Agriculture in 2020

Xavier Guillet, Philippe Lauraire (Direction des Statistiques d'Entreprises, Division Industrie et Agriculture)

Documents de travail
No E2020/04
Paru le :Paru le16/12/2020
Xavier Guillet, Philippe Lauraire (Direction des Statistiques d'Entreprises, Division Industrie et Agriculture)
Documents de travail No E2020/04- December 2020

In 2020, the value of agricultural output falls by 2.1%. The sanitary crisis has less impacted the sector than other economic activities, even if the consequences on the conditions of production are real. Its effects on demand are ambiguous because of the changes in consumption due to the containment and the closure of coffees and restaurants. The sanitary situation at the end of the year could worsen the dip. Weather conditions remain the most important factor that explains the fall in vegetal production, in particular that of cereals (–12.1%). The value of animal production decreases too, at a lower path: the rise in volume does not offset totally the decline in prices.

Meanwhile, farmers' expenses hardly vary (+0.3%), prices remaining relatively stable. As a consequence, following the production, gross value added of agricultural sector declines. According to the estimations of the provisional account of agriculture, gross value added at factor cost per worker would decrease by 6.5% in 2020 in real terms after –4.3% in 2019.