Informations Rapides · 30 June 2021 · n° 169
Informations rapidesHousehold consumption expenditure on goods bounced back sharply in May 2021 (+10.4%) Household consumption expenditure on goods - May 2021

Household consumption expenditure on goods bounced back sharply in May (+10.4% in volume* compared to April 2021), after the drop in April (–8.7%) linked to the third lockdown. This rebound was mainly driven by the manufactured goods purchases (+26.0%), with the reopening of all stores on May 19, and to a lesser extent by spending on energy (+2.6% after a stability), with the end of travel restrictions in early May. Food consumption was stable.

Spending in May 2021 reached thus a level near the average level of the fourth quarter 2019 (–0.3%).

Informations rapides
No 169
Paru le :Paru le30/06/2021
Prochaine parution le : 30/07/2024 at 07:30 - June 2024

Household consumption expenditure on goods bounced back sharply in May (+10.4% in volume* compared to April 2021), after the drop in April (–8.7%) linked to the third lockdown. This rebound was mainly driven by the manufactured goods purchases (+26.0%), with the reopening of all stores on May 19, and to a lesser extent by spending on energy (+2.6% after a stability), with the end of travel restrictions in early May. Food consumption was stable.

Spending in May 2021 reached thus a level near the average level of the fourth quarter 2019 (–0.3%).

Total consumption of goods

Total consumption of goods
Monthly data
2009-01 45.333
2009-02 44.612
2009-03 44.354
2009-04 44.938
2009-05 45.373
2009-06 45.485
2009-07 45.057
2009-08 44.687
2009-09 45.325
2009-10 45.474
2009-11 45.346
2009-12 45.992
2010-01 45.667
2010-02 45.463
2010-03 45.747
2010-04 45.456
2010-05 45.679
2010-06 45.26
2010-07 45.953
2010-08 45.588
2010-09 46.034
2010-10 45.928
2010-11 46.511
2010-12 46.745
2011-01 46.676
2011-02 47.014
2011-03 46.485
2011-04 45.555
2011-05 45.533
2011-06 45.713
2011-07 45.712
2011-08 45.967
2011-09 45.846
2011-10 45.719
2011-11 45.645
2011-12 45.514
2012-01 45.566
2012-02 46.197
2012-03 45.493
2012-04 45.542
2012-05 45.455
2012-06 45.801
2012-07 45.519
2012-08 45.479
2012-09 45.417
2012-10 45.481
2012-11 45.402
2012-12 45.323
2013-01 45.121
2013-02 45.502
2013-03 45.733
2013-04 45.41
2013-05 45.685
2013-06 45.233
2013-07 45.42
2013-08 45.306
2013-09 45.299
2013-10 45.365
2013-11 46.035
2013-12 45.931
2014-01 45.106
2014-02 45.017
2014-03 45.051
2014-04 45.04
2014-05 45.354
2014-06 45.329
2014-07 45.36
2014-08 45.701
2014-09 45.394
2014-10 45.31
2014-11 45.395
2014-12 45.934
2015-01 46.206
2015-02 46.183
2015-03 45.754
2015-04 46.006
2015-05 45.931
2015-06 46.381
2015-07 46.461
2015-08 46.256
2015-09 46.567
2015-10 46.548
2015-11 45.558
2015-12 46.633
2016-01 46.955
2016-02 46.643
2016-03 47.04
2016-04 47.202
2016-05 46.994
2016-06 47.002
2016-07 46.484
2016-08 46.778
2016-09 46.986
2016-10 47.422
2016-11 47.353
2016-12 47.419
2017-01 47.709
2017-02 47.363
2017-03 47.213
2017-04 47.294
2017-05 47.873
2017-06 47.805
2017-07 47.777
2017-08 47.711
2017-09 48.243
2017-10 47.148
2017-11 48.384
2017-12 47.885
2018-01 46.995
2018-02 48.655
2018-03 48.266
2018-04 47.432
2018-05 47.795
2018-06 47.653
2018-07 47.512
2018-08 47.804
2018-09 47.206
2018-10 47.634
2018-11 47.72
2018-12 46.893
2019-01 47.777
2019-02 47.875
2019-03 47.458
2019-04 47.747
2019-05 47.928
2019-06 47.529
2019-07 47.791
2019-08 47.715
2019-09 47.746
2019-10 47.808
2019-11 48.166
2019-12 48.117
2020-01 47.452
2020-02 47.372
2020-03 40.629
2020-04 32.974
2020-05 44.566
2020-06 49.376
2020-07 49.05
2020-08 49.877
2020-09 48.289
2020-10 49.837
2020-11 41.546
2020-12 50.33
2021-01 47.685
2021-02 47.846
2021-03 47.524
2021-04 43.377
2021-05 47.878

