Informations Rapides · 10 March 2021 · n° 062
Informations rapidesIn January 2021, manufacturing output recovered (+3.3%) Industrial production index - January 2021

In January 2021, output bounced back in the manufacturing industry (+3.3%, after −1.4%) as well as in the whole industry (+3.3%, after −0.7%). Compared to February 2020 (the last month before the first general lockdown), output remained lower in the manufacturing industry (−2.6%), as well as in the whole industry (−1.7%).

Informations rapides
No 062
Paru le :Paru le10/03/2021
Prochaine parution le : 02/08/2024 at 08:45 - June 2024
Please note:

Since the move to the new basis 2015 in March 2018, the products surveyed for the purpose of the industrial production indices (IPI) are reviewed at the rate of one fifth of the series each year. This annual update will make it possible to improve the relevance of the indices and adapt the products covered with regards to the evolution of technologies and production processes, by adapting the way of monitoring product output, by including emerging products or, on the contrary, removing old products. The third annual review is implemented with this publication in March 2021. It has improved slightly the coverage of the industrial production index, especially in the manufacture of textiles and in the manufacture of mining and quarrying. The modified series have been backcasted from 2018, which may lead to revisions on these indices up to that date. In parallel with this modification, weights have been updated (chain-linked index).

All series are seasonally (SA) and working-day adjusted (WDA).

In the following paragraphs, percentage changes by subsections are presented in descending order of their contribution to the overall percentage change of the industrial production index. The contribution of a subsection takes into account its weight and the magnitude of its evolution.

In January 2021, output bounced back in the manufacturing industry (+3.3%, after −1.4%) as well as in the whole industry (+3.3%, after −0.7%). Compared to February 2020 (the last month before the first general lockdown), output remained lower in the manufacturing industry (−2.6%), as well as in the whole industry (−1.7%).

Indices mensuels de la production industrielle

Indices mensuels de la production industrielle
(C1) (C3) (C4) (C5) CZ
2015-01 98.86 98.74 98.37 99.26 99.03
2015-02 97.96 97.21 102.8 99.3 99.34
2015-03 100.2 98.59 100.41 99.52 99.82
2015-04 99.8 99.84 97.64 99.98 99.63
2015-05 100.39 103.21 99.65 100.36 100.66
2015-06 100.83 102.93 100.37 99.55 100.24
2015-07 100.42 97.4 96.55 99.32 98.76
2015-08 99.95 99.84 102.91 99.35 99.88
2015-09 101.03 104.53 102.5 100.29 101.37
2015-10 100.33 101.34 102.12 99.99 100.59
2015-11 99.77 98.08 97.58 100.6 99.68
2015-12 100.45 98.29 99.12 102.47 101.01
2016-01 100.75 98.57 107.26 102.44 102.26
2016-02 99.78 100.48 105.52 99.6 100.59
2016-03 99.97 97.42 102.66 99.25 99.62
2016-04 98.32 98.2 108.19 100.2 100.76
2016-05 97.72 97.67 103.22 100.43 99.75
2016-06 97.55 96.26 104.97 99.35 99.06
2016-07 98.82 96.2 100.5 99.96 99.34
2016-08 100.09 100.12 104.71 101.04 101.25
2016-09 100.45 99.03 101.64 100.45 100.39
2016-10 99.16 95.04 104.62 98.56 99.05
2016-11 100.11 100.67 105.48 102.61 102.45
2016-12 99.65 100.13 103.82 100.66 100.93
2017-01 97.52 97.5 106.33 100.62 100.39
2017-02 98.85 99.98 103.48 101.18 100.81
2017-03 98.95 100.89 109.1 102.42 102.42
2017-04 98.42 100.3 103.38 102.07 101.38
2017-05 99.61 104.64 109.4 103.54 103.79
2017-06 99.09 101.84 106.05 103.42 102.85
2017-07 99.51 101.97 109.48 103.49 103.34
2017-08 100.44 100.94 113.52 102.6 103.41
2017-09 99.64 101.52 112.38 104.26 104.11
2017-10 99.32 104.82 112.55 105.7 105.33
2017-11 100.02 101.49 115.04 105.88 105.49
2017-12 99.11 106.02 112.93 107.01 106.27
2018-01 98.92 100.18 113.06 103.04 103.22
2018-02 98.68 100.03 107.43 102.83 102.33
2018-03 100.14 102.49 107.15 104.77 103.87
2018-04 99.75 98.23 113.75 104.73 103.91
2018-05 100.26 99.16 109.59 103.29 102.6
2018-06 99.32 100.5 114.35 105.32 104.63
2018-07 99.01 101.16 116.74 103.84 104.21
2018-08 100.34 101.91 114.02 105.26 104.99
2018-09 98.23 99.6 112.05 104.58 103.71
2018-10 99.36 102.82 110.76 105.29 104.58
2018-11 98.05 100.45 114.61 104.52 104.0
2018-12 99.49 99.09 119.83 105.37 105.21
2019-01 99.96 103.49 115.44 105.4 105.45
2019-02 99.17 103.76 115.1 106.19 105.73
2019-03 98.74 105.83 114.51 105.19 105.27
2019-04 100.01 107.47 111.09 104.88 105.05
2019-05 99.21 105.32 114.96 107.12 106.33
2019-06 99.01 103.68 110.0 104.85 104.02
2019-07 98.42 103.23 113.06 105.37 104.62
2019-08 98.17 99.98 112.95 104.37 103.61
2019-09 99.58 105.6 112.34 105.85 105.2
2019-10 99.13 102.43 109.45 107.07 104.79
2019-11 99.3 102.08 115.05 104.97 104.45
2019-12 99.15 97.94 108.21 103.5 102.12
2020-01 98.01 101.42 105.81 104.36 102.5
2020-02 99.07 103.34 108.44 105.78 104.1
2020-03 96.93 78.77 70.2 85.45 83.82
2020-04 88.74 61.09 37.74 66.25 65.23
2020-05 90.42 78.45 54.48 82.81 79.24
2020-06 96.34 91.0 75.04 93.85 90.88
2020-07 99.08 97.47 80.99 97.42 94.91
2020-08 97.14 93.47 83.97 99.35 95.38
2020-09 97.49 96.55 93.33 100.59 97.95
2020-10 96.89 97.29 90.71 102.14 98.52
2020-11 97.43 99.75 92.68 102.8 99.56
2020-12 95.49 96.43 93.77 101.95 98.17
2021-01 97.05 104.54 91.09 105.96 101.43
  • Légende : CZ : industrie manufacturière - (C1) : industries agro-alimentaires - (C3) : biens d'équipement - (C4) : matériels de transport - (C5) : autres industries.

