Informations Rapides · 31 March 2021 · n° 85
Informations rapidesIn February 2021, household consumption expenditure on goods was stable Household consumption expenditure on goods - February 2021

Household consumption expenditure on goods was stable in February (0,0% in volume* compared to January 2021). The increase in manufactured goods purchases (+3.4%) was offset by a drop in energy expenditure (–3.1%) and food consumption (–2.2%).

Informations rapides
No 85
Paru le :Paru le31/03/2021
Prochaine parution le : 30/07/2024 at 07:30 - June 2024

Household consumption expenditure on goods was stable in February (0,0% in volume* compared to January 2021). The increase in manufactured goods purchases (+3.4%) was offset by a drop in energy expenditure (–3.1%) and food consumption (–2.2%).

Total consumption of goods

Total consumption of goods
Monthly data
2009-01 45.395
2009-02 44.643
2009-03 44.458
2009-04 44.972
2009-05 45.279
2009-06 45.527
2009-07 45.005
2009-08 44.714
2009-09 45.282
2009-10 45.398
2009-11 45.353
2009-12 46.0
2010-01 45.737
2010-02 45.425
2010-03 45.826
2010-04 45.44
2010-05 45.726
2010-06 45.313
2010-07 45.874
2010-08 45.572
2010-09 45.913
2010-10 45.937
2010-11 46.499
2010-12 46.692
2011-01 46.725
2011-02 46.962
2011-03 46.616
2011-04 45.609
2011-05 45.532
2011-06 45.728
2011-07 45.61
2011-08 45.927
2011-09 45.832
2011-10 45.647
2011-11 45.646
2011-12 45.506
2012-01 45.631
2012-02 46.276
2012-03 45.601
2012-04 45.535
2012-05 45.49
2012-06 45.794
2012-07 45.543
2012-08 45.447
2012-09 45.382
2012-10 45.431
2012-11 45.397
2012-12 45.256
2013-01 45.187
2013-02 45.46
2013-03 45.794
2013-04 45.432
2013-05 45.635
2013-06 45.27
2013-07 45.402
2013-08 45.222
2013-09 45.287
2013-10 45.37
2013-11 46.077
2013-12 45.858
2014-01 45.12
2014-02 44.951
2014-03 45.122
2014-04 45.052
2014-05 45.297
2014-06 45.35
2014-07 45.356
2014-08 45.631
2014-09 45.369
2014-10 45.361
2014-11 45.421
2014-12 45.927
2015-01 46.202
2015-02 46.136
2015-03 45.779
2015-04 46.06
2015-05 45.893
2015-06 46.353
2015-07 46.489
2015-08 46.324
2015-09 46.554
2015-10 46.552
2015-11 45.595
2015-12 46.554
2016-01 46.925
2016-02 46.671
2016-03 47.02
2016-04 47.194
2016-05 46.916
2016-06 46.909
2016-07 46.575
2016-08 46.845
2016-09 46.891
2016-10 47.551
2016-11 47.364
2016-12 47.388
2017-01 47.704
2017-02 47.327
2017-03 47.08
2017-04 47.448
2017-05 47.847
2017-06 47.741
2017-07 47.883
2017-08 47.697
2017-09 48.373
2017-10 47.194
2017-11 48.034
2017-12 47.917
2018-01 46.978
2018-02 48.408
2018-03 48.04
2018-04 47.272
2018-05 47.555
2018-06 47.579
2018-07 47.434
2018-08 47.643
2018-09 47.246
2018-10 47.694
2018-11 47.426
2018-12 46.862
2019-01 47.555
2019-02 47.595
2019-03 47.161
2019-04 47.554
2019-05 47.584
2019-06 47.469
2019-07 47.68
2019-08 47.745
2019-09 47.614
2019-10 47.694
2019-11 48.068
2019-12 47.914
2020-01 47.334
2020-02 47.385
2020-03 39.545
2020-04 32.194
2020-05 44.106
2020-06 48.898
2020-07 48.578
2020-08 49.705
2020-09 47.579
2020-10 49.466
2020-11 40.596
2020-12 49.748
2021-01 47.303
2021-02 47.326

Total consumption of goods

  • Source: INSEE

Manufactured goods: +3.4%

In February, manufactured goods consumption recovered (+3.4% after –13.2%), driven by the rebound in durable goods consumption (+2.3% after –10.3%) and clothing and textiles purchases (+15.8% after –28.0%). This rebound, linked to the postponement and the extension of the sales period, has been probably limited by the strengthening of sanitary constraints and the closure of non-food shopping centers of more than 20,000 m².