Total consumption of goods

  • Source: INSEE

Manufactured goods: +26.0%

In May, manufactured goods consumption bounced back (+26.0% after –19.7% in April), driven by the very strong rebound in expenditure on clothing and textiles (+149.2%) and to a lesser extend in purchases of durable goods (+11.3%) and other manufactured goods (+15.2%).

Durables: +11.3%

In May, spending on durable goods bounced back (+11.3% after –10.3%). Purchases of housing equipment recovered sharply (+24.0% after –17.1%), driven by the strong rebound in purchases of furniture and to a lesser extent household appliances. The rebound in purchases of other durable goods, in particular watches and jewelry, was a bit less marked (+ 18.6% after –22.7%), and the level of expenditure remained clearly down (–12.4% compared to the average level in Q4 2019). Finally, purchases of transport equipment increased anew (+2.8% after –2.9%), after three consecutive months of decline.

Textile-clothing: +149.2%

In May, spending on clothing and textiles recovered strongly (+149.2% after –57.0%), with a very sharp rebound of sales at the reopening of stores on May 19. Purchases level in May thus clearly exceeded the average of the first quarter of 2021 (+10.0%), it was only 2.2% below to the average level in Q4 2019, despite shop closures for more than half of the month.

Other engineered goods: +15.2%

In May, consumption of "other manufactured goods" bounced back (+15.2% after –13.5%), with the rebound in sales of sports equipment, games and toys and perfumes and hygiene articles following the reopening of stores on May 19.