Indices mensuels de la production industrielle

  • Légende : CZ : industrie manufacturière - (C1) : industries agro-alimentaires - (C3) : biens d'équipement - (C4) : matériels de transport - (C5) : autres industries.
  • Sources : Insee, SSP, SDES

In January 2021, output increased in all industrial activities, except in the manufacture of transport equipment

In January, output recovered sharply in “other manufacturing” (+3.9% after −0.8%) and in the manufacture of machinery and equipment goods (+8.4% after −3.3%). It remained dynamic in mining and quarrying, energy, water supply (+2.9% after +3.4%). It bounced back in the manufacture of food products and beverages (+1.6% after −2.0%) and in the manufacture of coke and refined petroleum due to the re-opening of several refineries that had been shut down over the previous month (+7.2% after−30.7%). Conversely, it fell back in the manufacture of transport equipment (−2.9% after +1.2%).

In January 2021, output yet remained below its February 2020 level in most industrial activities. It slumped in the manufacture of coke and refined petroleum (−27.3%) and in the manufacture of transport equipment (−16.0%), especially in the manufacture of other transport equipment (−22.9%). Compared to February 2020, output increased in the manufacture of machinery and equipment goods (+1.2%). It edged up in “other manufacturing” (+0.2%), thanks to pharmaceuticals (+25.6%), while most sub-branches in "other manufacturing" remained behind.

