010-11 6.102 4.473 6.029 2.828
2010-10 5.6 4.343 6.011 2.835
2010-09 5.73 4.434 6.002 2.874
2010-08 5.407 4.411 5.956 2.904
2010-07 5.596 4.747 5.967 2.745
2010-06 5.595 4.132 5.938 2.784
2010-05 5.526 4.381 5.947 2.848
2010-04 5.606 4.4 5.894 2.783
2010-03 5.806 4.433 5.871 2.825
2010-02 5.69 4.246 5.822 2.789
2010-01 5.8 4.488 5.801 2.766
2009-12 6.296 4.424 5.813 2.716
2009-11 6.276 4.322 5.758 2.728
2009-10 5.981 4.427 5.782 2.731
2009-09 5.913 4.369 5.752 2.72
2009-08 5.727 4.06 5.719 2.682
2009-07 5.812 4.306 5.698 2.692
2009-06 5.785 4.567 5.825 2.687
2009-05 6.198 4.344 5.686 2.636
2009-04 5.611 4.374 5.722 2.62
2009-03 5.508 4.387 5.705 2.595
2009-02 5.536 4.287 5.698 2.59
2009-01 5.51 4.571 5.811 2.616

Breakdown of engineered goods

  • Source: INSEE

Household consumption expenditure on goods

Changes in %. TD-SA
Household consumption expenditure on goods (Changes in %. TD-SA )
Weight (1) Jan. 22 Feb. 22 Mar. 22 Mar. 22 / Mar. 21 Q / Q-1 (2)
Food products 38 -1.9 -0.1 -2.5 -6.9 -1.7
- excl. Tobacco 34 -2.0 -0.2 -2.9 -7.1 -1.7
Engineered goods 44 -2.6 2.2 -0.1 1.3 -1.3
- Durables 22 0.3 1.6 -1.2 -3.6 -0.6
- Including transport equipment 13 -0.1 1.4 -2.8 -5.1 0.2
- Including Household durables 7 2.5 -0.8 1.3 -4.5 -1.7
- Textile-clothing 9 -13.7 8.7 3.1 16.4 -4.8
- Other engineered goods 13 -0.1 -0.4 -0.3 1.0 -0.2
Energy 18 -1.1 -0.2 -1.6 -1.3 -2.7
- Energy. water. waste 10 -0.3 -2.4 -1.5 -5.0 -2.9
- Refined Products 8 -2.1 2.7 -1.8 3.8 -2.7
Total 100 -2.1 0.9 -1.3 -2.4 -1.7
- Including Manufactured goods 84 -2.3 1.4 -1.2 -1.6 -1.5
  • (1) Weighting in the consumption expenditure on goods in value in 2019
  • (2) Last three months / previous three months
  • Source: INSEE

The variation of consumption of goods for the month of February 2022 is revised upwards

The variation in household consumption on goods for February 2022 was revised upwards by 0.1 points, to +0.9% instead of +0.8%. Since the previous publication, new information has been incorporated and the seasonal adjustment coefficients (SAC) have been updated.

For more information

*Volumes are measured at chain-link previous year prices (2014 euro billions) and all figures are trading-day and seasonally adjusted.

Scope and definition – Consumption expenditure on goods is compliant with the national-accounts definition (NAF Rev. 2). In 2010, they accounted for half of total households’ consumption expenditure. They are divided into three main items:

Food: products of agriculture, forestry and fishing (AZ), food, drinks and tobacco (C1)

Energy: mining products, as well as water, gas, electricity and air conditioning, sanitation and waste management (DE), and refined and coked products (C2).

Engineered goods: computers, electronic, electrical and optical goods (C3), transport equipment (C4), textiles and clothing, products made of leather, wood, paper, metals, plastic, rubber, chemicals, minerals, furniture, hardware, drugs (C5). Within this heading are distinguished “durable” goods which include transport equipment, household durables (furniture, household appliances, etc.) and other durable goods (jewelry, watches, glasses, medical devices, etc.).

The manufactured goods correspond to all the products C1, C2, C3, C4, C5.

Sources: This indicator is the compilation of a variety of statistical sources issued by the Bank of France, the French Federation of Automobile Manufacturers (CCFA), the Department of Data and Statistical Studies (SDES), the French Institute of Fashion (IFM), the National Health-Insurance Administration (CNAM), the National Federation of Rubber and Plastics Industries (SNCP), the Board of Oil (CPDP), GFK, Logista, the International Union Committee of Automobile and Motorcycle (CSIAM), etc.

Next publication : May 31, 2022 at 8:45 AM

Pour en savoir plus