Breakdown of engineered goods

Breakdown of engineered goods
Transport equipment Textile-clothing Other engineered goods Household durables
2009-01 5.512 4.571 5.81 2.613
2009-02 5.535 4.287 5.7 2.591
2009-03 5.508 4.387 5.708 2.6
2009-04 5.61 4.374 5.73 2.621
2009-05 6.198 4.344 5.698 2.634
2009-06 5.783 4.567 5.816 2.682
2009-07 5.808 4.306 5.695 2.693
2009-08 5.723 4.059 5.716 2.688
2009-09 5.911 4.369 5.749 2.722
2009-10 5.978 4.427 5.779 2.739
2009-11 6.28 4.322 5.757 2.721
2009-12 6.308 4.424 5.81 2.711
2010-01 5.805 4.488 5.8 2.757
2010-02 5.692 4.246 5.822 2.786
2010-03 5.81 4.433 5.875 2.828
2010-04 5.604 4.4 5.899 2.774
2010-05 5.521 4.381 5.96 2.871
2010-06 5.594 4.132 5.932 2.779
2010-07 5.593 4.747 5.965 2.742
2010-08 5.403 4.411 5.953 2.907
2010-09 5.728 4.434 5.999 2.887
2010-10 5.596 4.343 6.008 2.843
2010-11 6.102 4.473 6.029 2.819
2010-12 6.105 4.468 6.017 2.775
2011-01 6.171 4.389 6.063 2.927
2011-02 6.358 4.532 6.065 3.019
2011-03 6.13 4.434 6.072 3.002
2011-04 5.604 4.474 6.103 2.872
2011-05 5.54 4.359 6.093 2.878
2011-06 5.475 4.436 6.108 2.94
2011-07 5.533 4.308 6.095 2.949
2011-08 5.621 4.289 6.11 2.943
2011-09 5.622 4.262 6.111 2.931
2011-10 5.586 4.326 6.12 2.913
2011-11 5.791 4.273 6.127 2.832
2011-12 5.663 4.285 6.118 3.064
2012-01 5.381 4.393 6.084 2.931
2012-02 5.294 4.23 6.099 3.014
2012-03 5.49 4.443 6.164 2.953
2012-04 5.323 3.993 6.057 3.063
2012-05 5.388 4.28 6.063 3.017
2012-06 5.323 4.098 6.217 3.051
2012-07 5.216 4.221 6.101 3.051
2012-08 5.251 4.203 6.111 2.99
2012-09 5.134 4.316 6.113 3.009
2012-10 5.191 4.337 6.121 3.032
2012-11 5.104 4.248 6.109 3.064
2012-12 5.345 4.234 6.128 3.043
2013-01 4.906 4.284 6.124 3.017
2013-02 5.016 4.206 6.102 3.0
2013-03 4.836 4.141 6.129 3.081
2013-04 4.949 4.225 6.153 3.092
2013-05 5.047 4.128 6.178 3.087
2013-06 4.959 4.209 6.148 3.089
2013-07 5.018 4.29 6.161 3.054
2013-08 5.113 4.191 6.17 3.1
2013-09 5.022 4.259 6.148 3.121
2013-10 5.102 4.259 6.182 3.161
2013-11 5.11 4.332 6.228 3.123
2013-12 5.462 4.268 6.17 3.206
2014-01 4.843 4.405 6.225 3.189
2014-02 5.062 4.287 6.21 3.119
2014-03 4.939 4.331 6.251 3.138
2014-04 5.089 4.241 6.228 3.147
2014-05 4.896 4.257 6.281 3.279
2014-06 4.925 4.345 6.215 3.21
2014-07 4.929 4.367 6.257 3.301
2014-08 5.027 4.285 6.301 3.335
2014-09 4.953 4.074 6.275 3.331
2014-10 5.013 4.226 6.289 3.331
2014-11 4.978 4.306 6.329 3.326
2014-12 4.94 4.375 6.328 3.419
