Insee FocusThe most modest households spend more on housing and the wealthiest on transport

Elvire Demoly, Camille Schweitzer (division Conditions de vie des ménages, Insee)

While consumption structure disparities are decreasing over the years, differences persist between the wealthiest and the most modest households. In 2017, among the different types of expenditure, housing differentiated households the most regarding their standard of living, before food (except of catering), transport, recreation and culture, and restaurants and hotels.

Housing, excluding repayment of real estate loans, weighs more on the budget of modest households (more often tenants), of single-parent families and of one-person households.

During the last forty years, the share of expenditure on food (except for catering) has converged according to standard of living and socio-economic situation while gaps have increased regarding housing.

Insee Focus
No 203
Paru le :Paru le15/09/2020
Elvire Demoly, Camille Schweitzer (division Conditions de vie des ménages, Insee)
Insee Focus No 203- September 2020