Insee Première · April 2021 · n° 1852
Insee PremièreIn 2019, 61% of enterprises set up five years earlier were still active

Audrey Dorolle (Insee)

Out of all enterprises set up in France in the first half of 2014, excluding those under the autoentrepreneur regime, 61% were still in business five years after being set up. This proportion has remained stable in comparison with the 2010 generation.

As in the previous generation, companies survive longer than sole proprietorships. Enterprises tend to be more resilient in education, human health and social care and less in commerce. The financial resources invested in starting up and experience in the line of activity also favour business survival and continuity.

Out of the enterprises still active in 2019, 36% have at least one employee, compared with 27% when first set up.

Enterprises still active five years after being set up can be split into four categories: enterprises in difficulty (21%), financially stable liberal professions (10%), enterprises satisfied with their level of business (34%), and innovative corporate investors (35%).

Insee Première
No 1852
Paru le :Paru le14/04/2021