Insee Focus · January 2021 · n° 222
Insee FocusSharp increase in beneficiaries of the prime d'activité in-work benefit in 2019

Claire Formont (Insee), Laurent Jacquemin (Cnaf)

In December 2019, half of the population received at least one legal benefit paid by the family benefit office. The number of households receiving family benefit increased by 6.5% over a year, primarily due to the very sharp growth in the number of beneficiaries of the prime d'activité (+43%), following the broadening of the eligibility criteria in January 2019.

This increase in the number of beneficiaries of the prime d'activité was limited to 24% in the priority districts of urban policy. However, the proportion of the population covered by the prime d'activité remains significantly higher in these districts (25%, compared with 13% across French territory in general).

Insee Focus
No 222
Paru le :Paru le15/01/2021