Durables: +2.3%

In February, spending on durable goods rebounded (+2.3% after –10.3% in January). It was supported by housing equipment expenditure (+11.3% after –24.7%), in particular furniture and household appliances purchases.

Conversely, purchases of transport equipment fell by 3.5%, due to a sharp drop in purchases of new cars.

Textile-clothing: +15.8%

In February, clothing and textiles expenditure rebounded strongly (+15.8% after –28.0% in January). This rebound was linked to the shift in the dates of the winter sales, and their extension over the whole month of February (from January 20 to March 2, 2021). However, over the whole January-February 2021 period, spending was 4.6% lower than a year earlier.

Other engineered goods: –1.7%

In February, consumption of "other manufactured goods" decreased again (–1.7% after –7.6% in January), due to a further drop in sales of perfume. Purchases of DIY items were slightly down, but still high compared to the previous year.

Breakdown of engineered goods

Breakdown of engineered goods
Transport equipment Textile-clothing Other engineered goods Household durables
2009-01 5.582 4.588 5.805 2.618
2009-02 5.529 4.286 5.698 2.598
2009-03 5.597 4.397 5.71 2.605
2009-04 5.652 4.338 5.729 2.626
2009-05 6.122 4.352 5.699 2.633
2009-06 5.843 4.566 5.823 2.68
2009-07 5.799 4.281 5.694 2.692
2009-08 5.679 4.111 5.717 2.698
2009-09 5.863 4.355 5.753 2.73
2009-10 5.904 4.455 5.779 2.714
2009-11 6.306 4.327 5.753 2.698
2009-12 6.268 4.418 5.812 2.724
2010-01 5.917 4.502 5.79 2.733
2010-02 5.722 4.243 5.82 2.755
2010-03 5.922 4.419 5.879 2.805
2010-04 5.571 4.407 5.903 2.768
2010-05 5.59 4.335 5.972 2.878
2010-06 5.6 4.113 5.948 2.802
2010-07 5.541 4.662 5.966 2.767
2010-08 5.343 4.435 5.956 2.913
2010-09 5.609 4.437 6.001 2.875
2010-10 5.589 4.365 6.003 2.836
2010-11 6.107 4.469 6.025 2.824
2010-12 6.079 4.44 6.027 2.811
2011-01 6.278 4.369 6.061 2.912
2011-02 6.365 4.525 6.063 3.004
2011-03 6.237 4.434 6.081 2.996
2011-04 5.603 4.507 6.101 2.872
2011-05 5.506 4.361 6.126 2.881
2011-06 5.488 4.427 6.107 2.935
2011-07 5.483 4.239 6.094 2.945
2011-08 5.542 4.305 6.109 2.953
2011-09 5.604 4.261 6.112 2.937
2011-10 5.538 4.325 6.111 2.919
2011-11 5.76 4.283 6.119 2.863
2011-12 5.638 4.328 6.122 3.054
2012-01 5.443 4.374 6.089 2.94
2012-02 5.33 4.263 6.107 3.024
2012-03 5.532 4.491 6.166 2.964
2012-04 5.316 3.97 6.051 3.054
2012-05 5.417 4.294 6.065 3.019
2012-06 5.312 4.118 6.219 3.039
2012-07 5.225 4.244 6.1 3.041
2012-08 5.204 4.221 6.107 2.986
2012-09 5.086 4.34 6.098 3.014
2012-10 5.146 4.33 6.124 3.034
2012-11 5.127 4.252 6.109 3.057
2012-12 5.321 4.252 6.114 3.043
2013-01 4.973 4.281 6.123 3.018
2013-02 4.989 4.209 6.096 2.996
2013-03 4.891 4.175 6.123 3.076
2013-04 4.946 4.216 6.155 3.089
2013-05 5.02 4.112 6.176 3.079
2013-06 4.973 4.228 6.14 3.087
2013-07 4.996 4.274 6.164 3.069