2015-01 5.035 4.463 6.402 3.397
2015-02 4.999 4.349 6.408 3.394
2015-03 4.979 4.323 6.376 3.376
2015-04 5.071 4.382 6.406 3.348
2015-05 5.074 4.274 6.446 3.364
2015-06 5.215 4.424 6.415 3.365
2015-07 5.226 4.353 6.422 3.444
2015-08 5.089 4.374 6.386 3.465
2015-09 5.269 4.41 6.453 3.496
2015-10 5.224 4.317 6.434 3.448
2015-11 5.106 4.148 6.382 3.342
2015-12 5.244 4.311 6.443 3.832
2016-01 5.373 4.575 6.463 3.598
2016-02 5.323 4.183 6.449 3.607
2016-03 5.44 4.213 6.451 3.738
2016-04 5.501 4.2 6.485 3.884
2016-05 5.435 4.245 6.465 3.628
2016-06 5.4 4.52 6.482 3.779
2016-07 5.308 4.277 6.471 3.461
2016-08 5.428 4.21 6.47 3.534
2016-09 5.619 4.183 6.468 3.555
2016-10 5.492 4.349 6.491 3.594
2016-11 5.711 4.261 6.512 3.556
2016-12 5.803 4.344 6.538 3.578
2017-01 5.669 4.356 6.527 3.618
2017-02 5.753 4.489 6.53 3.691
2017-03 5.784 4.479 6.546 3.669
2017-04 5.761 4.193 6.551 3.705
2017-05 5.921 4.441 6.549 3.705
2017-06 5.895 4.371 6.563 3.733
2017-07 5.785 4.411 6.608 3.795
2017-08 5.826 4.377 6.6 3.773
2017-09 5.868 4.537 6.62 3.794
2017-10 5.879 4.136 6.586 3.759
2017-11 5.829 4.686 6.621 3.882
2017-12 5.903 4.278 6.62 3.727
2018-01 5.793 4.257 6.611 3.77
2018-02 6.014 4.402 6.594 3.752
2018-03 6.021 4.257 6.651 3.789
2018-04 6.167 4.419 6.634 3.727
2018-05 6.178 4.277 6.639 3.759
2018-06 6.068 4.175 6.651 3.843
2018-07 5.924 4.255 6.635 3.812
2018-08 6.179 4.25 6.64 3.798
2018-09 5.934 4.105 6.654 3.821
2018-10 5.987 4.224 6.643 3.842
2018-11 5.983 4.296 6.617 3.909
2018-12 5.539 4.186 6.637 3.779
2019-01 5.99 4.29 6.656 3.913
2019-02 6.118 4.367 6.668 3.905
2019-03 6.142 4.318 6.651 3.94
2019-04 6.002 4.209 6.632 4.036
2019-05 6.003 4.317 6.653 4.0
2019-06 5.939 4.294 6.655 3.815
2019-07 6.034 4.269 6.69 4.023
2019-08 6.263 4.285 6.67 3.945
2019-09 5.98 4.377 6.672 4.0
2019-10 6.159 4.331 6.681 3.993
2019-11 6.258 4.298 6.754 4.115
2019-12 6.433 4.345 6.65 4.109
2020-01 5.907 4.321 6.69 4.066
2020-02 6.111 4.01 6.726 3.907
2020-03 2.564 2.247 5.371 2.879
2020-04 1.3 0.96 4.335 1.843
2020-05 4.399 3.425 6.484 3.99
2020-06 6.527 4.187 7.037 4.875
2020-07 6.789 4.027 6.861 4.472
2020-08 6.396 4.761 6.927 4.685
2020-09 6.199 4.306 6.829 4.543
2020-10 6.151 4.053 6.998 4.648
2020-11 5.045 2.164 5.802 3.392
2020-12 5.908 4.983 7.063 5.942
2021-01 5.915 3.289 6.647 4.463
2021-02 5.793 4.301 6.495 4.672
2021-03 5.676 3.949 6.597 4.483
2021-04 5.512 1.697 5.709 3.715
2021-05 5.667 4.23 6.576 4.608

