Establishments characteristics at the end of 2019 Arrondissement of Boulogne-Billancourt (923)

Detailed figures

Paru le :21/04/2022

RES T1 - Active employer establishments by aggregated sector of activity and size at the end of 2019

RES T1 - Active employer establishments by aggregated sector of activity and size at the end of 2019
Total % 0 employee 1 to 9 employee(s) 10 to 19 employees 20 to 49 employees 50 and more employees
Altogether 12 123 100,0 1 201 8 433 1 095 722 672
Agriculture, forestry and fishing 9 0,1 4 4 0 1 0
Industrial economy 305 2,5 16 181 53 28 27
Building industry 654 5,4 74 490 48 22 20
Trade, transport, various services 10 074 83,1 1 030 7 152 827 545 520
including trade and car repair 1 680 13,9 105 1 271 154 79 71
Public administration, education, healthcare, social action 1 081 8,9 77 606 167 126 105
  • Scope: excluding the defense sector and individual employers.
  • Source: Insee, Flores (Localized Compensation and Employee Employment File) in geography as of 01/01/2022.

RES T2 - Employee positions by aggregated sector of activity and establishments size at the end of 2019

RES T2 - Employee positions by aggregated sector of activity and establishments size at the end of 2019
Total % 1 to 9 employeee(s) 10 to 19 employees 20 to 49 employees 50 to 99 employees 100 and more employees
Altogether 218 937 100,0 24 255 14 619 22 355 21 589 136 119
Agriculture, forestry and fishing 26 0,0 5 0 21 0 0
Industrial economy 10 543 4,8 690 701 764 637 7 751
Building industry 6 617 3,0 1 554 612 660 645 3 146
Trade, transport, various services 169 704 77,5 20 046 11 016 17 008 16 208 105 426
including trade and car repair 22 134 10,1 4 083 2 060 2 365 2 288 11 338
Public administration, education, healthcare, social action 32 047 14,6 1 960 2 290 3 902 4 099 19 796
  • Scope: excluding the defense sector and individual employers.
  • Source: Insee, Flores (Localized Compensation and Employee Employment File) in geography as of 01/01/2022.

RES G1 - Distribution of active employer establishments by aggregated sector of activity at the end of 2019

RES G1 - Distribution of active employer establishments by aggregated sector of activity at the end of 2019
Public administration, education, healthcare, social action 8,9
Trade, transport, various services 83,1
Building industry 5,4
Industrial economy 2,5
Agriculture, forestry and fishing 0,1
  • Scope: excluding the defense sector and individual employers.
  • Source: Insee, Flores (Localized Compensation and Employee Employment File) in geography as of 01/01/2022.

RES G1 - Distribution of active employer establishments by aggregated sector of activity at the end of 2019

  • Scope: excluding the defense sector and individual employers.
  • Source: Insee, Flores (Localized Compensation and Employee Employment File) in geography as of 01/01/2022.

RES G2 - Distribution of active employer establishments by size at the end of 2019

RES G2 - Distribution of active employer establishments by size at the end of 2019
50 and more employees 5,5
20 to 49 employees 6,0
10 to 19 employees 9,0
1 to 9 employee(s) 69,6
0 employee 9,9
  • Scope: excluding the defense sector and individual employers.
  • Source: Insee, Flores (Localized Compensation and Employee Employment File) in geography as of 01/01/2022.

RES G2 - Distribution of active employer establishments by size at the end of 2019

  • Scope: excluding the defense sector and individual employers.
  • Source: Insee, Flores (Localized Compensation and Employee Employment File) in geography as of 01/01/2022.

RES T3 - Active employer establishments according to the domains of the economy at the end of 2019

RES T3 - Active employer establishments according to the domains of the economy at the end of 2019
Establishments Employee positions
Number % Number %
Altogether 12 123 100,0 218 937 100,0
Productive domain 5 240 43,2 142 917 65,3
of which public domain 4 0,0 1 407 0,6
Presential domain 6 883 56,8 76 020 34,7
of which public domain 215 1,8 18 834 8,6
  • Scope: excluding the defense sector and individual employers.
  • Source: Insee, Flores (Localized Compensation and Employee Employment File) in geography as of 01/01/2022.

