Insee Première · April 2021 · n° 1849
Insee PremièreIn 2017, 44% of the population increase came from immigrants

Jérôme Lê (Insee)

Between January 1, 2017 and 2018, the French population increased by 317,000 people, and among them, 44% were immigrants. Since 2006, the annual contribution of immigrants to the population growth has been increasing. This is mainly due to a slowering growth in the non-immigrant population.

In 2017, net migration stood at +155,000 people, after +65,000 in 2016. Immigrant inflows still outnumbered outflows; their net migration (+198,000) was however slightly lower compared to 2016. The outflows of non-immigrants were, on the contrary, higher than their inflows; however, the gap narrowed in 2017, due to a sharp decline in departures abroad by non-immigrants.

Since 2006, the migratory balance of immigrants has increased (+21%), driven in particular by net migration of minor immigrants. Net migration of non-immigrants mainly came from young people aged 18 to 29, especially during their studies.

In 2019, 385,000 people entered France, including 273,000 immigrants.

Insee Première
No 1849
Paru le :Paru le07/04/2021