2013-08 5.043 4.176 6.169 3.114
2013-09 5.021 4.236 6.145 3.133
2013-10 5.089 4.273 6.19 3.164
2013-11 5.131 4.367 6.214 3.116
2013-12 5.443 4.24 6.172 3.191
2014-01 4.871 4.386 6.228 3.174
2014-02 5.043 4.286 6.209 3.11
2014-03 4.98 4.36 6.251 3.134
2014-04 5.059 4.247 6.231 3.146
2014-05 4.868 4.269 6.272 3.267
2014-06 4.951 4.337 6.207 3.218
2014-07 4.914 4.363 6.256 3.305
2014-08 4.979 4.276 6.303 3.339
2014-09 4.934 4.044 6.28 3.342
2014-10 5.05 4.225 6.295 3.339
2014-11 5.01 4.299 6.315 3.332
2014-12 4.946 4.361 6.337 3.418
2015-01 4.997 4.493 6.393 3.386
2015-02 4.955 4.341 6.406 3.389
2015-03 5.022 4.299 6.383 3.376
2015-04 5.043 4.401 6.412 3.359
2015-05 5.057 4.301 6.421 3.363
2015-06 5.219 4.42 6.422 3.363
2015-07 5.221 4.36 6.423 3.455
2015-08 5.128 4.388 6.389 3.479
2015-09 5.243 4.416 6.461 3.502
2015-10 5.189 4.347 6.434 3.461
2015-11 5.197 4.107 6.373 3.364
2015-12 5.251 4.303 6.456 3.775
2016-01 5.336 4.616 6.451 3.574
2016-02 5.34 4.193 6.457 3.593
2016-03 5.453 4.216 6.455 3.746
2016-04 5.435 4.217 6.489 3.871
2016-05 5.376 4.245 6.46 3.626
2016-06 5.376 4.505 6.485 3.752
2016-07 5.369 4.255 6.47 3.491
2016-08 5.469 4.21 6.472 3.542
2016-09 5.534 4.154 6.478 3.574
2016-10 5.536 4.415 6.487 3.606
2016-11 5.759 4.246 6.502 3.552
2016-12 5.814 4.322 6.554 3.585
2017-01 5.674 4.345 6.531 3.611
2017-02 5.702 4.483 6.533 3.696
2017-03 5.723 4.435 6.568 3.679
2017-04 5.731 4.284 6.546 3.702
2017-05 5.856 4.464 6.55 3.713
2017-06 5.92 4.264 6.562 3.744
2017-07 5.91 4.378 6.606 3.791
2017-08 5.853 4.373 6.598 3.783
2017-09 5.852 4.656 6.616 3.799
2017-10 5.903 4.146 6.579 3.761
2017-11 5.824 4.414 6.608 3.852
2017-12 5.95 4.346 6.605 3.719
2018-01 5.757 4.288 6.586 3.744
2018-02 5.869 4.407 6.558 3.765
2018-03 5.913 4.274 6.618 3.785
2018-04 6.051 4.406 6.59 3.701
2018-05 6.049 4.274 6.588 3.752
2018-06 6.024 4.238 6.599 3.856
2018-07 5.885 4.3 6.586 3.8
2018-08 6.062 4.285 6.596 3.813
2018-09 5.99 4.218 6.601 3.799
2018-10 6.073 4.242 6.607 3.834
2018-11 5.946 4.227 6.571 3.863
2018-12 5.609 4.24 6.601 3.752
2019-01 5.925 4.272 6.608 3.873
2019-02 5.962 4.368 6.619 3.913
2019-03 6.067 4.292 6.61 3.914
2019-04 5.81 4.233 6.593 3.948
2019-05 5.83 4.28 6.615 3.949
2019-06 5.972 4.322 6.604 3.834
2019-07 6.092 4.254 6.653 3.952
2019-08 6.281 4.313 6.653 3.949
2019-09 6.043 4.308 6.653 3.943
2019-10 6.166 4.305 6.679 3.952
2019-11 6.226 4.37 6.738 4.03
2019-12 6.388 4.311 6.669 4.045
2020-01 5.951 4.267 6.664 3.998
2020-02 6.067 4.171 6.692 3.921
2020-03 2.61 2.224 4.837 2.707
2020-04 1.249 1.416 3.441 1.682
2020-05 4.327 4.15 5.995 3.755
2020-06 6.557 4.251 7.111 4.77
2020-07 6.737 4.188 6.94 4.295
2020-08 6.354 5.065 7.063 4.56
2020-09 6.09 4.418 6.845 4.331
2020-10 6.2 4.264 7.029 4.387
2020-11 5.144 2.339 5.263 3.217
2020-12 5.855 5.181 7.195 5.596
2021-01 5.872 3.731 6.647 4.213
2021-02 5.667 4.319 6.531 4.69

