Insee AnalysesThe heterogeneous impact of market size on innovation

Matthieu Lequien (division des études macroéconomiques, Insee)

The evolution of a firm's export markets influences its innovation decisions. French manufacturing firms patent more when they are subject to a foreign demand shock, i.e. when their export markets exogenously grow more. The increase in the number of patents is visible two to five years after such a demand shock, highlighting the time needed to innovate.

This effect is entirely attributable to the initially most productive firms. In addition to its effects on innovation, a foreign demand shock has a positive and immediate impact on the sales and employment of firms, regardless of their productivity.

Insee Analyses
No 58
Paru le :Paru le04/11/2020
Matthieu Lequien (division des études macroéconomiques, Insee)
Insee Analyses No 58- November 2020