Insee PremièreWages in the state public service In 2018, all civilian statuses combined, the average net wage decreased by 1.2% in real terms

Romain Bour (division Salaires et revenus d’activité, Insee)
Fanny Godet (sous-direction des études, des statistiques et des systèmes d’information, DGAFP)

In 2018, an employee in the state public service earned on average 2,573 euros net per month per full-time equivalent ; this average includes all civilian public employees in ministries and public institutions, whether or not they were civil servants. In nominal terms (current euros), the average net wage increased by 0.6%. With the renewed inflation, the average net wage decreased deeply in real terms (-1.2% in 2018 after +1.0% in 2017).

The average net wage of state civil servants decreased by 1.4% in real terms in 2018, while that of non-civil servants decreased more moderately (-0.6% in real terms), mainly due to the decrease of government subsidized contracts, which are on average less paid than the other non-civil servants. Wages decreased in real terms at all levels of the wage scale.

Women's net wages remained on average 13.5% lower than men's. With identical characteristics (age, grade, category and status), the gap narrowed to 3.0%.

For employees present throughout both years 2017 and 2018 with the same employer and the same work quota, i.e. nearly two out of three employees in the state public service, the average net wage was almost stable in real terms.

Insee Première
No 1810
Paru le :Paru le21/07/2020
Romain Bour (division Salaires et revenus d’activité, Insee)
Fanny Godet (sous-direction des études, des statistiques et des systèmes d’information, DGAFP)
Insee Première No 1810- July 2020