Breakdown of engineered goods

  • Source: INSEE

Energy: –3.1%

In February, energy consumption fell (–3.1%). Gas and electricity consumption fell (–3.5%), as temperatures were milder at the end of the month, after a relatively cold January. Fuel consumption also decreased (–2.5%).

Breakdown of energy

Breakdown of energy
Refined Products Energy, water, waste
2009-01 4.396 4.881
2009-02 4.351 4.746
2009-03 4.323 4.561
2009-04 4.364 4.635
2009-05 4.339 4.561
2009-06 4.311 4.554
2009-07 4.274 4.583
2009-08 4.073 4.597
2009-09 4.167 4.575
2009-10 4.152 4.552
2009-11 4.189 4.385
2009-12 4.289 4.648
2010-01 4.064 4.921
2010-02 4.294 4.78
2010-03 4.153 4.692
2010-04 4.259 4.613
2010-05 4.143 4.721
2010-06 4.102 4.619
2010-07 4.186 4.598
2010-08 4.122 4.62
2010-09 4.183 4.648
2010-10 4.177 4.738
2010-11 4.161 4.708
2010-12 4.067 5.004
2011-01 4.202 4.592
2011-02 4.17 4.457
2011-03 4.095 4.472
2011-04 4.027 4.131
2011-05 3.86 4.496
2011-06 4.018 4.512
2011-07 4.017 4.551
2011-08 4.176 4.573
2011-09 4.055 4.517
2011-10 4.013 4.465
2011-11 3.972 4.397
2011-12 3.847 4.406
2012-01 4.04 4.46
2012-02 4.068 5.274
2012-03 4.003 4.2
2012-04 3.955 4.934
2012-05 4.048 4.521
2012-06 4.121 4.569
2012-07 3.99 4.556
2012-08 3.959 4.57
2012-09 3.947 4.595
2012-10 3.973 4.589
2012-11 4.022 4.71
2012-12 3.85 4.493
2013-01 3.9 4.685
2013-02 3.98 4.831
2013-03 3.981 4.91
2013-04 4.041 4.97
2013-05 4.086 4.798
2013-06 3.887 4.699
2013-07 3.894 4.612
2013-08 3.868 4.564
2013-09 3.828 4.581
2013-10 3.858 4.273
2013-11 3.894 4.824
2013-12 3.898 4.486
2014-01 3.826 4.224
2014-02 3.79 4.245
2014-03 3.823 4.144
2014-04 3.802 4.146
2014-05 3.756 4.397
2014-06 3.861 4.32
2014-07 3.828 4.35
2014-08 3.882 4.354
2014-09 3.879 4.306
2014-10 3.868 4.017
2014-11 3.772 4.133
2014-12 3.966 4.298
2015-01 3.876 4.418
2015-02 3.869 4.608
2015-03 3.828 4.295
2015-04 3.886 4.246
2015-05 3.845 4.266
2015-06 3.876 4.313
2015-07 4.011 4.343
2015-08 3.893 4.336
2015-09 3.916 4.424
2015-10 3.877 4.664
2015-11 3.774 4.131
2015-12 4.015 3.882
2016-01 3.899 4.207
2016-02 3.964 4.365
2016-03 3.973 4.455
2016-04 3.909 4.672
2016-05 4.16 4.392
2016-06 3.669 4.429
2016-07 3.916 4.364
2016-08 4.007 4.377
2016-09 3.97 4.341
2016-10 3.989 4.669
2016-11 4.016 4.513
2016-12 3.974 4.437
2017-01 3.993 4.761
2017-02 3.919 4.22
2017-03 3.887 3.949
2017-04 3.928 4.347
2017-05 4.006 4.379
2017-06 3.98 4.341
2017-07 4.006 4.333
2017-08 3.968 4.362
2017-09 4.157 4.46
2017-10 3.805 4.216
2017-11 3.94 4.478
2017-12 4.06 4.524
2018-01 3.903 3.988
2018-02 3.96 4.915
2018-03 4.022 4.551
2018-04 3.966 4.202
2018-05 3.98 4.244
2018-06 3.971 4.229
2018-07 3.903 4.245
2018-08 3.961 4.259
2018-09 3.923 4.23
2018-10 4.051 4.255
2018-11 4.009 4.27
2018-12 3.81 4.206
2019-01 4.014 4.392
2019-02 3.996 4.264
2019-03 3.886 4.033
2019-04 3.971 4.457
2019-05 3.885 4.473
2019-06 3.983 4.326
2019-07 3.99 4.313
2019-08 3.949 4.286
2019-09 3.956 4.278
2019-10 3.928 4.176
2019-11 3.961 4.325
2019-12 3.968 4.183
2020-01 3.997 4.064
2020-02 3.998 4.137
2020-03 3.103 4.184
2020-04 1.873 3.909
2020-05 2.954 4.19
2020-06 3.561 4.279
2020-07 3.848 4.284
2020-08 3.708 4.296
2020-09 3.715 4.274
2020-10 3.773 4.727
2020-11 2.906 4.015
2020-12 3.442 4.255
2021-01 3.667 4.414
2021-02 3.574 4.261

