Insee Première · July 2021 · n° 1869
Insee PremièreWages in the local public service In 2019, the average net wage increased by 0.4% in real terms

Romain Bour (Insee), Déborah Massis (DGCL)

In 2019, an employee in the local civil service received on average 1,993 euros net per month per full-time equivalent; this average includes all employees of local authorities, whatever their jobs and categories, whether or not they were civil servants. This average net wage rose by 1.5% in one year in nominal terms. Adjusted for inflation, it increased by 0.4%, after a decrease of 0.9% in 2018.

Civil servants account for 79% of full-time equivalent staff in the local public service. Their average net wage increased by 0.3% in real terms. For non-civil servants, it increased more frankly (+0.9%), mainly due to the drop in the number of subsidized contracts, less paid on average.

The average net wage was 1,887 euros per month in the municipalities, 2,072 euros in public inter-municipal cooperation establishments (EPCI) with tax-levying powers, 2,154 euros in the regions and 2,206 euros in the departments. Women's net wages were on average 8.9% lower than men's, after 9.2% in 2018. With identical characteristics, the gap was 5.0%, as in 2018.

For employees present throughout both years 2017 and 2018 with the same employer and the same work quota, i.e. almost two out of three employees in the local public service, the average net wage increased by 1.2% in real terms.

Insee Première
No 1869
Paru le :Paru le15/07/2021