Variation in the Industrial Production

2015 based, SA–WDA changes in %
Variation in the Industrial Production (2015 based, SA–WDA changes in %)
NA : A10, (A17), [A38 or A64] Jan. 2021 Jan. 2021 / Dec. 2020 Dec. 2020 / Nov. 2020 Jan. 2021 / Feb. 2020 Quarter–on–quarter change (3) Year–on–year change (4)
BE: INDUSTRY 101.2 3.3 –0.7 –1.7 2.2 –2.8
CZ: Manufacturing 101.4 3.3 –1.4 –2.6 2.5 –3.2
(C1): Man. of food products and beverages 97.1 1.6 –2.0 –2.0 –0.5 –2.2
(C2): Man. of coke and refined petroleum products 48.6 7.2 –30.7 –27.3 –10.3 –21.5
(C3): Machinery and equipment goods 104.5 8.4 –3.3 1.2 4.7 –0.2
[CI] Man. of computer, electronic and optical products 110.0 8.4 –2.2 0.1 6.7 –1.7
[CJ] Man. of electrical equipment 99.3 11.0 –4.1 3.6 2.2 3.0
[CK] Man. of machinery and equipment n.e.c. (1) 102.1 6.9 –4.0 0.9 4.0 –0.5
(C4): Man. of transport equipment 91.1 –2.9 1.2 –16.0 3.6 –15.7
[CL1] Man. of motor vehicles, trailers and semi–trailers 97.3 –1.9 1.5 –5.4 –1.7 –3.7
[CL2] Man. of other transport equipment 86.9 –3.6 1.0 –22.9 8.1 –23.1
(C5): Other manufacturing 106.0 3.9 –0.8 0.2 2.9 –0.7
[CB] Man. of textiles, wearing apparel, leather and related products 95.4 –4.2 5.6 –5.7 0.7 –5.3
[CC] Man. of wood and paper products; printing and reproduction of recorded media 95.8 0.7 0.3 –5.1 0.2 –3.4
[CE] Man. of chemicals and chemical products 104.6 –4.1 –0.6 –2.0 7.3 4.5
[CF] Man. of basic pharmaceutical products and pharmaceutical preparations 147.1 30.7 –6.7 25.6 4.6 7.2
[CG] Man. of rubber and plastics products, and other nonmetallic mineral products 104.5 2.7 –1.8 –1.8 2.4 0.4
[CH] Man. of basic metals and fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment 97.5 1.9 3.9 –2.0 3.0 –3.3
[CM] Other manufacturing; repair and installation of machinery and equipment 104.8 3.0 –3.0 –3.4 0.7 –4.0
DE: Mining and quarrying; energy; water supply; waste management 100.3 2.9 3.4 3.4 0.8 –0.3
[BZ] Mining and quarrying 108.8 7.8 –1.7 5.7 3.3 0.9
[DZ] Electricity, gas, steam and air–conditioning supply 100.7 3.1 3.9 3.9 0.9 –0.3
[EZ] Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation 92.4 –1.5 1.7 –3.1 –1.4 –0.8
FZ: CONSTRUCTION 106.2 16.3 –9.2 4.4 1.5 –2.9
MIGs (2)
Capital goods 99.4 2.2 –1.7 –7.0 2.5 –7.8
Intermediate goods 100.2 1.1 –0.1 –1.2 4.7 1.3
Consumer durables 114.7 3.8 5.6 –0.7 –0.3 0.1
Consumer non–durables 107.7 7.6 –2.2 2.9 0.5 –1.7
Energy 96.0 2.8 1.9 1.6 0.2 –1.5
  • (1) n.e.c. : not elsewhere classifiable
  • (2) Main industrial groupings: definition in Commission regulation EC of 14 June 2007
  • (3) Last three months / previous three months
  • (4) Last three months / same three months of previous year
  • // Not available
  • Sources: INSEE, SSP, SDES

Over a year, manufacturing output decreased (−3.2%).

Manufacturing output of the last three months declined compared to the same three months a year ago (−3.2%), as well as the output in the whole industry (−2.8%).

Over this one-year period, output plummeted in the manufacture of transport equipment (−15.7%) and in the manufacture of coke and refined petroleum products (−21.5%). It decreased more moderately in “other manufacturing” (−0.7%), in the manufacture of food products and beverages (−2.2%), in mining and quarrying, energy, water supply (−0.3%) and in the manufacture of machinery and equipment goods (−0.2%).

Revision of variations

(in percentage point)
Revision of variations ((in percentage point))
Dec. / Nov. Nov. / Oct. Oct. / Sept. Q4 2020 / Q3 2020 2020 / 2019
Industry (BE) 0.12 0.45 0.17 0.57 –0.49
raw serie 0.08 0.56 –0.15 0.58 –0.48
SA–WDA parameters 0.04 –0.11 0.32 –0.01 –0.01
Manufacturing (CZ) 0.27 0.32 –0.05 0.37 –0.50
raw serie 0.20 0.42 –0.42 0.29 –0.50
SA–WDA parameters 0.07 –0.10 0.37 0.08 0.00
  • How to read it: in the manufacturing sector, the SA–WDA variation between November and December 2020 is revised by +0.27 points,+0.20 points are due to the revision of the raw series and +0.07 points to the updating of the SA–WDA parameters.
  • Sources: INSEE, SSP, SDES

For further information

The treatments implemented for March 2020 are explained in the methodological note referenced in the documentation section

Next issue : 09/04/2021 at 08:45

Pour en savoir plus

The treatments implemented for March 2020 are explained in the methodological note referenced in the documentation section

Next issue : 09/04/2021 at 08:45