Breakdown of energy

  • Source: INSEE

Food products: –2.2%

In February, food consumption fell (–2.2%), after two months of increase. Purchases of products from the agri-food industry fell, in particular purchases of various processed products. Tobacco consumption decreased slightly.

Food products, engineered goods and energy

Food products, engineered goods and energy
Food products Energy Engineered goods
2009-01 16.448 9.268 19.768
2009-02 16.337 9.096 19.309
2009-03 16.13 8.897 19.495
2009-04 16.484 9.009 19.559
2009-05 16.479 8.915 19.932
2009-06 16.533 8.877 20.148
2009-07 16.505 8.864 19.696
2009-08 16.672 8.656 19.449
2009-09 16.641 8.739 19.94
2009-10 16.658 8.702 20.065
2009-11 16.496 8.589 20.265
2009-12 16.68 8.939 20.407
2010-01 16.611 9.001 20.171
2010-02 16.634 9.081 19.797
2010-03 16.704 8.854 20.285
2010-04 16.689 8.876 19.923
2010-05 16.797 8.874 20.09
2010-06 16.875 8.73 19.75
2010-07 16.899 8.79 20.202
2010-08 16.868 8.75 19.98
2010-09 16.894 8.838 20.204
2010-10 16.989 8.924 20.071
2010-11 16.965 8.877 20.652
2010-12 17.049 9.09 20.588
2011-01 17.025 8.808 20.88
2011-02 17.044 8.643 21.227
2011-03 16.983 8.58 21.01
2011-04 17.027 8.177 20.358
2011-05 16.978 8.361 20.175
2011-06 16.905 8.54 20.276
2011-07 16.949 8.576 20.093
2011-08 16.944 8.762 20.24
2011-09 17.016 8.582 20.235
2011-10 16.959 8.489 20.192
2011-11 16.959 8.381 20.283
2011-12 16.716 8.26 20.48
2012-01 16.985 8.512 20.125
2012-02 16.991 9.304 20.001
2012-03 16.914 8.228 20.429
2012-04 16.97 8.865 19.715
2012-05 16.846 8.577 20.058
2012-06 17.07 8.701 20.024
2012-07 17.093 8.549 19.903
2012-08 17.116 8.527 19.808
2012-09 17.019 8.538 19.827
2012-10 16.937 8.561 19.931
2012-11 16.832 8.727 19.842
2012-12 16.893 8.34 20.011
2013-01 16.943 8.571 19.676
2013-02 17.104 8.794 19.569
2013-03 17.362 8.869 19.575
2013-04 16.74 8.989 19.705
2013-05 17.076 8.878 19.687
2013-06 16.978 8.57 19.725
2013-07 17.119 8.497 19.788
2013-08 17.002 8.424 19.796
2013-09 17.071 8.397 19.819
2013-10 17.209 8.142 20.017
2013-11 17.266 8.695 20.117
2013-12 17.135 8.383 20.334
2014-01 17.08 8.05 19.99
2014-02 16.957 8.034 19.959
2014-03 17.129 7.971 20.022
2014-04 17.111 7.951 19.99
2014-05 17.169 8.144 19.984
2014-06 17.158 8.179 20.013
