Insee Focus · March 2022 · n° 263
Insee FocusIn 2021, on average each week, one in five employees teleworked

Yves Jauneau (Insee)

In 2021, on average each week, 22% of employees teleworked. After being high at the beginning of the year, telework gradually declined from June 2021, before rebounding at the end of the year.

Teleworking was most common among managers and higher intellectual professionals. It was less frequent for young people or employees of small companies and, on the contrary, it was very frequent for employees in dense residential areas.

One in two employees worked in an occupation where telework was not practiced. On the other hand, 6% of employees worked in an occupation where more than half of the working time was teleworked in 2021. In 2021, with equal observed characteristics, the number of hours worked each week was, on average, equivalent between employees who teleworked and those who didn’t.

Insee Focus
No 263
Paru le :Paru le09/03/2022