Insee PremièreBeing a parent: from managers to blue-collar workers, more consequences for women's employment

Laïla Bentoudja, Tiaray Razafindranovona (division Emploi, Insee)

In 2018, in France, women who have family responsibilities are less employed than those who don't. The gap is particularly significant among blue-collar women workers. Conversely, the employment rate of men is higher when they have family responsibilities.

When they work, women declare twice as often as men that being a parent has consequences on their employment. These consequences mainly concern working time or the arrangement of working days, main levers to facilitate the setup of family life. Women managers are more likely to reduce their working hours than other employed women to take care of their children. Men and women equally feel difficulties reconciling work and family life. The difficulties are greater for managers, women and men, because of their long working days.

Insee Première
No 1795
Paru le :Paru le06/03/2020
Laïla Bentoudja, Tiaray Razafindranovona (division Emploi, Insee)
Insee Première No 1795- March 2020