2014-07 17.023 8.174 20.159
2014-08 17.181 8.234 20.216
2014-09 17.26 8.185 19.925
2014-10 17.226 7.895 20.239
2014-11 17.228 7.906 20.285
2014-12 17.261 8.267 20.398
2015-01 17.3 8.294 20.608
2015-02 17.226 8.476 20.434
2015-03 17.232 8.123 20.424
2015-04 17.382 8.132 20.546
2015-05 17.284 8.111 20.497
2015-06 17.404 8.19 20.759
2015-07 17.337 8.353 20.799
2015-08 17.394 8.229 20.701
2015-09 17.255 8.34 20.959
2015-10 17.277 8.541 20.734
2015-11 17.347 7.905 20.344
2015-12 17.525 7.898 21.131
2016-01 17.509 8.098 21.312
2016-02 17.456 8.326 20.89
2016-03 17.41 8.43 21.185
2016-04 17.305 8.601 21.298
2016-05 17.363 8.538 21.024
2016-06 17.359 8.12 21.426
2016-07 17.413 8.28 20.882
2016-08 17.495 8.379 20.973
2016-09 17.54 8.306 21.044
2016-10 17.535 8.672 21.353
2016-11 17.465 8.532 21.374
2016-12 17.394 8.412 21.586
2017-01 17.484 8.782 21.458
2017-02 17.466 8.126 21.725
2017-03 17.542 7.802 21.71
2017-04 17.597 8.273 21.572
2017-05 17.571 8.377 21.898
2017-06 17.623 8.313 21.801
2017-07 17.555 8.327 21.999
2017-08 17.45 8.324 21.922
2017-09 17.549 8.602 22.233
2017-10 17.453 8.019 21.707
2017-11 17.593 8.426 22.017
2017-12 17.403 8.584 21.942
2018-01 17.403 7.871 21.698
2018-02 17.595 8.899 21.916
2018-03 17.549 8.574 21.917
2018-04 17.05 8.155 22.078
2018-05 17.359 8.212 21.987
2018-06 17.355 8.189 22.038
2018-07 17.406 8.141 21.887
2018-08 17.355 8.211 22.082
2018-09 17.165 8.144 21.943
2018-10 17.315 8.291 22.093
2018-11 17.231 8.267 21.934
2018-12 17.326 8.013 21.518
2019-01 17.161 8.399 21.998
2019-02 17.172 8.253 22.187
2019-03 17.06 7.911 22.227
2019-04 17.22 8.422 21.91
2019-05 17.231 8.352 22.004
2019-06 17.11 8.302 22.069
2019-07 17.102 8.297 22.303
2019-08 16.977 8.228 22.578
2019-09 17.109 8.226 22.303
2019-10 17.173 8.096 22.46
2019-11 17.085 8.28 22.743
2019-12 17.044 8.144 22.775
2020-01 17.12 8.05 22.192
2020-02 17.058 8.124 22.232
2020-03 18.588 7.295 13.157
2020-04 17.675 5.808 8.037
2020-05 17.785 7.153 19.034
2020-06 17.134 7.841 24.066
2020-07 16.954 8.128 23.608
2020-08 17.344 8.001 24.509
2020-09 16.548 7.986 23.158
2020-10 17.684 8.503 23.321
2020-11 16.564 6.93 16.92
2020-12 17.166 7.7 25.088
2021-01 17.463 8.075 21.777
2021-02 17.072 7.826 22.516

