Insee Focus · May 2021 · n° 237
Insee FocusIncome Disparities Higher in Large Cities

David Pirou (Insee)

Half of the populations in metropolitan France, Martinique and La Réunion has an annual standard of living greater than 21,650 euros in 2018. The median standard of living is higher in the west of Île-de-France, in the departments in which the regional capitals are located and in the vicinity of the borders with Switzerland and Germany. Conversely, standards of living are lowest in La Réunion, Martinique and Seine-Saint-Denis.

These disparities in standards of living increase with the size of the functional areas of cities. They are more pronounced around the centres, particularly in central municipalities and in the overseas departments. Poverty is also more prevalent in these regions.

Insee Focus
No 237
Paru le :Paru le25/05/2021