Insee Focus · June 2021 · n° 241
Insee Focus47.9 million voters registered on the French electoral rolls in May 2021

Nathalie Stéphan (Insee)

In May 2021, 47.9 million people were registered on the French electoral lists (except for New Caledonia), including 1.4 million living outside France and registered on a consular list. In the national territory, 94% of French people of voting age are registered on a list.

The number of people on the lists increased by 283,000 between February 2020 and May 2021. In particular, automatic registrations of young people aged 18 were more numerous than deaths. During this period, 1 million French people had voluntarily registered on the electoral roll, most often following a move to a new location. One time out of three, they registered online.

The Portuguese are the most numerous foreigners on the complementary lists of the municipalities.

Insee Focus
No 241
Paru le :Paru le09/06/2021