Food products, engineered goods and energy

  • Source: INSEE

Household consumption expenditure on goods

Changes in %. TD-SA
Household consumption expenditure on goods (Changes in %. TD-SA )
Weight (1) December 20 January 21 February 21 Feb 21 / Feb 20 Q / Q-1 (2)
Food products 41 3.6 1.7 -2.2 0.1 1.8
- excl. Tobacco 37 2.9 1.7 -2.4 0.7 2.4
Engineered goods 42 48.3 -13.2 3.4 1.3 9.4
- Durables 21 36.1 -10.3 2.3 2.6 7.6
- Transport equipment 12 13.8 0.3 -3.5 -6.6 -0.2
- Household durables 7 74,0 -24.7 11.3 19.6 21.5
- Textile-clothing 8 121.4 -28,0 15.8 3.5 20,0
- Other engineered goods 13 36.7 -7.6 -1.7 -2.4 6.5
Energy 17 11.1 4.9 -3.1 -3.7 0.8
- Energy. water. waste 10 6,0 3.7 -3.5 3,0 -0.7
- Refined Products 7 18.4 6.5 -2.5 -10.6 2.8
Total 100 22.5 -4.9 0,0 -0.1 4.9
- Including Manufactured goods 83 26.2 -6.3 0.6 -0.2 5.8
  • (1) Weighting in the consumption expenditure on goods in value in 2017
  • (2) Last three months / previous three months
  • Source: INSEE

January 2021 expenditure revised downwards

The evolution of household consumption expenditure on goods for January 2021 was revised downwards, to –4.9% compared to December 2020, instead of –4.6%. Since the previous publication, new information has been integrated and the seasonal adjustment coefficients have been updated.

For more information

*Volumes are measured at chain-link previous year prices (2014 euro billions) and all figures are trading-day and seasonally adjusted.

Scope and definition - Consumption expenditure on goods is compliant with the national-accounts definition (NAF Rev. 2). In 2010, they accounted for half of total households’ consumption expenditure. They are divided into three main items:

Food: products of agriculture, forestry and fishing (AZ), food, drinks and tobacco (C1) Energy: mining products, as well as water, gas, electricity and air conditioning, sanitation and waste management (DE), and refined and coked products (C2).

Engineered goods: computers, electronic, electrical and optical goods (C3), transport equipment (C4), textiles and clothing, products made of leather, wood, paper, metals, plastic, rubber, chemicals, minerals, furniture, hardware, drugs (C5). Within this heading are distinguished “durable” goods which include transport equipment, household durables (furniture, household appliances, etc.) and other durable goods (jewelry, watches, glasses, medical devices, etc.).

The manufactured goods correspond to all the products C1, C2, C3, C4, C5.

Sources: This indicator is the compilation of a variety of statistical sources issued by the Bank of France, the French Federation of Automobile Manufacturers (CCFA), the Department of Data and Statistical Studies (SDES), the French Institute of Fashion (IFM), the National Health-Insurance Administration (CNAM), the National Federation of Rubber and Plastics Industries (SNCP), the Board of Oil (CPDP), GFK, Logista, the International Union Committee of Automobile and Motorcycle (CSIAM), etc.

Next publication: April 30, 2021 at 7:30 am

Pour en savoir plus
