Agriculture in 2016

Hélène Casset-Hervio, Claire Gery, Guillaume Lubatti et Didier Reynaud

Documents de travail
No E2017/05
Paru le :Paru le15/07/2020
Hélène Casset-Hervio, Claire Gery, Guillaume Lubatti et Didier Reynaud
Documents de travail No E2017/05- July 2020

The value of agricultural output drops markedly by 6.6 % in 2016 ; both volume and prices decrease. The value of crop output falls by 8.7 %, pulled down by very low harvests of field crops and a declining wine production. The harvest of cereals sinks by 25.2 %, due to very bad weather conditions ; yields are at their lowest level in 30 years. The value of animal production decreases by 4.3 %, because of price falls.
The cost of main agriculture input categories diminishes. But it doesn’t make up for the production’s decrease. Consequently the value added, that corresponds to the wealth produced by the agricultural activity, drops sharply. Besides, agricultural labour continued to decline. As a result, the real net value added at factor cost of agricultural activity, ie taking into account subsidies on production and after deduction of taxes on production, per unit of labour decreases by 12 %.