Breakdown of engineered goods

  • Source: INSEE

Energy: +2.6%

In May, energy consumption increased (+2.6% after a stability in April). Fuel consumption bounced back (+7.8% after –9.3%), with the end of travel restrictions, but still remained 7.6% below its average level of the fourth quarter 2019. Gas and electricity consumption was virtually stable (–0.5% after +6.6%), with a month of May colder than the seasonal average, as in April.

Breakdown of energy

Breakdown of energy
Refined Products Energy, water, waste
2009-01 4.368 4.922
2009-02 4.336 4.755
2009-03 4.321 4.575
2009-04 4.378 4.606
2009-05 4.345 4.567
2009-06 4.327 4.56
2009-07 4.283 4.59
2009-08 4.072 4.6
2009-09 4.174 4.573
2009-10 4.144 4.554
2009-11 4.19 4.377
2009-12 4.301 4.599
2010-01 4.07 4.938
2010-02 4.315 4.787
2010-03 4.15 4.687
2010-04 4.265 4.582
2010-05 4.151 4.701
2010-06 4.113 4.602
2010-07 4.172 4.585
2010-08 4.117 4.61
2010-09 4.175 4.641
2010-10 4.164 4.753
2010-11 4.152 4.731
2010-12 4.1 5.044
2011-01 4.218 4.61
2011-02 4.182 4.477
2011-03 4.084 4.467
2011-04 4.015 4.117
2011-05 3.864 4.48
2011-06 4.016 4.497
2011-07 4.003 4.539
2011-08 4.165 4.567
2011-09 4.056 4.513
2011-10 4.018 4.47
2011-11 3.962 4.407
2011-12 3.856 4.422
2012-01 4.032 4.47
2012-02 4.036 5.3
2012-03 3.994 4.198
2012-04 3.943 4.919
2012-05 4.042 4.509
2012-06 4.113 4.558
2012-07 3.99 4.549
2012-08 3.954 4.568
2012-09 3.941 4.596
2012-10 3.975 4.592
2012-11 4.036 4.716
2012-12 3.874 4.501
2013-01 3.903 4.688
2013-02 3.958 4.846
2013-03 3.976 4.911
2013-04 4.037 4.957
2013-05 4.079 4.792
2013-06 3.877 4.694
2013-07 3.914 4.609
2013-08 3.883 4.564
2013-09 3.828 4.581
2013-10 3.862 4.276
2013-11 3.882 4.827
2013-12 3.898 4.487
2014-01 3.815 4.227
2014-02 3.8 4.252
2014-03 3.819 4.15
2014-04 3.811 4.134
2014-05 3.771 4.394
2014-06 3.865 4.319
2014-07 3.831 4.35
2014-08 3.893 4.353
2014-09 3.87 4.304
2014-10 3.851 4.019
2014-11 3.753 4.135
2014-12 3.978 4.296
2015-01 3.878 4.418
2015-02 3.856 4.61
2015-03 3.827 4.309
2015-04 3.905 4.221
2015-05 3.853 4.266
2015-06 3.885 4.314
2015-07 4.006 4.345
2015-08 3.9 4.336
2015-09 3.911 4.422
2015-10 3.87 4.665
2015-11 3.788 4.133
2015-12 4.04 3.885
2016-01 3.895 4.208
2016-02 3.944 4.37
2016-03 3.988 4.492
2016-04 3.943 4.632
2016-05 4.192 4.39
2016-06 3.693 4.43
2016-07 3.903 4.37
2016-08 3.983 4.377
2016-09 3.971 4.339
2016-10 3.974 4.67
2016-11 4.029 4.513
2016-12 4.016 4.434
2017-01 3.981 4.756
2017-02 3.918 4.214
2017-03 3.892 3.991
2017-04 3.938 4.285
2017-05 4.006 4.368
2017-06 3.991 4.333
2017-07 3.99 4.337
2017-08 3.995 4.36
2017-09 4.112 4.458
2017-10 3.765 4.232
2017-11 3.938 4.486
2017-12 4.081 4.537
2018-01 3.857 4.0
2018-02 3.993 4.928
2018-03 4.011 4.641
2018-04 3.994 4.163
2018-05 4.018 4.271
2018-06 3.971 4.262
2018-07 3.871 4.294
2018-08 3.963 4.305
2018-09 3.882 4.295
2018-10 3.998 4.319
2018-11 3.998 4.329
2018-12 3.803 4.29
2019-01 3.944 4.469
2019-02 3.936 4.342
2019-03 3.822 4.172
2019-04 3.911 4.447
2019-05 3.829 4.55
2019-06 3.913 4.423
2019-07 3.888 4.406
2019-08 3.83 4.372
2019-09 3.853 4.374
2019-10 3.838 4.274
2019-11 3.855 4.418
2019-12 3.916 4.267
2020-01 3.909 4.128
2020-02 3.905 4.209
2020-03 3.07 4.293
2020-04 1.93 3.885
2020-05 2.963 4.252
2020-06 3.535 4.318
2020-07 3.759 4.331
2020-08 3.658 4.337
2020-09 3.665 4.323
2020-10 3.674 4.786
2020-11 2.9 4.075
2020-12 3.519 4.314
2021-01 3.655 4.479
2021-02 3.572 4.313
2021-03 3.658 4.369
2021-04 3.317 4.656
2021-05 3.576 4.634

Breakdown of energy

  • Source: INSEE

Food products: stability

In May, food consumption was stable (after a 0.4% decline in April). The slight increase in general food consumption was compensated by the drop in meat consumption and tobacco.

