Insee FocusClerical, sales and services employees: mostly female jobs

Virginie Forment, Joëlle Vidalenc (division Emploi, Insee)

Hospital service agents, waitresses, childminders, secretaries, reception or cashier hostesses, police officers, security guards, etc.: in 2019, 27% of employed people had a clerical, sales and services employees occupation.

After increasing from the beginning of the 1980s to the end of the 2000s, the share of employees has been declining since 2008. Over the long term, administrative jobs in the private sector have declined, while jobs in personal services have grown. In 2019, three quarters of those employees were women.

In 2019, clerical, sales and services employees, especially home helpers and domestic workers, were more likely to work part-time. Sunday work and night work were particularly prevalent among police, military and health care employees.

Insee Focus
No 190
Paru le :Paru le05/05/2020
Virginie Forment, Joëlle Vidalenc (division Emploi, Insee)
Insee Focus No 190- May 2020