Insee FocusMiddle-level occupations: more and more numerous and feminized

Virginie Forment, Joëlle Vidalenc (division Emploi, Insee)

Nurses, social workers, teachers, traders, accountants, foremen, etc.: in 2018, more than one in four employed persons had a middle-level occupation or were technicians or associate professionals. In close to 40 years, their share in the total employment has regularly increased (+ 6 points since 1982), in relation with raising of the level of skills and the tertiarization of jobs.

In 2018, middle-level occupations were mostly occupied by women (53%) and by people with a tertiary education level (62%) especially in education and health. Part-time was more frequent in the most feminized jobs in the education and health domains and marginal among technicians, foremen and supervisors.

Insee Focus
No 185
Paru le :Paru le19/02/2020
Virginie Forment, Joëlle Vidalenc (division Emploi, Insee)
Insee Focus No 185- February 2020