Food products, engineered goods and energy

Food products, engineered goods and energy
Food products Energy Engineered goods
2009-01 16.461 9.275 19.691
2009-02 16.312 9.089 19.309
2009-03 16.12 8.907 19.397
2009-04 16.47 8.998 19.549
2009-05 16.495 8.926 19.997
2009-06 16.533 8.901 20.089
2009-07 16.507 8.879 19.729
2009-08 16.667 8.657 19.428
2009-09 16.635 8.744 19.981
2009-10 16.662 8.694 20.139
2009-11 16.487 8.584 20.271
2009-12 16.682 8.907 20.425
2010-01 16.601 9.025 20.097
2010-02 16.631 9.109 19.814
2010-03 16.703 8.846 20.219
2010-04 16.698 8.85 19.949
2010-05 16.806 8.861 20.049
2010-06 16.866 8.722 19.715
2010-07 16.9 8.762 20.295
2010-08 16.871 8.734 20.005
2010-09 16.9 8.823 20.322
2010-10 16.978 8.927 20.071
2010-11 16.969 8.893 20.647
2010-12 17.048 9.163 20.58
2011-01 17.011 8.842 20.819
2011-02 17.046 8.675 21.247
2011-03 16.974 8.563 20.908
2011-04 17.025 8.152 20.331
2011-05 16.998 8.349 20.167
2011-06 16.904 8.524 20.276
2011-07 16.952 8.551 20.208
2011-08 16.947 8.744 20.29
2011-09 17.022 8.58 20.244
2011-10 16.97 8.499 20.242
2011-11 16.969 8.38 20.274
2011-12 16.709 8.285 20.473
2012-01 16.978 8.512 20.068
2012-02 17.011 9.295 19.914
2012-03 16.921 8.217 20.329
2012-04 16.955 8.838 19.761
2012-05 16.875 8.559 20.014
2012-06 17.092 8.683 20.029
2012-07 17.093 8.542 19.885
2012-08 17.118 8.52 19.843
2012-09 17.026 8.532 19.859
2012-10 16.936 8.566 19.974
2012-11 16.837 8.748 19.823
2012-12 16.909 8.372 20.03
2013-01 16.932 8.577 19.615
2013-02 17.123 8.784 19.603
2013-03 17.383 8.863 19.5
2013-04 16.721 8.972 19.719
2013-05 17.087 8.864 19.74
2013-06 16.977 8.555 19.703
2013-07 17.097 8.516 19.809
2013-08 17.0 8.441 19.865
2013-09 17.068 8.396 19.835
2013-10 17.209 8.15 20.004
2013-11 17.269 8.684 20.083
2013-12 17.143 8.385 20.395
2014-01 17.072 8.042 19.992
2014-02 16.977 8.05 19.989
2014-03 17.121 7.971 19.959
2014-04 17.078 7.949 20.013
2014-05 17.175 8.158 20.022
2014-06 17.152 8.183 19.994
2014-07 17.006 8.177 20.176
2014-08 17.192 8.245 20.264
2014-09 17.264 8.174 19.958
2014-10 17.243 7.879 20.188
2014-11 17.237 7.888 20.268
2014-12 17.259 8.279 20.396
2015-01 17.276 8.296 20.634
2015-02 17.223 8.467 20.493
2015-03 17.221 8.135 20.398
2015-04 17.341 8.126 20.539
2015-05 17.299 8.119 20.513
2015-06 17.426 8.199 20.756
2015-07 17.324 8.351 20.786
2015-08 17.39 8.236 20.631
2015-09 17.271 8.333 20.964
2015-10 17.285 8.535 20.727
2015-11 17.357 7.922 20.278
2015-12 17.533 7.925 21.175
2016-01 17.51 8.095 21.344
2016-02 17.461 8.312 20.871
2016-03 17.405 8.484 21.157
2016-04 17.265 8.59 21.357
2016-05 17.349 8.565 21.09
2016-06 17.366 8.143 21.489
2016-07 17.399 8.274 20.811
2016-08 17.499 8.357 20.923
2016-09 17.55 8.304 21.13
2016-10 17.538 8.659 21.234
2016-11 17.463 8.544 21.352
2016-12 17.402 8.448 21.573
2017-01 17.497 8.765 21.466
2017-02 17.46 8.119 21.774
2017-03 17.548 7.852 21.789
2017-04 17.553 8.215 21.519
2017-05 17.574 8.365 21.933
2017-06 17.615 8.314 21.872
2017-07 17.551 8.317 21.906
2017-08 17.475 8.347 21.889
2017-09 17.565 8.559 22.128
2017-10 17.453 8.0 21.679
2017-11 17.616 8.432 22.337
2017-12 17.432 8.618 21.848
2018-01 17.393 7.84 21.758
2018-02 17.628 8.944 22.087
2018-03 17.556 8.659 22.053
2018-04 17.019 8.141 22.287
2018-05 17.337 8.276 22.189
2018-06 17.374 8.223 22.061
2018-07 17.402 8.162 21.949
2018-08 17.355 8.261 22.196
2018-09 17.192 8.174 21.844
2018-10 17.3 8.308 22.032
2018-11 17.279 8.32 22.129
2018-12 17.345 8.093 21.449
2019-01 17.198 8.409 22.179
2019-02 17.235 8.273 22.389
2019-03 17.104 7.989 22.404
2019-04 17.197 8.354 22.208
2019-05 17.253 8.376 22.314
2019-06 17.169 8.331 22.036
2019-07 17.164 8.291 22.359
2019-08 17.021 8.199 22.532
2019-09 17.184 8.223 22.364
2019-10 17.229 8.107 22.506
2019-11 17.152 8.269 22.785
2019-12 17.112 8.178 22.876
2020-01 17.189 8.029 22.263
2020-02 17.162 8.107 22.121
2020-03 18.999 7.372 13.763
2020-04 17.923 5.838 8.558
2020-05 18.131 7.225 19.057
2020-06 17.657 7.854 23.976
2020-07 17.485 8.087 23.561
2020-08 17.797 7.995 24.194
2020-09 17.078 7.987 23.319
2020-10 18.13 8.466 23.259
2020-11 17.07 6.984 17.304
2020-12 17.61 7.834 25.059
2021-01 17.979 8.128 21.546
2021-02 17.495 7.874 22.538
2021-03 17.622 8.013 21.904
2021-04 17.549 8.009 17.585
2021-05 17.54 8.221 22.152