RES T5 - Individual employers at the end of 2019

RES T5 - Individual employers at the end of 2019
Individual employers
Number %
Altogether 31 730 100,0
Employers of childminders 2 777 8,8
Employers of other employees 28 953 91,2
  • Scope: individual employers.
  • Source: Insee, Flores (Localized Compensation and Employee Employment File) in geography as of 01/01/2022.


INSEE makes localized data from Flores available to the municipal level. However, at this geographic scale, the results of this data warehouse have not been validated by experts. Each user is therefore called upon to exercise good judgment concerning the plausibility and relevance of the results, in particular in limited geographic or sectoral fields. As far as possible, the analyzes should relate to areas "of sufficient size" (several thousand salaried positions), in order to limit the errors which could be due to occasional erroneous declarations on the part of certain establishments.

The status of municipal data from Flores differs in particular from that of Employment estimates, which are subject to full validation by experts and which are disseminated at a more aggregated level (department and employment area at the finest level). In other words, the municipal data, in return for their finesse, do not benefit from the same validation and adjustment framework.


Pay and salaried employment localized file (Flores) is a set of microeconomic data files that describe paid employment and compensation at establishment level. The main objective is to serve as a basis for national or local studies, to describe the economic fabric of a given territory down to the level of the municipality.

A general presentation of the source Flores is accessible in the section "Definitions, Methods and quality" of the site.


Establishment :

A local unit is a production unit that is geographically individual but legally dependent on a legal unit.An establishment produces goods or services: it can be a factory, a bakery, a clothing store, one of the hotels of a hotel chain, the "shop" of a repairer of computer hardware ...

The establishment or production unit is the most suitable level for a geographical approach to the economy.

Remarque :

The population of establishments is relatively stable over time and is less affected by corporate and financial restructuring than that of companies.

Head office :

When a legal unit runs its business in several establishment, one of them has the status of main establishment (sole proprietorship) or head office (company).

Post of work :

In employment and wage statistics, a job (or position) corresponds to the relationship of an employee and an establishment during a given period of time. Thus, an employee who works in two establishments (on a given date or over a certain period of time, such as a year) occupies two positions. Conversely, several employment contracts between the employee and the same establishment (on a given date or successively over a certain period of time) constitute a single position.

The concept of main position allows for only one position per employee. An employee's main position is the most remunerative position. The concept of an "additional" position makes it possible to exclude from certain statistics positions with a low volume of work and a low level of associated remuneration.

In the general case, a position is considered to be "non-additional" if the remuneration is higher than 3 monthly minimum wage rates or if the duration of employment exceeds 30 days and 120 hours and the number of hours/duration ratio is higher than 1.5.

Remarque :

The job is the basic statistical unit for the results from the "All-employee" files, DADS (annual declaration of social data), Siasp (System for information on civil servants), Clap (local knowledge of the productive system) and Flores (pay and salaried employment localized file), which succeeds Clap from 2017.

Economic sphere :

The partition of the economy in two spheres, "presential" and "productive", enables a better understanding of the spatial activities' logic and highlights the openness of local production systems.

It also helps provide an analysis grid for the outsourcing processes and the other economic changes taking place in the territories.

The "presential" activities are activities implemented locally for the production of goods and services aiming at the satisfaction of the needs of persons present in the area, whether residents or tourists.

Productive activities are determined by difference. These are activities that produce goods mainly consumed outside the area and services activities provided mainly to the companies of the productive sphere.

Remarque :

As of June 2015, the name "productive sphere" replaces that of "non- presential sphere". The distribution of activities is not affected.

As of January 2010, this new definition replaces the old one with its three spheres: "productive", "residential" and "public".


The Flores system (Localized remuneration and salaried employment file) covers establishments that have employed at least one employee during the year, in France excluding Mayotte. In this municipal database, the data made available is also restricted to establishments active at the end of the year (last week of December), which excludes establishments that ceased their activity during the year.

The salaried workforce at the end of the year corresponds to the number of positions present in the last week of December in the employing establishment. The workforce at the end of the year in some establishments may therefore be zero, if the employee (s) during the year were no longer employed at the end of December.

Flores covers all salaried employment, regardless of the sector of activity and the type of employer (public or private, including individual employers). Establishments under the Ministry of the Armed Forces (military personnel as well as civilians) are excluded from the scope.


The 2019 data are disseminated according to the geography in effect on January 1, 2022.