Exporting enterprises by business sector Annual data 2020

Key figures
Paru le :Paru le30/11/2022
- November 2022

Warning about the inclusion of economic concept of enterprise starting from the 2017 ÉSANE results : since the year 2017, data from the ÉSANE system are fully produced and disseminated according to the economic definition of the enterprise, as specified by decree number 2008-1354 pursuant to the law on the modernisation of the economy (LME). For further details, please refer to the documentation on the subject.

Warning about employment data in the 2020 ÉSANE results : employment data disseminated in the 2020 ÉSANE results now draw on the Registered Social Declaration (DSN). Thus, ESANE employment statistics are now more robust and more consistent with other Insee-produced employment data. For further details, please refer to the documentation on the 2020 Esane Insee results.

Exporting enterprises by business sector in 2020

Exporting enterprises by business sector in 2020
Number of Proportion of exporting enterprises(in %) , excluding tax(in million euros) (in %)
27,052 10.4 409,807 41.2
Trade 60,633 8.7 128,842 14.7
Transport and storage 7,366 4.5 38,843 25.2
40,020 5.2 37,339 21.6
Other sectors 47,599 3.1 40,250 11.8
Total 182,670 5.3 655,080 25.8
  • 1. Export rate of enterprises.
  • Reading note: in 2020, 10.4% of industrial enterprises exported goods. The export rate of exporting industrial enterprises was 41.2%.
  • Coverage: France, exporting enterprises including micro-enterpreneurs and micro-enterprises in the fiscal sense.
  • Source: Insee, Ésane (données individuelles).