Food products, engineered goods and energy

  • Source: INSEE

Household consumption expenditure on goods

Changes in %. TD-SA
Household consumption expenditure on goods (Changes in %. TD-SA )
Weight (1) March 21 May 21 May 21 May 21 / May 20 Q / Q-1 (2)
Food products 41 0.7 -0.4 0,0 -3.3 -0.7
- excl. Tobacco 37 0.6 -0.3 0.1 -2.7 -1,0
Engineered goods 42 -2.8 -19.7 26,0 16.2 -10.9
- Durables 21 -3.3 -10.3 11.3 24.1 -9.5
- Transport equipment 12 -2,0 -2.9 2.8 28.8 -4.3
- Household durables 7 -4.1 -17.1 24,0 15.5 -15.1
- Textile-clothing 8 -8.2 -57,0 149.2 23.5 -21.5
- Other engineered goods 13 1.6 -13.5 15.2 1.4 -6.5
Energy 17 1.8 0,0 2.6 13.8 1.7
- Energy. water. waste 10 1.3 6.6 -0.5 9,0 4.2
- Refined Products 7 2.4 -9.3 7.8 20.7 -1.8
Total 100 -0.7 -8.7 10.4 7.4 -4.9
- Including Manufactured goods 83 -1,0 -11.1 12.8 8,0 -6.1
  • (1) Weighting in the consumption expenditure on goods in value in 2017
  • (2) Last three months / previous three months
  • Source: INSEE

Spending in April 2021 was revised downwards

The variation in household consumption expenditure on goods in April 2021 was revised downwards by 0.4%, at –8.7% instead of –8.3%. Since the previous publication, new information has been integrated and the seasonal adjustment coefficients have been updated.

For more information

*Volumes are measured at chain-link previous year prices (2014 euro billions) and all figures are trading-day and seasonally adjusted.

Scope and definition - Consumption expenditure on goods is compliant with the national-accounts definition (NAF Rev. 2). In 2010, they accounted for half of total households’ consumption expenditure. They are divided into three main items:

Food: products of agriculture, forestry and fishing (AZ), food, drinks and tobacco (C1) Energy: mining products, as well as water, gas, electricity and air conditioning, sanitation and waste management (DE), and refined and coked products (C2).

Engineered goods: computers, electronic, electrical and optical goods (C3), transport equipment (C4), textiles and clothing, products made of leather, wood, paper, metals, plastic, rubber, chemicals, minerals, furniture, hardware, drugs (C5). Within this heading are distinguished “durable” goods which include transport equipment, household durables (furniture, household appliances, etc.) and other durable goods (jewelry, watches, glasses, medical devices, etc.).

The manufactured goods correspond to all the products C1, C2, C3, C4, C5.

Sources: This indicator is the compilation of a variety of statistical sources issued by the Bank of France, the French Federation of Automobile Manufacturers (CCFA), the Department of Data and Statistical Studies (SDES), the French Institute of Fashion (IFM), the National Health-Insurance Administration (CNAM), the National Federation of Rubber and Plastics Industries (SNCP), the Board of Oil (CPDP), GFK, Logista, the International Union Committee of Automobile and Motorcycle (CSIAM), etc.

Next publication: July 30, 2021 at 7:30 am

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