Characteristics of the mainly market services sector by enterprise size in 2020 Annual data 2020

Key figures
Paru le :Paru le07/12/2022
- December 2022

Warning about the inclusion of economic concept of enterprise starting from the 2017 ÉSANE results : since the year 2017, data from the ÉSANE system are fully produced and disseminated according to the economic definition of the enterprise, as specified by decree number 2008-1354 pursuant to the law on the modernisation of the economy (LME). For further details, please refer to the documentation on the subject.

Warning about employment data in the 2020 ÉSANE results : employment data disseminated in the 2020 ÉSANE results now draw on the Registered Social Declaration (DSN). Thus, ESANE employment statistics are now more robust and more consistent with other Insee-produced employment data. For further details, please refer to the documentation on the 2020 Esane Insee results.

Characteristics of the mainly market services sector by enterprise size in 2020

Characteristics of the mainly market services sector by enterprise size in 2020
Number of Employees (FTE¹) excluding tax (in million euro) excluding tax (in million euro) Personnel costs² (in million euro) Gross operating surplus (in million euro) Gross excluding contributions (in million euro)
and (GE + ETI) 1,664 2,177,454 381,261 188,524 125,283 48,842 51,031
, excluding micro-enterprises 45,150 1,268,120 182,005 91,526 73,302 16,844 16,602
1,772,466 861,687 163,582 78,028 54,416 5,046 24,571
Total 1,819,280 4,307,261 726,848 358,078 253,001 70,731 92,203
  • 1. Full-time equivalent (FTE).
  • 2. Wages and charges.
  • Reading note: in 2020, SMEs, excluding micro-enterprises, employed 1,268,120 full-time equivalent (FTE) employees within the sectors.
  • Coverage: France, enterprises within the non-financial mainly market services sectors.
  • Source: INSEE, ÉSANE.

Characteristics of the mainly market services sector by enterprise size in 2020

  • 1. Full-time equivalent (FTE).
  • 2. Wages and charges.
  • Reading note: in 2020, , excluding , employed 29.4% of the full-time equivalent (FTE) employees within the sectors.
  • Coverage: France, within the non-financial mainly market services sectors.
  • Source: INSEE, ÉSANE.