Insee Focus70% of poor people in 2016 remained poor the following year, a persistence that has increased since 2008

Valérie Albouy, Fabien Delmas (département des Ressources et conditions de vie des ménages, Insee)

In Metropolitan France, one in seven persons was living below the monetary poverty threshold. These situations are often long-lasting and the persistence of poverty from one year to another is increasing between 2008 and 2017. 70% of people who were poor in 2016 were still in this situation the following year, whereas 63% of 2008 poor people remained poor in 2009. This persistence of poverty was particularly high for low- or non-graduates, children and people aged 65 or older.

If one-third of people who were poor one year were no longer poor the next, their poverty exit was not always long-lasting. Over a four-year period, only 20% of people who were poor in the first year were no longer poor in the following three years, 40% remained permanently poor, and 40% alternated between poverty and non-poverty. This distribution was stable between 2008 and 2017.

The risk of moving into poverty for people living above the poverty threshold in the previous three years was low, 3% in 2017. This risk is significantly higher for people who have already been poor in the previous three years, and rises with the number of years already spent in poverty.

Insee Focus
No 208
Paru le :Paru le15/10/2020
Valérie Albouy, Fabien Delmas (département des Ressources et conditions de vie des ménages, Insee)
Insee Focus No 208- October 2020