Insee FocusA higher standard of living yet greater income inequality in Île-de-France and densely populated communes

Valérie Molina (pôle Revenus fiscaux et sociaux, Insee)

Half of the populations in metropolitan France, Martinique and La Réunion have a standard of living greater than €21,030 in 2017. It is higher in Île-de-France, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes and coastal and border regions and lower in Martinique and La Réunion. Greater income inequality was recorded in Île-de-France, both overseas territories and densely populated communes. Poverty was also more prevalent in these regions.

Insee Focus
No 196
Paru le :Paru le16/06/2020
Valérie Molina (pôle Revenus fiscaux et sociaux, Insee)
Insee Focus No 196- June 2020