Insee Focus · October 2021 · n° 253
Insee FocusPrivate security moderately affected by the crisis, profit margins still low

Philippe Gallot (Insee)

In 2019, the private security sector generates a turnover of 7.0 billion euros, or 5.7% of the total turnover of all support activities excluding rental.

In 2020 and early 2021, due to the health crisis linked to Covid-19, the security sector's turnover falls, but less than that of all support activities (- 3.1% compared to - 11.9% in 2020). Before the crisis, activity was dynamic (+ 3.6% on average per year between 2010 and 2019).

The sector's profit margin remains low (6.9% in 2019 compared to 9.2% for all support activities), with almost no growth since 2010.

More than half of the turnover is generated by medium-sized and large companies. Companies in the sector are highly specialised. They carry out most of their activity in the sector (94% of their value added).

Of the 134,000 full-time equivalent employees in the sector, 5.0% are salaried business managers, executives or intermediate professions. The average gross hourly wage is lower than that of all support activities (13.6 euros against 15.0 euros).

Insee Focus
No 253
Paru le :Paru le26/10/2021